The magical moment






Author POV 

The next morning after this conversation between Taecyeon, Krystal and Taemin, everyone tried to act as naturally as possible, they knew that if they told this to Jessica and Donghae and moderately increase the danger was something they wanted to avoid. 

That morning Jessica was going to spend all day with Donghae, apparently their relationship was better than ever, you could see that they had already officially back. 

Jessica POV 

It was 8:56 am when I woke up, I was going to go with Donghae on a walk, just us, it was perfect, I was so happy that everything were arranging increasingly felt we came back together. 

-Jessica's phone rings-

- Hi there! 
- Jess! Is me, Hae. 
- Hae! Hi, I was already arranging for travel, what time pass by me? 
- Right now, I'm down -laughs- 
- Y-You're here!? Give me two minutes and I go down. 
-Okay, I'll wait. 
-Well, I'm going down, don't go! 
- Leave without you? Never. 
- -Laughs- Well, see below. 
-Excellent, I'll be waiting. 

-End of conversation- 

Donghae was already down and I was not dressed, luckily for me I had already bathed so I got dressed as fast as I could and went down the elevator with my luggage, I applied my perfume in large quantities, I know that he would like it. 

J: Hae! I'm here -greets- 
H: Hello beautiful, do we leave? -Laughs- 
J: Sure-laughs- 
H: After you, lady. 
J: -laughs- 

We went to his car and we left, Hae told me we were going to camp somewhere special, I was so excited I could not control the expontanea smile playing on my face, it was amazing to be with him, I loved to spend an hour even with him. 

-An hour later- 

H: We're here! 
J: Woah! What is this place? 
H: This is the ancient garden of my father, used to come here with me and we drew, is a very quiet place, not many will know this site. 
J: You had never brought me here-laughs- 
H: I was going to bring for our first anniversary, but could not. 
J: Hmm, this place is beautiful. 
H: Come, I'll show you where we camp. 
J: Okay, smiles 

We went a little further into that beautiful garden was beautiful, had an infinite number of flowers and the trees were so intense and natural green color, just being there made you feel relaxed and calm. 

We got the most beautiful meadow alla ever seen, it was flat and edged with flowers was a beautiful lake nearby, this definitely was the best trip I had in my entire life. 

H: Jess! Come let's make the carp-smiles 
J: Okay-smiles

Donghae POV 

Jessica looked so beautiful, so radiant, beauty worthy of her, her smile outshone the same sun that illuminated us that morning was amazing that she had the ability to cast a spell with only a slight smile. 

We pitched the tent and started to talk and walk around the meadow, she told me that things were done in the course of the week and I loved listening to it, I liked to communicate, I knew that everything was better than ever. 

J: I saw an amazing movie! Paranormal Activity was called, but I was very afraid. 
H: Really? -Laughs-I would have liked to be there. 
J: Why? for mock me? -Flips face- 
H: No, to give you a hug every time you where scared
H:-laughs- When you blush you look very cute. 
J: Stop bothering me! -Cover her face-

Every conversation was beautiful because she smiled, every moment, every word, everything was perfect at her side. 

Author POV 

Hours passed and this couple they walked and talked, but then, Taecyeon looking for answers to solve the case with Hanna. 

Taecyeon POV 

I had to encotrar answers needed that file, that file where Marylinn wrote his observations on Hanna, needed to hear audio tapes of conversations she had with Hanna and who could help me. 

-Start the call- 

- Hi there! 
- Amanada, it's me, Taeyeon. 
- Taec? Long time ago I didn't know about you, how are you? 
Fine, and you? 
- Good actually, now tell me why are you calling me? 
-I need a favor, is very important and you are the only person who can help. 
- What is it? Tell me what you need. 
-I need all files, recordings and notes made on Hanna by Marylinn Wolfman. 
-All right, I'll find all the records and I send them to you, do you changed your email address? 
-No, still the same. 
-Ok then, I will send it you all the information. 
-Thank you, bye Amanda. 
-Bye, take care. 

-End of call- 

Amanda was the secretary of Marylinn, and also a great friend, I knew she would get what I needed. This night would get all that information. 

Author POV 

The night covered the place, Donghae and Jessica were inside the carp, love flowed in each other, the atmosphere was quiet and romantic. 

H: Did you see the stars? 
J: Yes, they were many and very bright. 
H: Hm -laughs- 
J: Why you laugh? -Smiles- 
H: I'm just happy to have traveled with you. 
J: O-oh, thanks -blushes- 

Each time they were realizing that that love was stronger than ever, and could not hide it anymore, loved and that was what mattered. 
H: Jessica? 
J: Yeah? 
H: Can you come here for a moment? 
J: Sure, what's up? 

The desire, the love, the flame that consumed him, beating each could be heard from miles away, shaking hands Hae. 

H: I ... 

Nerves attacked him as bullets, could not stand, was under a lot of pressure, but he loved her and would not have another opportunity to speak. 

H: Jessica .. 
J: Yes? 

The girl desperate to hear those words she so desired, it was a moment of pressure between them, but also would make the most perfect of all night. 

H: There's something I must tell you. 
J: Me too. 

It was now .. 

H: I... 

Or never. 

H: I love you. 
J: I love you.

At that time they were alone, nothing else mattered, only two of them and the love they felt. 


Love is expressed in that tent in the most free and beautiful shape, nothing mattered to them, they loved it was that and nothing more. 

While that was happening, Taecyeon waited impatiently for those files, I needed to read what Ms. Wolfman had written about Hanna. 

Taecyeon POV 

The night passed and I was waiting in front of the monitor information that Amanda was going to send me, every minute filled me with anxiety, I knew I would find there excatamente. That finally got the message. 

"You have a new message" 

I opened the mail and Amanda was a message that said: 

"Good night Taec, here are all the documents, the recordings are in mp3 and notes are also attached, I hope you serve, greetings" 

Indeed, they were all the files, downloaded and printed out, and I started my reading was shocking as the Wolfman Miss analyzed every word spoken by Hanna. A few hours later I devoted myself to hear the notes, I was the last one that was when I started to listen to my heart raced and will impact me. 

"II can not be .." I said nervous "I'ts recorded .. Everything is recorded." 

To be continue.

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zicky_yun #1
Chapter 16: Hello , This charming story , I hope you can keep updating , I 'm dying to know more go , please update soon.
jungli29 #2
Chapter 11: update soon. ;D
Chapter 7: update soon please ^_^
Whit12332100 #4
Chapter 6: HaeSica !!
PianoSica #5
interesting story author nim, update soon :) Hwaiting!