
Letting go

For years i’ve been living this live and one day it was snatched from me. The precious breath that we inhale and exhale everyday, i was no longer able to do. My heart stopped beating. My every living right just gone. Like a fleeting scent in the wind. My voice no one could hear from my lips anymore. I was just a corpse. No one could bring the colour back to my cheeks. Why is it always the pure innocent ones that violently go away?

After one dies, where does one go? This question haunted me while i was alive but now that i am dead i know now. It has been 4 days since my death and according to the black hooded angel of death i have one more night until i dissolve into nothing on this planet and enter the afterlife. A part of me was begging to not go. I didn’t want to leave earth permanently. I didn’t want to go to a place where even though she could not see me i could still see her. I didn’t want to leave my mother. I strongly believe she knows and feels my presence. I just wish i could show myself to her. ‘mom look. I’m here’ were the words i wanted to tell her. I had tried to hug her when she broke down crying at my deathbed but i went right through her and she started to shiver. My ghost like form was cold to her.

Sighing i exited the house. I found myself gazing at my school. I was never fond of the place but i was curious. ‘Does anyone even notice i’m gone?’ i questioned. Slipping into my old class i looked around. My seat was empty. I used to sit next to the freaky guy. Oh Sehun. He was a beauty that’s for sure but he was weird. Gasping i suddenly remembered. He was rumoured to be able to see ghosts. I wonder if that was just a lie. I decided to test the theory so I glided into my seat and looked at him. I stared hard. Sehun looked up and locked gazes with me. I waved infront of his face. He made no motion to clarify whether he saw me or not. Pouting in annoyance i tried to get his attention. I tried to say his name but as i discovered yesterday contrary to the rumours no one could hear or see me, but i tried nonetheless.

‘Sehun, hey, it’s me. Evalynn.’ I said waving my hand. He had a confused expression on his face but i couldn’t tell whether it was from him seeing me as he was rumoured to be able to or because he couldn’t understand the calculus on the board. Sighing in frustration i tried to kick the chair next to him. My feet went through. I just wanted a living person to look at me once more before i went away to the afterlife. I may be dead but i was once alive. I like everyone else craved human contact.

Getting up i made my way to the lake in the park. It was secluded and was often my place of comfort when something bad happened. There were many times when i would come here and brace myself ont he huge tree bark and sketch my surroundings or images i saw earlier in the day. I had left my sketchbook here the day before i died. Smiling i found it behind the tree next to a dead flower. Frowning i whispered to myself ‘tch how efficient, a dead girl’s book next to a dead flower.’ Suddenly i heard footsteps. Looking up i saw Oh Sehun. I watched as he picked my book up and brushed his fingers along my artwork. It felt as though he was my face. I didn’t know what was happening but it felt really nice. Turning to go away a voice said ‘i know you’re here, Lee Evalynn.’ I immediately turned back.

‘What?’ i said stupidly.

‘I can hear you Evie. I can feel your presence in the air. I can tell this is your last night before you leave us forever.’ I stared at him and suddenly looking right at me. Holding my gaze, ‘i can see you Evie.’

‘S...So you really can see ghosts huh?’ i asked with a small smile.

Nodding his head he whispered ‘yeah’

‘Sehun, what happens to me after this?’

‘That i don’t know Evie.’

‘Sehun, do you see them?’


‘The angels of death.’

‘Glimpses. They try to avoid me.’

‘I’m scared Sehun.’

‘It’s ok. Evie. This is just another journey you’re gonna embark on.’ he said smiling at me.

‘Please do me a favour Sehun’ i said as i noticed it was getting dark and he needed to go home.


‘Don’t do anything stupid later on in the future when the bullies call you names and taunt you because of your ‘ghost seeing’ abilities. They don’t understand you. Ever since i was alive i’ve always wanted to tell you that.’

Sehun looked at me with a look in his eyes that showed so much gratitude i wanted to cry. I guess i would have been if i could. ‘Go home Sehun. Thank you for talking to me. I needed it. ‘

‘At twelve tonight Evie, you’ll be gone. Let me stay with you.’

‘No Sehun. I whispered. If you’re here i might resist and not want to go. I would want to stay with my mom and stay here where i can talk to you.’

‘Good luck Evie. I...i miss my seatmate.’ He smiled.

‘Goodbye Sehun. Thank you for everything tonight.’

I stared as he left with my sketchbook in his hands. I wanted him to keep it. Turning back my gaze to the stars i gazed and reminisced. Soon a star began to grow brighter and brighter. The light was so supernatural. The light seemed to be coming towards me. I raised my hand to block the light from blinding my already dead eyes. A cold feeling suddenly overcame me. I felt a freezing hand on my shoulders. ‘You’re here’ i whispered to the angel of death.

‘Come on Evalynn. It’s time for you to go now.’

I took a deep breath in. I guess i did it out of habit. ‘Goodbye world’ i whispered. Maybe it was just a spur of the moment but my eyes rested upon the place where my book had laid next to the dead flower. I widened my eyes as i stared at the spot because right next to it a new flower had bloomed. A vibrant pink. Full with life. Feeling an urge of confidence i stepped into the light and closed my eyes, ready to face whatever is on the other side. Goodbye~

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kkaepsongyehet #1
Chapter 1: Yaaaah(TT^TT) Unnie you make me cry every time I read your stories(//^//)
this story Was so..heartwarming and..kind of sad..well yeah..of course it was sad..that person was dead..but it was heartwarming..coz Sehun♡_♡
He is such a cutiepie^3^
I love your writing style like I've already said:*
I don't usually read fics where the main character is girl but this was pretty good~
Chapter 1: YAH THIS IS GOOD!!! ^^