Chapter 1- Demon's Charm, Angel's Beauty

For Better of for Worse

chapter 1- demon's charm, angel's beauty


“Nobody's perfect. We're all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels.”



"Never had two words been more painful for me to say."


The church was beautiful.


As if heaven had somehow found itself within its walls.


Curtains the color of doves cascaded from the glass stained windows. White roses, lilies and cherry blossoms adorned every corner of the room, every edge of every possible seat.


Those beautiful flowers perfumed the large hall, slipping memories in between.


Petals, like fresh drops of blood had fallen on the white carpet leading up to the alter.


It was the perfect wedding.


Everyone was happy of course.


Why wouldn't they be?


 when this young couple wedded, all would be brought to rest and conflict would not exist within the two bloodlines anymore.


It was a milestone.


No other way, a symbol of trust, a bond that could not, and would never be broken.


The events and sins of each member of the past would be left in the dust, forgiven.


A clean slate.


It was the ultimate solution.


No loose ends.


As I walked up the isle, the petals getting caught within the frills of my beautiful white gown, that practically glowed from the light the poured in through the windows.


The song, nothing but a dreary lullaby that would soon attach itself to a memory, similar to being locked behind thin pillars of cold rusted metal.


I could feel my body struggling,




 I could feel every ligament, every vein, pulling me away.


Don't walk.


Run away.


You don’t want this.


I looked down into the bouquet, so beautifully arranged, every flower in its right place, a perfect compliment, each rose, bringing out every blossom, housing the humble pure beauty of the lily.


My body felt limp and cold, even, with that mask, which I currently wore, that fake smile, that everyone fell for and believed in.


Well except him.


My nerves constricted, with a thought so fine tuned and focused on him.


He stood near the alter, absolutely handsome. His skin the color of ivory.


No, pure milk.


I, and maybe a few others may have nearly expected him to glitter as he stood bathed in the sunlight.


What its harsh rays, must be doing to the unreal fragility of his exposed skin.


His body perfectly suited, that jacket hugging his torso so well, that most handsome build, his suit tailored to fit those broad shoulders and thin waist.


The most gorgeous perfect groom.


A healthy shadow of light casted along his well defined cheek bones, and that hard perfect jaw-line, that rode into the graceful length of his neck into the beautiful valley of his collar bones.


The little effort was not taken to ensure, that it had been buttoned up all the way. Not even for such a sacred covenant like this.


What more could a girl want right?


…………………………..let's not think about that.


I mean after all...


We did have,




exactly two things in common…


 One, the most adamant and loyal love for our parents


And… Two


 The most utmost absolute hate and resentment for each other's existence.


But hey, at least we had something, in common.


 finally, I had made my way up, my body towards his, his every feature behind the thin lacey texture of the veil that feathered against the nerves of my face.


For someone who did not know better, I would say that I was staring at an angel.


From the statue-like arrangement of his perfect lips, straight nose, and the loftily lidded passive eyes.


One may say so.


Janette walls once said, nobody' s perfect, that maybe we're all one step down from angels, and one step above being a beast…




Never had the epitome of a statement existed and suited so eloquently the appearance and character of one individual.


Lee Jonghyun was a fallen angel.


And within a moment.


My husband.




The priest's words, were nothing more than the faint waft of breeze that scampered past the leaves that blew in from the open door of the church.


Thin, meaningless and empty.


For better, or for worse,


In sickness, and in health,


Till death do us part…


It I were that lucky…


My resentment, in all its honesty, was a mere excuse, a cover up, a charade for what I felt for this,




I had fallen into the inevitable love of his beauty and his all round perfection, at a very pure and tender age, when the word love, was a sheer, phrase, which we had been taught to repeat to our parents, at maybe mother's or father's day.


It was through rejection, and the absolute monstrosity that had unfolded itself like the inflamed deceit of a venomous flower, over the years, that had allowed me to see this person for who he was.


Cause, you see, the thing was that...


This boy, was the definition, of a .


Full of it. Arrogant and self-centered. Girls probably, well no, they were things he used to occupy himself with when he wasn't completely absorbed in his music.


The beauty of an angel mixed with the charm of a demon.


The most dangerous pair, that could be seen within this one person.


Do you Lee Jonghyun, take Han Jae Hee, to be your lawfully wedded wife.


His eyes glided, towards mine, a gentle smirk pulling at his lips, cause a snicker, or two to break from the audience.


I was happy that someone was able to find humor in this death sentence.


I Do. His voice, a soft provocative, yet gentle tone


And do you, Han Jae Hee, Take Lee Jonghyun, to be your lawfully wedded husband?


At that moment, I felt as if I had somehow forgotten to speak. The words no where.


Was I really going to make such a tragic mistake?


I  swallowed nervously, I was making a scene.


Quickly, I forced a smile, a painful smile, that defied every ligament and muscle that lay tense in my face.


I do.


My eyes were locked with his, that burning empty, glare, where a frigid hell lay dormant in thought for me, just me, the girl, that one girl whom he had some how channeled all his hate into for the last years of his life.


I had almost humiliated him.


Wasn't I lucky.


Was I going to really put up with this for the rest of my life?


His fingers were hot, but steady as they carefully placed the ring on my finger, caressing the bone of my knuckles as he did.


Needles of nerves attacking the scarred skin.


He glanced at me, his eyes, not short of the irritation that it caused, him.


He only got away, because it could be passed off as an expression of concern or concentraion.


Gently, the young page boy placed the ring of gold into my palm.


Swallowing, I lifted his hand, and placed it in mine.


Being an artist, I could not help but observe, its nimble elegant beauty.


The milky slender appearance of them as they quietly rested against my skin, so perfectly made, almost unreal, without imperfection, as the ring slid, perfectly along the length.


The ring's beauty before paled in comparison compared to when it had placed on his hands.


I hate him, so much.


It was like trying not to appreciate a great work of art that you knew was absolutely exceptional.


I could see a grin, almost devilish, pull at the corner of his lips, where the slight dent of flesh, had always been, since I could remember.


I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now  kiss the bride.


I could feel, my heart rattle coldly, against my rib cage.


My first kiss, from this bastard.


Gently, his eyes, focused on my lips, and no where near, my eyes, he lifted the veil slowly, draping it carefully over my head.


His scanned my face once, more.


Empty, cold emotion.


Skillfully, his fingers glided along the skin of my neck, where it locked, safely against my nape, the heat, scarring my every nerve,


It felt as if years were passing, and I could no longer even hear the sound of the breeze.


Maybe, just my heart, pumping rivers of blood through my cold lifeless body.


Gently,  they touched me,  the fire of his skin against the ice of mine. The heat melting me and every thought.


Like velvet, they , mine, the soft heat mesmerizing me into a sinful lust.



Please stop.




My body was tightening, my limbs, constricting towards my mid-line until I would finally grow still and topple over.


But his hands, like a fluid. the soft skin of my arms, cradling my petite, frame against his, preventing me from falling away.




It ended.


The caress of his, lips, broke away, my body at ease.


His eyes narrowed, in amusement, before, he turned with a smile, to the applause of the audience, subtly reminding me to keep my act on.


Almost nodding, I turned and smiled, trying my best to look happy.


This was it…


I could go on to say that maybe, I hesitated to sign every document that had been shoved down my throat within the next few moments.


But I didn't, because I knew, it was done.


For better or for worse,


Lee Jonghyun was mine. And vice versa, the statement I dreaded more between the two,


I was his…

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