
Destiny and its crazyness

Lore’s POV

“Okay, I love coffee so I know a really good place with a good price” I said smiling and starting to put my clarinet together when suddenly he gets near me and I let out a sharp gasp.

“You look better smiling Lore” Siwon whispered and after he patted my head. I blushed I don’t even know why.

We had the practice with ‘Through the fire and flames’ by Dragonforce, ‘Braveheart’ by James Horner and another piece that I can’t remember the name. We were practicing until the teacher said it was over. I cleaned and put away my instrument; and as I went for my music sheets suddenly someone in a rush bumped with me and all my music sheets went flying in the air and I fell in the ground. Next thing I know is that some of the sheets are stepped on.

“Damn it! Now my music is not in perfect conditions!” I grumbled as I started to pick up my papers, I had to wait until everyone had been gone. The only one standing there was Siwon. He came and helped me up with the music.

“Are you okay?” He asked me, concerned.

“Yes, just my music sheets are dirty and in bad conditions” I said a bit upset.

“Is not that bad, the dirt we can erased it with an eraser, and you can put the music sheets in a book so they would recover the perfect condition. Is not that big of a problem” Siwon said without any worry.

“Well, thank you for helping me. Let’s go!”  I said a bit more cheerful since I was getting my coffee.

“Okay, let’s go to the coffee shop!”  SIwon said really excited.

We were walking and chatting in the way to the coffee shop, Siwon can be really silly but he looks like the serious type. Well, appearances can trick one’s mind. I started to laugh a lot.

“What’s so funny?”  Siwon asked like he wanted to laugh too.

“Well, we are in the coffee shop!” I said as I was pointing to the sign of the coffee shop. As we entered the coffee shop we were looking what would we order.

“Which one you recommend?” Siwon asked me since he did not knew anything on the menu.

“Hmm…. I prefer the Chai tea Frappuccino” I said already tasting the flavor.

“How may I help you?” The cashier asked when it was our turn.

“We will have two chai tea frappuccinos please! Medium size both of them” Siwon said cheerfully.

“That would be $7.38 dollars” The cashier said. “Under what name would the frapuccinos be?” The cashier asked as she was getting a sharpie to write on the cups.

“One under the name of Lorena and the other one under the name of Siwon” I said with my political smile.

I was barely taking the money out to pay my coffee but when I looked for my coin bag Siwon took the money and he paid for both coffees.

“I was going to pay for mine!” I said pouting.

“Don’t worry, take it as a thanks for lending me your notebook” Siwon said smiling.

“I told you not to worry about it! You need them for future references” I said still worry that first day I met this guy he pays my coffee. We were sitting in the table talking about the school day outside the two last classes that we have in common.

“What do you think of the university?” I asked curious about his opinion.

“Too big, I got lost today, I went into 5 different classes before reaching the correct one” He said a bit exasperated because the classes are a bit far away.

“I know! The first day I got lost too but I managed to find a map of the campus and locate myself. It happened because I did not ask since I am shy as you could see” I said turning my head to one side so he couldn’t see my shyness again.

“Oh c’mon, don’t be shy around me! You can be yourself” Siwon said hitting gently my back.

The cashier called our names I was getting up to get my coffee but in an instant I see Siwon with both frapuccinos and he gave me mine. We were quiet while drinking the frapuccino.

“It’s really delicious! How I did not noticed before?” Siwon said really happy.

“Maybe is not in your normal way to school, or maybe since you just got here today you did not noticed it” I said calmly but chuckling inside since his expression has so cute.

“True, hope is in my way to school” Siwon said full of hope.

After the frapuccino and a good talk I see the time and it’s already 7:00PM That long I’ve been in the coffee shop?!? Oh well, I have to leave before my mother arrives home.

“Sorry Siwon, I have to go to my house! My mom is going to arrive and still I have to cook dinner!” I said in a bit of a rush since I have to be home soon.

“Let me walk you home, I wouldn’t want you to go alone” Siwon said putting his jacket on and grabbing his backpack.

“You don’t have to walk me, I live near” I said grabbing my backpack and starting to run when I felt a strong grip in my hand.

A/N: Mianhe is only Lore’s POV but next one is Siwon’s POV included and I might start adding some details. YAYYY DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY!! I will try my hardest to be a good author though this is my first fanfic like; ever so I wanted to be perfect! :3 if I get to triple update I will be dancing Lucifer! Hahahahaha and singing Sunflower!! :D hwaiting!! Now author-nim is off to do some calculus homework and chem x.x *dies*

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XxXMissSweetHeartXxX #1
I never read the original(or knew about it, I've been offline for a while >.<) but I'd like to read the story :)
Good like re-writing/editing we all know how tiring it gets! ;p