♥☆ Magistrate and Slave

MagistrSlave_RP [OPEN AGENCY]


Being a Magistrate :**
> You are gonna give commands , requests etc. but to your slave(s) only.
> You can have more that 1 slave but the maximum is 3.
> You can be in a relationship with your slave or another magistrate O/
> Please put this tag >> #Magisrate anywhere in your bio O//
> If some magistrate or slave will complain about you and she/he is able to proof it , Your rank will
go down and you will be a slave.
                             RULES FOR THE MAGISTRATES :**
                        - If you want someone to be your slave , Please ask her/him nicely O/ 
                   - DON'T BE RUDE TO YOUR SLAVE O/ Well , you can but not too much XD                                                                                                            
        -If someone will complain that you are being TOO rude to your slaves or etc.You will have a punishment as expected.         
                          - We will give you WARNINGS if someone will complain to us O/              
                         #Offense1 - You can't give commands to your slave(s) for 1 day.
                                     #Offense2 - You will be a slave for 3 days.
  (You're lucky if 5 magistrates will beg our pardon to make you a magistrate again OR if another magistrate will marry you)
                                                                              **: Being a Slave                                                                                                     
> Being a slave is a slave xD Lol. It means you'll be like a maid , servant etc. OuO
> You need to do what will your magistrate tell you. Whether you like it or you like it XD
> You can ony have 3 Magistrates O/
> A Slave can be in a relationship with a Magistrate and another Slave :)
> Put the #(yourmagistrate'sname)strate anywhere in your bio. Example: #Yonggukstrate O/
> If you still don't have your magistrate , just simply put #YourSlave :)
> A Slave? Don't worry you can be a Magistrate too if one of your Magistrates will marry you <3
> You can also be a Magisrate if your Magistrate(s) pend a request on us :)
                                     RULES FOR THE SLAVES :**
           > If you wanna be a slave of someone , please inform him/her and wait for his/her approval :)                  
                                    > Remember , You can only have 3 magistrates :)           
                > You can quit on your magistrate(s) O/ BUT you need to tell it to him/her nicely.
                             > And if you do that please do find another Magistrate O/


[ BASE ACCOUNT >> @MagistrSlave_RP ] 

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