The One With the Two W's (the Weirdo & the Wrecker)

Beautiful Stranger
Episode 29

She finally arrived home and ran to her apartment, locking the door behind her.


She threw her bag on the couch, took off her shoes and went in for a shower, hoping the cold water would cool her off.


Resting in the bathtub, she let herself feel the water on her skin, trying to forget everything that happened.


On the other side of the door and placed on her bed, her phone was still ringing, the same ID showing over and over again.



♥ - Seungho's POV


“I just had… a thing for her, that's all. Nothing more. Yes she's kind of attractive but it's only physical and now it's over. I have Haylee and I'm happy. Can we drop the subject and go back to practice please?”


I got up from the floor, tired of hearing them talking about my love life.


Standing on my two feet, I heard my phone vibrating and pulled it out from my pocket.


Haylee sent me a message.


I smiled hoping that she would tell me she was just outside waiting for me but as I read the message, my smile faded away, replaced by a frown.


From: Pretty Haylee <3

I'm sorry, but I started to feel a little bit dizzy so I went back home to rest. You don't have to worry, I'll be fine, go back to practice, I'll see you later ^^

Fighting <3

- I love you


All of a sudden? I guess that's why she felt off when I called her… I wanted to skip practice and run back to her but with the amount of work we have, I don't think it will be a good idea…


Practice and recording went on until the sun was completely gone.


The day was finally over and as exhausted as I was, I wanted to run back to Haylee, hoping she wasn't that sick because even though she told me not to worry, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I tried my best to focus but I felt as if there was more to it than just dizziness.


Something in her voice made me think that.


It was like… she was crying? Could it be? But why?


I ruffled my hair, annoyed about how things turned out but at the same time, I just couldn't get it out of my head.


Everything about today seemed to annoy me, from the way the guys were nagging me to the way Jamie was acting and now Haylee, who could be sick, if not was trying to avoid me.


I feel like I'm getting to ahead of myself… Maybe she is really sick and didn't want to feel worse so she just decided to go back home…



Haylee was sleeping.


She was trying to sleep, that's what I meant.


She spent the rest of the afternoon in bed.


She had her phone next to her and looked at it as it kept lighting up showing Seungho's endless calls and messages.


She turned around, her back facing the device.


With her closed eyes, she tried to relax taking deep breath to calm herself down. After a couple of minutes of effort, she finally found herself in dreamland, ‘much better than reality, not matter what it is’.


With Haylee reaching la-la land, Seungho opened the door calling out to her and as a response, silence greeted him. He closed the door behind him, took off his shoes and carefully walked further inside. He looked around and his eyes soon landed on a laid out body.


His expression softened seeing that his girl was peacefully sleeping.


I guess she was really sick…


He walked towards her looking at her sleeping figure with a small smile on his face. He sat down and lightly her cheek but his gaze soon trailed to the phone placed behind her on the free pillow.


Where you trying to avoid me? What happened?


He picks up the phone and saw all the missed calls and unanswered messages he sent her.


He sighed and placed the phone on the nightstand. He tried not to think to much about it as he was headed towards the bathroom for a quick shower, wanting to get in bed as soon as possible.



The next morning, Haylee was the first one to wake up.


She knew that Seungho was here since she could feel his arm around her waist, hugging her tight. Despite what happened yesterday, it felt good being in his arms, she felt happy.


She turned around and examined his sleeping face. Looking at him, she couldn't stop thinking about what he said yesterday, afraid that his true feelings were being revealed to anybody but her.


It wasn't the first time that a boy lied to her about what he felt about her and every time she would find out the truth, she was left heartbroken, but this time it was worse. For some reason, thinking that Seungho was using her made her rethink the sweet words he would whisper to her, every kiss he would give her, every hug and even the gestures he would do to make her feel comfortable.


She didn't want to lose him, especially not because of that.


Though the feeling of insecurity was still there, she would try to leave it behind and become bold, even though the mere thought of it was making her uncomfortable.


She carefully got out of bed and walked to her bathroom for a quick shower.


While she was in there, Seungho was slowly starting to wake up, feeling as if something was missing. He opened his eyes and noticed that Haylee was out of bed. His worried face soon faded away when he heard the water running on the other side presuming that she has just woken up.


He laid back and looked at the ceiling waiting for her to finish. Left alone with his own thoughts, he couldn't help himself but to rethink about yesterday and about the sudden change of mood from Haylee.


He didn't want to believe that she was purposely avoiding him and if she did, what would be the reason?


His thoughts were cut off when Haylee walked out, with a simple towel covering her body as she walked towards her drawers looking for something to wear.


She was hoping that Seungho was awake so he could get to see her like this and lucky for her he was. He quickly sat up in bed, eyes wide open and ready to pop out with his jaw dropped, in complete shock at his view. A shade of red was gradually tainting his cheeks as his brain was starting to stop properly functioning with his other senses rising one by one.


Despite already having seen her in her swimsuit, she was practically standing in front of him. With just one small move, that towel could drop, revealing the gorgeous body he so wanted to feel.


The heat in his body kept rising as he kept looking at her, not being able to stop. All he wanted to do right now was to just take her right here and right now but he knew that he had to restrain himself, he just didn't think it would be this hard… To which he was.


The wet hair tied up in a messy bun were leaving small trails down her collarbone and onto her hand that was holding the towel as she was slowly bending to look in the lower drawers for some clothes.


He cleared his throat finally gaining her attention looking at him with no apparent shock expression on her face… Nop, she was just smiling.


“Good morning.”


“G-good… morning”


“You can go in if you want”




He runs out of bed and straight to the bathroom, quickly closing the door behind him hoping that she didn't get to see his state.


Usually, Haylee would take her clothes with her inside the bathroom so to see her like this, completely unaffected by her appearance, totally took him by surprise. Taking his clothes off, he walked into the tub and let the water hit his hot skin having the moment, engraved in his mind. He looked up with his eyes closed, letting the water hit his face as he leaned in front, his hands placed on the wall.


With the days they spent together, he got to know her and he knew that she wasn't that kind of person.


He knew how shy she could be and seeing her like this made him think she something was wrong. She was acting weird, already early in the morning, and he didn't understand why.


'What are you doing Haylee?'



On the other side, finally clothed, Haylee was waiting on her bed for Seungho to finish.


As she was doing so, she was nervous.


Even though it was nothing at all, the act from earlier was something that she would never do, especially not in front of anyone, not even her own boyfriend. She wanted to see what his reaction would be and so far, she didn't get to see it.


She wanted to show that she was attractive enough for him, but as far as she knows, she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. She was hoping that her next move would make him act up, hoping that she could at least see a hint coming from him and showing that he was indeed physically attracted to her.


She took several deep breaths to calm herself down when she heard the door from the bathroom opening, revealing a wide awake Seungho.


He froze when he laid his eyes on Haylee.


She was wearing a pair of black jeans shorts and a racerback tank top, loose enough to show hints of her black bra from the side and the top. She was innocently sitting on her bed legs crossed with her hair loose, and from where the ends were falling, they accentuated her cleavage a little bit. He gulped down his saliva and looked at her harmlessly biting her bottom lip. “Hi.”




At the edge of the bed, she sat up on her knees and motioned him to come towards her, hugging him close with her arms wrapped around his neck. She pulled away and placed a kiss on his plump lips hoping that he would respond to it.


She was about to pull away once again when he took her bottom lip between his and lightly bit it, kissing her back and hard. He could barely stand the hormones that were jumping around in him and that simple kiss made him lose it.


The kiss slowly became hungrier as he took over, his embrace getting tight little by little.


From his neck, her hands were placed on the collar of his shirt and pulled him against her as she slowly started to lean back towards her bed, finding herself underneath Seungho with her legs wrapping themselves around him. They haven't broken their intense kiss while they were both holding onto each other from her hips to his neck.


Their hearts were both ready to explode if they were about to go further.


She was completely nervous of what was going on but it didn't stop her from wanting more, even though it was technically for the wrong reasons, while his meter of reason was completely blown away by the lust that was embracing him. His fingers dug themselves deeper into her hips when she brought him close enough to feel him through his pants.


She let out a subtle moan the moment he gently bit  her neck.


There was the wake up call.


With his face still nuzzled in her neck, he pulled his lips away from her skin, taking a slow and deep breath. He let go of his grip, pulling himself away with Haylee still lying underneath him, completely bewildered by his sudden change. “What’s wrong?”


“Nothing. I got to go to practice, I'll call you later.”


He got out of bed, walked to the door and out of her place.


All of this, without Haylee moving an inch from her position.


She was looking up at the ceiling, her tears making their way out.


She felt so stupid and embarrassed about what happened she didn't even had the courage to face him anymore.


What do I do now? I don't want to lose him…



The day went by until it was time to leave.


Seungho was the only one left in the practice room while everybody left. He hasn't talked to Haylee at all and he didn't know what to do now: go back to the dorm or go back to her place?


As he was deliberating on this decision, the door slid open revealing none other than Jamie.


She saw the others leave and took this change to corner Seungho while he was still alone knowing that his girlfriend wasn't around. She was standing by the door when she greeted Seungho and slowly walked towards him keeping up their started conversation. “Hey you~”


“Jamie? What are you doing here?”


“Nothing, I just wanted to see how you were doing.”




“So, how are you doing?”


“Hmm, good I guess.”


“It doesn't seem so, what's wrong?”


“Nothing that concerns you.”


“Hmm, okay. I'm right here if you want to talk about it. Is it about your girlfriend? Had a fight?”


“What do you want Jamie?”


“Breathe Seungho, I just want to talk to you. It's been a while since we… talked.


She was standing in front of him, trying to sport a sweet and innocent look hiding her true motives. “From the looks of it, trouble in paradise?”


“Not really -”


“Seungho, I know you. You don't have to hide it. Talk to me.”


“What is it to you anyways?”


“Nothing, I just want to help you~”


He lets out a sigh as he looked up at the ceiling and back down at her while she was still looking at him with that smug smile on her face. “So, trouble with the lady?”


“I-I-I guess you can say that… She's been acting weird since yesterday and I don't understand why.”


Bingo.’ “Have you tried talking to her?”




“Okay… Hmm, by the way she is acting, do you think something is going on?


“Well, if there is she hasn't told me anything.”


“Do you think that maybe… she's just hiding something from you because she's afraid of your reaction if you ever find out?”


“What do you mean?”


“Well I don't know, maybe there is some… hidden motive -”


“Jamie, what the hell are you blabbering about?!”


“All I want to say is to stay careful, you never know with girls like her, she might as well use you. I mean, come on! The way she met Myung Hee, the way she easily got into the dance crew and the endless coincidental meetings between you two, don't you think it's all a little too good to be true?”


“Jamie -”


“Shush. Now look at me and tell me you never thought that it could be a possibility. Think about the way she's acting, maybe you'll have your answer from there.”


Without his knowledge, his subconscious was slowly falling for Jamie's words.


Was she really using him? Or did Haylee genuinely love Seungho?


He was to concentrated on this matter that he didn't notice the sly move from Jamie as she gently placed her hands on his shirt lightly playing with it while looking down.


Seungho doesn't want to believe it but even from the way she was acting this morning he was afraid that the truth was standing in front of him ready to hit him in the face.


Do you even love me Haylee?


At that thought, Jamie took another small step towards Seungho, close enough to feel his breath.


Realizing how near they were from each other, Seungho looks down at Jamie confused from her actions and before he has time to react something dropped on the floor, echoing through the room.


He turned his head around and paled out when he saw Haylee standing by the door, her bag on the floor and from the looks of it, she was about to be broken.




With a smirk on her face, Jamie looked up at Haylee, not moving away from Seungho and innocently greeted Haylee


“Hey you~”


Seungho yelled at Jamie to get herself away from me as he wanted to run to Haylee.


“I'll make it much more easier for you two.” From the girl, Haylee looked straight into Seungho’s eyes, showing him the pain that just smashed itself inside of her. “It's over.”


He pushes Jamie away only to find himself alone in the room.


Haylee was already gone.


With his back facing her, Jamie carefully slid her arms from behind, embracing Seungho with her chin resting on his shoulder.


“You don't need her anyway, I'm here babe. I'm all yours.”

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03/10/14: chapter 1 of TRH (Beautiful Stranger III) is up! :)


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kgirl1016 #1
Chapter 38: Omg please please please
Chapter 38: OMG my favorite author is back \(^*^)/
i knew you would come back:P
cant wait! Especially cause its a Seungho story!!!!!!!!
The poster is b e a u t i f u l ~ Oh man I have to read this, I am soo late. BRB!
Chapter 39: Yay I've been waiting
Chapter 39: OMG O_o its like a christmas present hahhah i cant wait !!! <3
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 39: Yeay!!!! Sequel ..update soon pls!!!
Loved the story! It was amazing how real you made the story feel! Sometimes making me feel like I was Haylee. Thank you for writing such a great story! I hope you will consider a sequel, but if not, I hope you will consider writing another story about Seungho! Please & thank you :)
Chapter 37: wow this is the best story I ever read.... love it sooo much. And now i dont know if I should be happy or sad! Thank you authornim
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 37: Sequel pls!!!!