She's Gone

The Jade Green Dress

The walls closed in as she stumbled further and further into the maze.
The once concrete walls turned into soft moss that leaved moist kisses
on her palm as she felt her way out. In the air lingered the sickly
smell of dead roses long forgotten by the sun. Everything about this
maze spoke in a grotesque language of despair and obsession. It only
hit her then how long he had been waiting. How long he had waited till
the roses wilted in his growing fixation. How long he had waited that
the moss crept across the wall just as derangement corrupted the
purity of his love. How long he had waited that his persistence
outlived even the eternal sun.

The bloodcurdling sound of steel against concrete echoed through the
increasingly claustrophobic channels. She did not have time to think,
to feel scared, or to feel guilty. His heels clicked loudly on the
masonry, mimicking the taunting rhythm of a time bomb. He had promised
her everything she had ever asked for and he was going to give them
all to her even if she no longer wanted it. His sanity easily
overpowered by the urgent sound of friction her jade green dress made.
Her jade green dress that he put on her before he made her run into
his masterpiece. Adrenaline courses through his veins, powering his
delirium, magnifying his already sharpened senses. His breaths became
shorter and faster as his pupils dilated under the influence of the
adrenaline. He let the blade meet the walls in a graceful dance as he
traced her steps under the blanket of stars. He could almost hear the
way her breath hitched every time she turned around to see if he had
caught up. It was so real, he could feel it behind his ear. His eyes
rolled back in the sublimity of the moment, and as quickly as the
stars blinked, focused straight back on her cautious treading.

Wide eyes b with fear, slender fingers clenched tightly into a
white-knuckled fist, she contemplated scaling the wall with the thick
thorny vines that decorated the walls. She could hear him strutting
closer and closer to her, his careless steps sounding ludicrous
against her own faltering paces.

Then came the turn. A turn that led down a corridor bathed in the pale

Pressing her back against the wall, she steadied herself and craned
her neck for a courageous peek. Coast clear. She made the full turn,
lashes wet with panic. One step. Two steps. Not a sound in the air. No
lazy humming from insects. No idle breezes of sea air. Just the
comforting moonlight that robed her in a surreal coat of glitter.
Coast clear.

His arms wrapped around her waist, sweeping her off her feet as he
pulled her back into the moist, humid, darkness. Her shrill cry rang
through the air. For the first time in a decade, the silence broke.
Like a curse lifted, every inch of the maze came alive with her
horrific screams that came wave after wave multiplying in decibels
each time. Until a sickening thud ended her monstrous melody.



This is real short, but I hope you enjoyed it as much as I had enjoyed GD's One of a Kind tour. I might make a background story for this so...remember to check back?

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