Heartfelt Voices


Heartfelt Voices

Storyline by: GreenGardenPop


Title: [4/5]

Comments: Loved your title, now a days people are giving their entire plot away with their title. I took a point off because the title wouldn't have drawn me into reading your story.


Story Layout:  [8/10]

Comments: I absolutely loved your background, but thought the poster was too plain. It's just an opinion of mine, but I would have wanted something more out there and busy. But I thought it still matched the feel of your story.


Forward and Description: [10/10]

Comments: short, sweet, and to the point! Love it. I also love how you added the gif! It would have been dull without it.


Plot: [19/20]

Comments: I really think you're going somewhere with this story. I wouldn't be suprised to see it under the featured story!


Characterization: [5/5]

Comments: Marvelous!


Origionality: [8/10]

Comments: I've read a couple stories like this one. But you twisted it to make it interesting and your own.


Flow: [10/10]

Comments: The only thing I have to complain about is that some of your updates are short. But as a fellow author, I completely understand. So no points were taken off for that.


Grammer/Spelling: [8/10]

Comments: As you said English isn't your first language, it's not mine either. But the simple mistakes your story had didn't affect my reading of it. I paused and had to think about it, but most of the time I already knew what you meant.


Overall Enjoyment: [13/15]

Comments: Not my type of story that I read, but I was oddly drawn into it!


Bonus Points: [5/5]


[90/100] Points!

Other notes:

Hello ^-^ Thank you for letting me review your story. I'm extremely impressed, and even more so since you said English isn't your first language! Your story was very sophisticated and I admire that.

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I would appreciate it dearly if you could read/review my story A-V-A-L-O-N/... thanks <3
Chapter 13: Oh, thanks a lot! It's true about the poster.. Off to make one. Lol. Thank you! c:
crazygurl13 #4
I requested
hi i would like to cancel my request...sorry for the inconvenience.
I've requested~~ XD
I requested :)
Chapter 12: Thank you so much for the review :3