The practice room

The Piano

You sat down on the old but comfy stool and gently traced your fingers over the piano keys. 
Tommorrow is an important day, you told yourself as your stomach clenched nervously at the thought.

It was almost the end of yet another tiring year at University and, like every year, the school held a large event to show off their most talented Students to the outside world. 
You were scheduled to play a piece of music in front of everyone and, simply put, you were scared less. 

With a sigh you cracked your fingers, a neverous habit of yours since childhood, andbegan to mess around, experimenting a little. It sounded terrible, but it was just what you needed to let off a little steam.

"Please, stop"

The voice made you jump, you hadn't heard anyone come into the practice room, having been so engrossed in the music. 
"Excuse me?" blinking up at the stranger, you studied him, recognising him as one of the School's elite, an idol of whom you had forgotten name, and then inwardly cursed yourself for not being up to date with the latest pop bands. 

"Please stop, it sounds like the piano is in pain..." he blinked back at you, somewhat innocently.

"I know but I was just--"

"You should find a tutor before deciding tp play on your own. You'd avoid making such..." he wrinkled his nose "such terrible sounds"

You stared at him, mouth open slightly at the idol's ignorance, you were quite well known around campus for your Piano playing, surely he doesnt think I'm a beginner!? you furrowed your eyebrows. Before you had the chance to argue and show him your real talent, he had already turned around and was starting to walk away.

"Oh" he turned his head to glance back at you, "If you need a tutor, just ask for Lee Jinki" with a grin he pointed to himself, "That's me."

You sat staring at the doorway, shaking your head slowly in disbelief.

"Typical!" you mumbled to yourself, feeling irritated by the encounter. "So famous he thinks he's better than everyone else? So damn typical. Now I remember why I don't bother wadting my time on boy groups." with a loud groan you turned your attention back to the piano, scowled at it and then closed the lid, suddenly all desire to play had drained away.

He was quite handsome though. Damn it. 


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Chapter 2: Its a cute fanfic (^^♪ it was different from others, for my opinion
Onews-Chicken #2
LOOOOL too cute, i wish it wasn't over yet
Chapter 2: Really cute fanfic ^^