
Play Wiff Jonguppie!

“Daddy, can you play wiff Jonguppie?” Jongup pleaded as he held his toy tuck close to his chest. He stared up at his tall appa and blinked several times.

Yongguk swayed back and forth slowly as he held baby Junhong in his arms. “Shush.” He quietly said, causing Jongup to pout. “Your baby brother is sleeping. Daddy will play with you next time.”

Jongup frowned. He nodded at his father and climbed up the stairs after flinging his truck onto the couch. “Daddy always says that but Daddy still never plays wiff me…” He mumbled to himself. “Maybe Mommy can play wiff Jonguppie.”

Feeling hopeful, the toddler scurried to his umma, who was folding the laundry. “Mommy, mommy, please play wiff Jonguppie!”

Himchan looked at his son and smiled. He picked up on to his lap and brushed his hair. “Uppie, umma is busy right now. Umma has to make your little brother his food soon. Maybe your Youngjae hyung could play you.”

Jongup frowned again. Deciding it was his last chance, he began walking to Youngjae’s room but doubts his older brother would have time, since he’s always busy either studying or out with his boyfriend.

“Jaejae hyungie, can you play wiff Jonguppie…?”

Youngjae had finished fixing his hair and even had some makeup on. Despite being a 3 year old, Jongup knew his hyung was going out with Daehyun again. “I’m sorry Jongpuppie. Hyung will play with you when hyung comes back home okay?”


Youngjae smiled and pecked his little brother’s forehead. “Hyung will be back soon, okay?” Jongup nodded. “You’re such a good boy.”

“Bye hyungie…”

After his last chance disappeared through the door, Jongup sighed and plopped onto the couch. “How come nobody cares about Jonguppie?” He asked himself. “Umma and Appa only care about Junhong. Jonguppie is still a baby too!”

“Aw, Junhong baby eats so well!” Jongup heard his umma squeal. He turned to the kitchen, where Junhong sat on Yongguk appa’s lap and was being fed cherry tomatoes by Himchan umma.

The 3 year old boy pouted. Umma and Appa used to always care about him, Youngjae hyung too. Why did Junhong have to appear out of nowhere and take his family away from him?

Yongguk appa always care about Junhong. He never plays with Jongup anymore. He wants his appa all to himself. He wants his umma all to himself.

“I hate Junhong.” Jongup said, crossing his arms with a pout. He glared at his little brother being doted on by his umma and appa. “I hate you, Junhong. You’re a big cry baby and you took everything away from Jonguppie. Plus, Junhong looks like a potato!”

Feeling enraged, Jongup ran to his parents. “Mommy, mommy, Jonguppie is hungry too!” Jongup shouted and widened his mouth, hoping that Himchan would feed him some cherry tomatoes too.

“There’s some of your favorite apple pie in the fridge, Uppie.” Himchan said; smilingly as he fed his youngest baby another bite. He squealed. “Aigoo, Yongguk look at Junhong’s smile. My baby is so adorable.”

Jongup pouted. “Jonguppie’s your baby too, mommy…” He mumbled and took heavy steps towards the fridge before grabbing the apple pie.

Sitting back onto the couch, Jongup stabbed the pie with his fork and glared at the maknae before ferociously eating his treat.

When he finished eating his pie in three angered bites, Jongup stood on his tippy toes and placed the plate onto the table. He went over to appa and tugged on his shirt for attention. “Appa, can you play with Jonguppie now?”

Yongguk didn’t let his eyes off the sleeping Junhong. He sighed. “No, Jongup.” His voice as a little annoyed. “Appa said later. You have to go find something else to do right now.”

“But when is later, appa?”

“Not now, Jongup!”

The baby jumped at his appa raising his voice a little. He looked down at the floor and began rolling his fingers before nodding. He decided to get back up to his room.

There, Jongup jumped onto his bed and picked up his two favorite superhero action figures. “Iron Man, appa doesn’t hate Jonguppie right? Jonguppie didn’t do anything wrong to upset appa or umma right, Superman?”

“That’s right, Jonguppie is a good boy!” Jongup said to himself as he pretended that his Superman was speaking to him. “Appa and Umma don’t hate you! Jonguppie is a good boy!”

Jongup smiled. “Thank you, Superman.” He said, hugging his two toys. He lied down onto his race car bed and yawned. “Maybe Jonguppie is just tired. Umma and Appa will play with Jonguppie when Jonguppie wakes up right…yeah…they will…” And just like that, Jongup fell right asleep.


When Jongup woke up, the whole house was silent. Usually there would be his pesky little brother crying or the sound of Youngjae’s music blasting in his room but nothing.

“Appa…umma…?” Jongup called out, slowly opening his door. The creak if his door was the only sound throughout the whole house. “JaeJae hyung…? Junhong…? Where is everyone…?”

Heading downstairs, his family was nowhere in sight. But Jongup did spot a letter on the table that looked like Himchan umma’s handwriting. He scanned through it and threw it back onto the table. He sighed. “If only I can read…”

His parents weren’t in their own room either. “Maybe they were taken…by aliens!!!” He shook his head. “No, DaeDae and JaeJae hyungs told Jonguppie aliens don’t exist.”

The boy walked into the living room and sat onto the empty couch. He the TV, flipping through random channels. “Appa and Umma promised they’d play wiff Jonguppie…” He slowly said after he had already turned off the TV.

Jongup sighed and pulled his small legs to his chest. He rested his forehead onto his knees. “Appa and Umma’s are liars…JaeJae hyung said he’ll be back soon. JaeJae hyung is a liar too…does everyone hate Jonguppie?”

Just then, Jongup got a great idea. He ran towards the letter, grabbed it and put on his shoes. He ran out their apartment and upstairs of the building.

“Maybe Changjo can play with Jonguppie.”

Jongup knocked on his best friend’s door and his mother opened it. “Hi Mrs. Choi…!” Jongup happily shouted. “I’m here to play wiff Changjo!”

Mrs. Choi smiled back and tilted her head. “That’s alright Jongup but…where are you parents? You shouldn’t be alone.”

“Jonguppie doesn’t know appa and umma are…but umma wrote this.” Jongup said and handed Mrs. Choi the letter. She read through it out loud.

“Umma and Appa are out with Junhong right now. We’ll be back soon.”

Jongup pouted after knowing what the letter said. He looked at the ground. “Umma and Appa don’t care about me anymore…”

“Aw, that’s not true, Jonguppie. Come in; Changjo is taking a nap right now but I’ll wake him up for you.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Choi!” Jongup bowed politely and took of his shoes. He sat in the living room and waited for his best friend to come down the stairs.

“Geez, it is only 1pm. You’re taking my naptime.” Changjo complained towards his best friend as he walked towards him. He rubbed his eyes and yawned loudly. “What do you want to play?”

Jongup just smiled widely and ruffled through Changjo’s red hair. “Yah, be respectful! I’m your hyung!” He shouted and mostly likely would have liked Changjo as his younger brother than Junhong.

Both babies let out a bunch of giggles. “Alright, Jongup hyung, what do you want to play?”

“Hm…let’s play with your action figures! I brought my Iron Man and Superman with me!”

“That’s great, Jonguppie hyung! Let’s go play in my room!”

After a while of playing with their action figures, coloring, figuring out puzzles and playing video games, the two babies were finally called down for a snack.

“Aish, Changjo you got chocolate all over your mouth.” Mrs. Choi said, wiping her son’s messy lips. The baby only laughed.

“Thank you, umma.” Changjo said, biting into his cookie and making a mess again.

Jongup watched in jealousy as Mrs. Choi continued to clean her son. He wanted Himchan umma to take care of him like the way Changjo’s mom does. Losing his appetite, Jongup placed the cookie down.

“What’s wrong, hyung?” Changjo asked after seeing his best friend’s sad face. “Is the cookie bad?”

Jongup looked up. “Huh? No, no! Of course not; Jonguppie just ate too much already.” Jongup lied, giving a shy smile. He jumped down from the chair. “Jonguppie should be going home now.”

Changjo nodded sadly. “Aw, okay. Bye hyung! See you soon.”

“Bye Changjojo~”

When Jongup went down the stairs, he could hear his family back and he happily ran towards their voices. “Umma, Appa!” Jongup shouted as he stood in front of the door. Maybe his parents began to worry where he was.

But Jongup was wrong.

Himchan umma was squealing on how adorable Junhong was with a cat ears headband. His brother was holding a blue balloon in his fists and they looked like they had fun.

“Oh? Jonguppie hyungie!” Junhong shouted as he noticed his older brother, “Hyungie, hyungie, hyungie!”

Judging from all the smiling faces, the balloon, the headband and cotton candy, Jongup knew they came back from an amusement park. But he pretended he didn’t know. “Where did umma and appa go…?”

“We went to the amusement park.”

Jongup was right.

“Here Uppie, umma bought you a balloon.”

Letting his umma tie the balloon softly around Jongup’s small wrist so that it wouldn’t float away Jongup smiled up at his parents. “Thank you, umma!”

But didn’t they even wonder where their son was when they got back? Didn’t they think how the house was too quiet and shouldn’t they notice that their second son wasn’t in the house?

“Junhong must be sleepy.” Himchan said as his husband handed him the baby. “Let’s get you changed and into bed, alright?”

Junhong smiled happily and let his umma take him upstairs. Jongup looked around and as soon as Yongguk sat onto the couch, he ran to his appa. “Appa, can you play wiff Jonguppie now?”

Yongguk sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. “Appa is tired, Jongup. Appa will play with you tomorrow.” Jongup stayed silent. “Why do you have chocolate all over your mouth?” He finally heard his appa ask.

The second son smiled widely. “I went by myself to Changjo’s house! We played together and we ate cookies!”

“Oh, okay. Next time don’t run off by yourself.”

“But…yes appa.”

When Himchan came down after putting Junhong to sleep, Jongup immediately ran to his umma. “Umma, let’s go buy some ice cream!”

Himchan sighed. “Umma is tired, Jongup.”

“But…but Umma and Appa took Junhong to the amusement park…why can’t umma just take Jonguppie to get some ice cream? It’s not even that far, mommy…” He stopped talking when he heard his Appa sigh again.

“Jongup, I said no.” Himchan repeated, this time his voice was stronger.

Jongup nodded. “I’m sorry umma…” He slowly walked away from his tired parents and up to his room. But right before that, he passed through Junhong’s room. Jongup glared. “I hate you, Junhong.”

From then on, Jongup never addressed himself as ‘Jonguppie’ anymore. He didn’t even know he stopped, but it wasn’t a problem anyway. He was beginning to feel mature.

Several days later, Jongup ran towards his umma who was making lunch. “Umma, can I buy some ice cream?”

Himchan sighed with an annoyed expression. “Umma’s making lunch right now. Why would you have ice cream when lunch is going to be ready in a few –,”

“Umma doesn’t have to take me. I’ll go by myself.” Jongup interrupted his umma, trying to sound strong with that 3 year old voice.

Himchan blinked. He just realized his second youngest son hasn’t been calling himself ‘Jonguppie’ lately. He’s actually using the proper pronoun. But why does it feel so weird whenever Jongup says ‘I’ or ‘me’ instead of ‘Jonguppie’?

“Um…alright then…” Himchan said and gave Jongup about 5 dollars. “That should be enough for one ice cream. Be careful okay?”

Jongup just nodded, expressionless as he looked up at his confused umma. “I’ll be going then. Bye, bye~”

“Wait, Jongup! Look both ways when you cross –,” But Jongup already shut the door before Himchan could finish. “Don’t you think he’s acting a little strange, honey?” Himchan asked Yongguk as he sipped his tea.

“He’s been very quiet lately. He doesn’t even ask me to play with him anymore.”

Himchan sighed. “He’s growing up…but why do I feel so regretful? Shouldn’t I be glad to see him all strong by himself?”

“I know what you mean. It does feel different than the time Youngjae began to grow up. But Jongup’s only three. He can’t possibly be growing up already.”

Umma sighed again. He looked left when he heard Youngjae walk down the stairs. “Youngjae ah, Jongup just went to get ice cream by himself for the first time. Do you mind if you can just follow him, in case anything happens?”

Youngjae smiled. “I’m sure Jongup would be fine. He’s not the same Jongup as he was a few days ago.” He said. “But just for safety, I’ll go with him.”

“Don’t let him know you’re there though. He wants to do everything by himself lately.”

“I know. I’m going then.” Youngjae said after he finished slipping into his shoes. “Bye, Umma.”

As Jongup was in his sight, Youngjae walked quietly within a distance. He too noticed Jongup’s sudden change. He’s only three, how can he try to act so independent all of a sudden?

He was normal only a week ago when he and Daehyun took Jongup out for ice cream.

“Which flavor do you want, Jonguppie?” Daehyun asked as he noticed his boyfriend’s little brother fogging up the glass that held the ice cream. He chuckled and picked up the little boy. “Jonguppie…?”

Jongup hummed. “Hm…Jonguppie wants chocolate!” He cheered and Daehyun gladly ordered some. They sat back down to their seats where Youngjae waited.

Jongup sat on his JaeJae hyung’s lap and happily eat his ice cream. “Jongpuppie, is it good?” The baby nodded and ate another scoop.

But when they got home, Junhong had thrown a fit, crying about how he wanted ice cream that was in Jongup’s hand.

Jongup clearly didn’t want to share some; it was HIS ice cream after all. That caused Junhong to cry even more until Appa apparently had enough and gave Jongup a smack.

“Seriously Jongup…what kind of brother are you? You’re Junhong’s older brother, remember that. You need to take care of Junhong just as Appa and Umma took care of you. How can you be so selfish?”

Jongup stayed in his position. He hadn’t moved at all after Yongguk slapped him. He saw Junhong happily eating HIS ice cream at the corner of his eye and Jongup tired his hardest not the choke up tears.

Youngjae and Daehyun were on the side. The eldest brother walked up to him first, followed by Daehyun. “Jong…up?” Youngjae quietly called, trying to see his brother’s face.

Jongup shook his head at his hyung. “JaeJae hyungie, Jonguppie is fine…” He said and hurried to his room.

Jongup can never be mad with someone. Even if he says he’s mad, he himself knows he’s not mad with a specific person.

That night, Youngjae had heard his baby brother cry himself to sleep. He wanted to go to his room and stop him from crying, but he knew Jongup wouldn’t want him to.

Youngjae got back to his senses when he realized Jongup already bought his ice cream and was beginning to go home. He continued to follow his little brother.

Just then, a three of what seemed like 7 year olds stopped Jongup in his tracks. They all had smirks on. “Hey kid, hand over the ice cream.”


“What did you just say?”

“I said no. Get lost, I hate people like you. You shouldn’t live on this Earth.” Jongup added.

Youngjae’s mouth dropped wide when he heard his 3 year old baby brother say that. Thinking there might be a fight, he walked behind his brother. “Jongpuppie, you shouldn’t say that. That’s too mean.”

Jongup stayed silent. His ice cream was almost melting. “I don’t care. It’s the truth.” Youngjae sighed and picked his brother up to his arms. He looked at the 7 year olds who were startled at the 17 year old in front of them and ran off.

“Jongpuppie, what’s gotten into you lately? You’re not acting like yourself.”

Jongup blinked weakly. “I’m fine, JaeJae hyungie.”  He flashed a smile and continued enjoying his ice cream, but Youngjae knew there was something wrong.

When they got home, Jongup had ran inside first, attempting to hide his ice cream away from his youngest brother but failed.

“Jonguppie hyungie has ice cream…” Junhong said, pointing at his hyung with his right hand and tugging his appa’s shirt with his left.

Yongguk looked at Jongup, who was hiding his face. “Jonguppie, why didn’t you buy an ice cream for your little brother? You –,”

“I didn’t have enough money. Umma only gave me 5 dollars. The ice cream cost 3 dollars.” Jongup immediately answered, looking at the rest of his family with an innocent expression. He noticed his dad’s face, and judging by his appa’s expression, Jongup knew that his appa lost this argument.

“Well…maybe you can give some to Junhong. You know that he likes ice cream just as much as you do.”

“Junhong doesn’t like chocolate.”

By now, the youngest baby began to whimper. He was softly bawling, his fists wiping his teary eyes. Yongguk looked at his son again but this time with a strong leer, “Jongup!”

Jongup shivered at his appa’s voice. He nodded and headed towards his younger brother with his head down. His arm unconsciously stretched out and surrendered his ice cream.

Junhong cheered happily and took the treat from his hyung. He took a before his eyes widened. “Junhong hates chocolate!” The maknae shouted, flinging the cone to the floor with a splat.

Himchan gasped. “Junhong…!” He shouted, causing the baby to cry. Umma immediately picked up his son and walked away from Jongup, followed by Yongguk. “Junhong ah, Umma’s sorry for yelling at you. Don’t cry anymore.”

Youngjae stood next to his umma, trying as well to stop Junhong from crying. He then remembered Jongup. The boy was just standing there and Youngjae realized it.

Why is Junhong the one crying? It’s Jongup’s ice cream that was ruined. So how come umma and appa are only giving Junhong the attention?

"Jongup…” Youngjae mumbled. He looked at his parents and took Junhong into his own arms, earning confused looks from his parents. “I’ll take care of Junhong. Appa, umma, go to Jongup.”

“But Junhong’s the one crying.”

“Yeah but Jongup’s the one that’s hurt.”

That caused his appa and umma to shut up. They looked over to their other son and realized their mistake. Himchan umma walked to him first. “Jonguppie, mommy’s sorry. Let’s go get you another ice cream okay? Yongguk, can you clean up the mess?”

But Jongup only shook his head. “I don’t want ice cream anymore…” He said lowly.

Himchan tilted his ear. “Did you say something, Jonguppie?”

“I said I don’t want any more ice cream.” Jongup repeated himself. He flung himself away from his mom’s arms and accidently bumped into his dad’s leg.

“Jonguppie, how about we play together now? Appa has time. We can play with your toys and –,”



Jongup shook his head again, not making any eye contact with his parents, especially at his appa. “Jonguppie doesn’t want to play. Jonguppie just wants to be alone!” He finished off saying and ran off to his room.

He realized he had called himself ‘Jonguppie’ again and began to hit himself for that. “Jonguppie isn’t a baby anymore! Jonguppie shouldn’t call himself Jonguppie! Jong -… I…I can take care of myself! I don’t need appa or umma anymore! I don’t want them anymore!”

Himchan heard his son’s cries from downstairs and couldn’t help but bring himself to tears. “What kind of mother am I…?” He mumbled, burying himself into his palms.

Yongguk sat down next to his lover, and brought Himchan to his embrace. “It’s my fault, Himchan…I shouldn’t had slapped him that week before…”

Youngjae sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked at his parents. “You’re BOTH horrible parents.” He said with disproval before taking sleeping Junhong to his room.

The next few days didn’t go so well. Jongup would hardly talk to his parents, or even just look at them. He spent most of his time alone in his room with his door locked.

The only times Jongup would come out would be if he needed to use the bathroom, shower, or eat. But even having a nice family dinner can be awkward.

Youngjae had gone out on a date with Daehyun, so it left the other four to have dinner together. Umma and appa tried everything to make Jongup talk to them but nothing seems to work.

“Jonguppie, do you want to go to the amusement park tomorrow?” Yongguk awkwardly asked, hoping his son will say yes.

“I hate amusement parks.”

That sorta was not the answer Yongguk was looking for…

“Uppie, how about umma get you some apple pie or ice cream after dinner?”

“I hate apple pie…I hate ice cream…”

“But you bought some ice cream with your older brother just yesterday.”

“That’s because I like it when JaeJae hyungie buys it with me. I don’t want Umma or Appa to do stuff for me anymore.” Jongup answered again, biting into his carrot.

Yongguk growled and slammed his chopsticks down onto the table. He glared at his son. “Jongup, don’t you think you’re being a little unfair right now? Appa and umma are trying to say sorry, why just can’t you just accept it?!”

Jongup slowly looked up at his dad with an innocent look. “Is appa going to hit me again?”

Both his parents’ eyes widened. It was strange how a young kid like Jongup could remember something that happened almost two weeks ago and use it as an advantage like that.

“I’m done eating.” Jongup finished saying, jumping down from his chair. He didn’t give a look to his three family members and was about to go to his room until Junhong stopped him by grabbing Jongup’s shirt.


“Let go of my shirt, Junhong.”

“No! Junhong doesn’t want Jonguppie hyung mad!”

“Let go of me, Junhong!”

“Jongup, that’s no way to speak to your brother!” Himchan shouted, picking up the already crying Junhong in his arms. He also glared at Jongup.

The other baby suddenly scoffed. “Oh so I guess you’re siding with Junhong again. Umma, I did nothing wrong. Junhong’s the one who grabbed me!”

“I was never siding with Junhong before, Jongup!”

“Yes, Umma is! Umma and Appa only care about Junhong!”

“I’ve have just about enough!” Yongguk shouted and stood up. He gave a good hit at Jongup, leaving a red mark. He looked at his baby boy on the floor, crying. And then the two parents heard what Jongup said next.

“Why can’t umma and appa just give Jonguppie some attention too…?”

The house became silent with Jongup’s baby sobs.

“Jonguppie’s not asking a lot…” Jongup continued; his voice choked with tears. “Jonguppie just wants appa and umma…but appa and umma don’t think about Jonguppie…Jonguppie doesn’t want to hate Junhong…Jonguppie wants to be a good big brother like JaeJae hyungie…but Jonguppie knows he can’t because he’s a big baby and he wants his umma and appa too!”

He began to cry out loud, tears overflowing around him. He heard his dad sigh and felt himself being picked up. He continued to cry onto his appa’s shirt.

“I’m sorry, Jonguppie.” Yongguk whispered into his son’s small ear. He too was crying along with Himchan. “Appa didn’t mean to ignore you. Appa didn’t mean to hit you. Appa’s sorry, Jonguppie. But we’re trying our best to show that we still love you too.” Yongguk confessed and Jongup’s cries began to lower.

Jongup hiccupped. “Jonguppie was sad when Appa and Umma took Junhong to the amusement park without Jonguppie. Jonguppie was all alone at home, that’s why Jonguppie went to Changjo’s house. But then Jonguppie got yelled by appa for running away by himself.”

Yongguk gulped down his guiltiness. “I’m sorry Jonguppie. Both Umma and Appa are sorry for not taking you with us. Can you, Jonguppie, give your appa and umma another chance?”

The baby immediately nodded against his daddy’s shoulder, his fists holding on the shirt tightly. “Appa, Jonguppie wants to sleep…”

Yongguk nodded and moved around like the way he would put Junhong to sleep. He felt his son snuggle onto his shoulder and his grip on his shirt began to loosen.

The sobs began to disappear and were replaced with soft breathing. After a while, Yongguk slowly looked at his son and noticing his cute sleeping face, the one that he didn’t see in a while.

“I’ll bring him up to his room.” Himchan said and Yongguk gently handed him over. The mother walked up the stairs and brushed Jongup’s brown bangs. “I’m sorry, Jongup. Umma loves you.” He said as he placed his child onto his bed, kissing his forehead. “Umma’s sorry.”

“Jonguppie loves Umma and Appa…” Himchan heard his son say and he immediately began to tear up.

“We love you too, Jongup…”


The next morning, Jongup woke up in his appa’s arms. He looked up at his father’s sleeping face and stared at him. “Why is appa sleeping with Jonguppie…?”

Yongguk stirred when he felt Jongup’s fingers trace his nose. He opened his eyes. “Good morning appa…” Jongup’s small baby voice said before being pulled into his daddy’s arms again.

“Go back to sleep, Jonguppie.”

“But…Jonguppie’s not sleepy anymore.”

“Well Appa still is…”

Jongup smiled and snuggled back onto his daddy’s strong chest. “Okay appa!” He shouted happily. “Where’s umma and Junhong?”


“Oh, I see you two are up, Jonguppie.” Himchan said as he walked through the door with Junhong in his arms. “Umma made you your favorite apple pie, Jonguppie.”

“Jonguppie hyungie, hyungie, hyungie…!” Junhong shouted as umma placed him on Jongup’s bed. The maknae smiled happily and crawled onto his hyung’s lap. “Jonguppie hyungie…!”

Jongup hesitated at his little brother before smiling. “Hi Junhongie…”

Junhong smiled and hugged Jongup. “Junhongie loves Jonguppie hyungie!”

“I see you guys made up.” Youngjae said as he leaned against Jongup’s door. His umma nodded, smiling. “Umma, you know I felt like that too when Jongup was born right?”

“Of course…”

Youngjae smiled and stood up straight. “I’m going back to bed. Daehyun doesn’t like it when I’m out of his arms.”

“You two aren’t doing anything last night right?”

“Umma, we’re only sleeping. You’re thinking too much.” Youngjae said and gave one last look at his family before heading back to his own room. He’s glad Jongup returned back to the normal Jongup.

“Jonguppie loves umma, appa, Junhongie, JaeJae hyungie and DaeDae hyungie!”


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this always makes my heart hurt a little omfg
annethundr05 #2
Chapter 1: This totally hurt my heart T^T. My sweet Uppie. I can see why he'd try to do things by himself. As it seems like his parents have completely forgotten they have a second son who is only 3 years old and still needs them just as much a Junnie does. BangHim made me want to choke them both. I can understand the being tired but still. I'm glad it worked out in the end though. Kudos
I've read this like 30 times it's so cuuuuuute
Chapter 1: When I was Jongup's age, even the word 'apple' was a task to say lmao
Chapter 1: It's 2017 n im still crying re-reading this one shot ㅠ ㅠ
badkitty #6
Chapter 1: Angst baby jongup. Cry cry cry
JaeYong_TY #7
Omg this is really sad and cute at the end but like...
Jongup and zelo are probably the most talkative 3 and 2 year old i have ever seen. They talk like adults man...
Chapter 1: This broke me omg but it was so good tho!!! And really cute! Banghim shocked me tho, I never expected the hitting part. I felt this way too when my younger brother was born and suddenly everyone's attention were on him. Great fic!^^