Forbbiden love





In life , no one can be trusted . Not even your family members . To survive in the society , people would start to betray each other . For fame , for wealth , for status , they can resort to all sorts of tricks . Be it cheating , stealling or conning .
People are easy to cheat . Some are just that naive . Family .... Some are much worse . They could sell you to a ion to get cash . Or make you a slave , just not to get killed by the gangsters , for oweing them . This is when , there is no survival route . They just have to accept the reality . Well , life in there , is definitely not easy . Some get tortured to death , some cannot take the sufferings and sucide , some get killed . None can actually get on the good side of the traid . It's just difficult to get in . But once you get in , there is no room for regrets . Because it's difficult to get out , to turn back .

Things in the underworld is complicating . It works differently . You have to be loyal to your organization . Brave enough to face anything . Love is forbbiden . Tears will make you soften . Emotions are just trouble . To get in , you must show loyalty . Show that you are capable , brave , strong . What they do are ruthless . Kidnapping , killing , stealling , gambling .... All sorts of things , they did before . Any mission goes wrong , they would need to be punished . Punishment .... It's deadly .

Some of them , are kids that got kidnapped and trained to be part of the organization . Some are children of the boss . Some are from the batch of es . Some are just teenagers who managed to get in .

They vowed to never betray the organization , to sacrifice , to be loyal and brave . And never let their emotions take over .

Punishments , as I said , are deadly . It could be from starving , to maiming hands , and ..... Getting killed . Surviving in the organization , to some are easy , but to some , it's difficult . Any wrong moves can get their kins killed , including themselves .

Although love is forbbiden , it is not for those in the higher rankings of the organization . But for those who are not , they would be punished lightly .


Getting in is difficult . Getting out ..... It means death to end everything .








princess note |  herlo to all, i'm _princess here. this is my first ever fanfic and it would be about the mafia's organization? haha, things like that. and it might have some violence and too. hope you enjoy reading ;) please support! storyline and original character beelongs to me. basic inspiration from show, after school's first love, sistar's give it to me and a few other songs. foreword and basic storyline belonged to KangYangmi - my sister, but she gaved it to me and de-activitaed her account for some personal reasons.





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This sound interesting! Can't wait~