
That Person



“Yuri, I will be leaving now.” Tiffany called out to Yuri, whom was grinding her ma in the kitchen.


“What? Where are you going? I thought we had an agreement that you will stay here? Why are you-” The grinding sounds came to an abrupt halt as Yuri bombarded Tiffany with questions thinking that Tiffany was going to move out.


“Oh my god, Yuri, chill, I’m just going to look for a job. I am not going to move out!” Tiffany cut Yuri off before Yuri gets out of hand asking tons of weird questions.


“You’re looking for a job? Need a hand?” Yuri was worried that Tiffany might face trouble looking for a job due to her not-so-good Korean.


“Yuri, I am already greatly indebted to you. I can’t ask you for help in such trivial matters.” Tiffany rejected Yuri’s good will to help for she had already owed Yuri too much. She is literally living off Yuri now. How could she still have the cheek to ask Yuri for help in something she should do herself?


“Tiffany, don’t say that! I invited you to stay with me. You don’t owe me anything. It was and will always be the case.” It is a fact that Yuri was the one who invited Tiffany to stay with her so Tiffany shouldn’t feel as though she owe Yuri anything. In fact, Yuri would most likely be happy to be able to help Tiffany find a job.


“But-” Tiffany tried to reason with Yuri.


“No buts Tiffany, you need a job right? Let’s go look for a job for you together!” Yuri cut Tiffany off.                      


“Okay then.” Sensing that Yuri wouldn’t accept ‘no’ as an answer, Tiffany could only agree with Yuri’s request.


Yuri clapped her hands in excitement, “Great! Wait for me for a while, I’m getting my coat. It’s getting cold nowadays.”





“Hmmm, Nicholas Sparks, Stephanie Meyer, Sophie Kinsella…. Whose book should I choose?” A small-figure was seen walking around the romance section of the library holding onto a pile of books, deciding which to borrow home to read.


“It’s been a while since I read the shopaholic series.” At the other end of the romance section, a blonde was seen looking for the shopaholic series written by Sophie Kinsella which is now in the hands of a certain midget who can’t seem to decide what book to read.


“Argh, I can’t seem to decide. Shopaholic series, Twilight series or The Notebook?” The midget asked to no one in particular but what she didn’t know was that what she had said was overheard by a certain blonde whom was looking for the shopaholic series which is in the midget’s hands.


“Erm, if you can’t decide why not you let me have the shopaholic series?” The blonde bravely ask the midget who was still in her own thoughts, having difficulties deciding what to borrow.


“Shopaholic series? Hmmm, okay, I shall borrow the shopaholic series then!” The midget thought that someone suggested to her that she should borrow the shopaholic series.


“What? Are you trying to go against me?” The blonde loudly asked, breaking the lady’s train of thoughts.


“Are you trying to go against me? Is there such an author? Wait, is that a name of a book?” The midget was clearly still in her own thoughts, still not realizing that she is going to face the possibility of death soon.


“Yah! You want to die?” The blonde was about to unleash the hell side of her.


“Her-Hershey Angel.” The midget’s thought was disrupted by the sudden loud voice produced by the blonde, causing her to raise her head and realize that the angry blonde that is glaring daggers at her is the Hershey Angel that she met a few days ago in the supermarket.


“Oh my god! It is Hershey Angel!” Taeyeon shrieked before slapping herself on the cheeks, “No, no Taeyeon…you’re having delusions… It can’t be.” She mumbled to herself; not realizing herself followed Yuri’s weird trait.


“Hershey Angel? I am asking you if I can have the shopaholic series!” The blonde looked at the midget as if the midget was out of her mind, uttering nonsense.

“Shopaholic series? Ah, you want the shopaholic series? You can have it if you want it.” Taeyeon shoved clumsily the shopaholic series to the blonde that have softened her glare to a questioning look.


“I thought you said you wanted to read the shopaholic series?” The blonde was confused.


“I actually can’t decide which to read but since you want to read the shopaholic series, you can have it. I believe I can make my choice easier with one less option.” The midget gave a gentle smile to the blonde.


“Tell you what, I will borrow it first and after I finish reading, I’ll inform you that I returned the book already so that you can borrow it as soon as possible. Is that okay?” The blonde suggested.


“Ahh that would be a good idea! I am Taeyeon and this is my number. Send me a text or give me a call when you return the book.” Not wanting to let the chance of exchanging contact with her Hershey Angel slip, the midget agreed to the blonde’s suggestion. She believe this one-step to get closer to her dream girl.


“Oh, okay. My name’s Jessica. I’ll send you a text when I return the book.” Jessica said while saving Taeyeon’s number into her phone.


“Oh, take your time in reading it.” Taeyeon waved awkwardly before acting like she was shivering, “Don’t you think it’s kind of cold here?”


Jessica changed her gazed from the book to Taeyeon before raising her eyebrows, “Yeah kind of…” she trailed off.


“Hmm, want a coffee? You know we could warm ourselves up and talk about the shopaholic series…If you are interested! I’m not forcing you anyways.“ Taeyeon rambled out while playing with her fingers, afraid to be reject by Jessica.


Taeyeon looked up from the library’s floor when hearing a soft giggled, “I would love to. It’s been a long time since I consumed any caffeine.” Jessica replied. Taeyeon pump-fisted mentally, “Hmm, I know this one café that sell a delicious coffee.”




“Do you want to take a rest first? We have been walking for quite some time already.” Yuri and Tiffany had been walking under the blowing cold winds for the entire afternoon trying to get from places to places for Tiffany’s interview. Why didn’t they take Yuri’s car? The interviews were located on the same street but at different place of the street.


“It’s okay. Are you feeling alright? I am sorry that you have to go through all these.” Tiffany apologized to Yuri because Yuri didn’t have to go through all these if not for the fact that the brunette needed a job.


“Let’s take a rest then. Tiffany, you better stop apologizing. It is not your fault at all. I volu-” Yuri was cut off by the ringing of her phone. Taking a look at the caller id before giving Tiffany a smile, Yuri walked a little further away from Tiffany before swiping across her phone’s screen to answer the call.


“Hey Soo, what’s up?” Yuri greeted the caller right after she answer the call.


“Yuri, I remember you asking me about job vacancies right? I have a vacant position here in my café as a waiter/ waitress. Does your friend want it?”


“Erm, give me a second, I’ll ask her about it.” Yuri covered the mic of the phone before turning around, walking towards Tiffany.


“Tiffany, do you mind working as a waitress?” Yuri scratched the back of her head with her free hand as she ask Tiffany about it.


“Of course not! I wouldn’t mind even if I had to work as a dishwasher as long as it is a job with a decent pay!” Tiffany flashed her killer eye smile.


“Hey Soo, asked her about it and she’s okay with it.” Yuri happily told Sooyoung, the owner of the café, as she uncovered the mic of her phone.


“Tell her to report to work tomorrow at 5PM. She is working the evening shift so her working hours will be every Monday- Saturday, 5PM-10PM. Her salary will be negotiable. We can talk about her salary when you bring her over later to familiarize herself before starting work.”


“Okay, I’ll bring her over now.” Yuri hang up. “Tiffany, hurry up! Let’s head to your new working place!”


With that said, Yuri held Tiffany’s hand as they walk fast to the café located two streets away from where they are right now. Tiffany felt something surging within her and her heart beat faster than normal. Something is definitely not right but what is not right?



Yuri realized Tiffany rubbing her arms that was only being covered long sleeves shirt, she frowned a bit before taking off her coat, “You know its fall right now. Why did you only wear a long-sleeves shirt?”


“I never knew today would be so cold.” Tiffany replied, still warming herself up.


Yuri placed her coat on Tiffany’s shoulder, “This will warm you up a little. Hold there, we will reach there for another 5 minutes.” Yuri gave a genuine smile to her and once again, Yuri successfully make Tiffany's stomach act weird again with her sweet gesture.


Tiffany tried to take off the coat but was stopped by Yuri, “I’m okay! I wore my sweater under the coat, so it’s kind of hot for me, that’s why I gave you my coat.”


“Why you are being nice to me, Yuri?” Tiffany said after swallowed her saliva.


“Everyone in this world have the rights to be treated nice, right?” Yuri replied before holding Tiffany’s cold finger making Tiffany turned to her side, “Yuri, thank you very much. I don’t know what will happen to me if I don’t meet you.”


“You’re welcome Tiffany Hwang. This is all fate, believe that. Now, stop being mushy to me.” Yuri cheekily grinned before pulling Tiffany and continuing their journey to the café.






A bit late update, everyone!

I'm busy with my assignments and my dongsaeng getting sick,

Get well soon my precious dongsaeng~

I miss your prank already TT-TT,

I know I'm being sappy right now >,<

Read. Comment. Or maybe an upvote won't hurt right?




Sorry for the late update.... I was feeling unwell but I still managed to type this out. *phew*

Forgive our lateness alright? 

Once again, I hope you enjoyed this chapter from us:)

Hope to see more comments rolling in.

- Jismusicfy

Write to Express, Not to Impress


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Yay! Finally a poster! 29/7/13


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Chapter 7: Que sad me hubiera gustado leerlo hasta llegar a un final, se veía prometedor... una buena obra
Chapter 2: Eso no puede ser lloranding e.e
Chapter 1: Ya quiero massssss
Chapter 7: i cant wait for the update :( i hope youll update it soon.

Chapter 7: Im a new reader here and i will wait for update authorsssss..... Yulsic ftw.....
Chapter 7: Goodluck with your exam !! Dont comeback if you guy fail :p jk hehe
Dont stress yourself to much, relax and calm will help you through the hard time.
We wait for your return, just dont take years to comeback lol
CoffeeMillk #7
Chapter 7: I shall wait for you authors :>
And good luck to all your exams ~!
Chapter 7: It's okay
Patiently waiting is my ability ;D
Hmmm I dont know if I should comment or not coz I might sound rude to you author but hope you guys understand :(.
First I would want to say goodluck with your study and stay healthy since both of you get sick very easy hehe dont stay up to late, if you guy are tired from school just rest up dont have to update fast coz your readers will always be here :) we not going anywhere! Stay healthy and strong so you guys can give us more good fic ^-^.
Ok here I go (dont get mad ok :( .) I like both you guys so get the wrong idea ok (your ff lol )
Since I remember your saying author , that make got the courage to express what I want to say hehe
Somehow the story dont get into me *yet* something is missing and I dont know what...I finish reading just then but I got no feeling toward the story :( I really want to find the missing piece so I will continue reading on hope you guys will help me :) will support you all the way ^-^
Ps sorry for my rude comment, I wont reply anymore
Peace :)
CoffeeMillk #10
Chapter 6: Woohoo, Taeny! :D
I'm now really curious about Tae's past. Who is that person that broke poor Taeyeon's heart? (♯`∧´)
I'm hoping for a Yulsic chapter next.. :3

Thanks for the update lovely authors!