Never Let Go


“AAAAAHH”  leeteuk shout when his car is going to bump to another car. His car rolled over. Leeteuk is send to the nearest hospital.


On the other hand, taeyeon is still thinking of what he did to Leeteuk.



“Leeteuk, I don’t love you anymore” taeyeon said to leeteuk


“But Taeyeon, why?” leetuk said while holding his tears.


“Oh, why? Your parents doesn’t like me, they are always putting me down and is there still a reason for me to love you?  Taeyeon said


Leeteuk did not answer anymore. He went to his car and drive away. Taeyeon cried


“I’m sorry if I have to let you go” taeyeon thought to herself then she go back to her house.




After thinking of that, she decided to watch TV.

REPORTER: Good evening everyone! I am here to tell you the latest   


                 Park jung su’s car bumped to another car. He got physical & internal injuries. His fans are so worried about him already. We will give you updates about her condition later. Goodbye!


Taeyeon was so shocked because of this. She hurriedly go to the hospital where leeteuk is confined. When she arrived there, leeteuk is still in I.C.U. Super junior approached her.


“taeyeon, what happen? I thought you are with him awhile ago?” heechul asked.Taeyeon cried while apologizing then she ran away .


“You are so bad Taeyeon! Now he is in danger because of you! You are so bad” taeyeon told herself while hitting her head. Someone stop her. It is ryeowook.


“Stop that Taeyeon! You are hurting yourself!” ryeowook said.


“No’ I deserve this! Please leave me alone!” taeyeon shouted


“Okay, I’ll go. I will call you when leeteuk hyung got awake” ryeowook said while walking away from taeyeon,


Leeteuk stayed in I.C.U. for 3 days. Then he is brought to a normal room after that. He is in coma for three months. On those 3 months, Taeyeon changed a lot. She became quiet from being a talkative person before.


After 3 months, leeteuk got awake. He saw ryeowook but before he talk to him, he told himself to pretend that he can’t remember anything.


“Hyung, you are awake already!” ryeowook said


“Who are you? Where am i?” leeteuk asked


“Hyung, I am ryeowook! You cannot remember me?  Are you sure?” ryeo asked while holding his tears.


“I do not know. Mianhe” leeteuk said.


“Don’t worry, I’ll help you remember everything!” ryeowook said. “I’ll go out first” ryeowook continued


Ryeowook go out. He called taeyeon and tell that leeteuk is already awake. He also call SJ and tell it to them. They immediately go there.

Taeyeon arrived first.


“Leeteuk, i’m glad you’re awake now!” Taeyeon said while holding his tears.


“Who is she?” leeteuk said while pretending to be confused


“Hyung she is your girlfriend!” ryeowook said


“Girlfriend? If she is my girlfriend, why can’t I feel it? Leeteuk said


“I broke up with him.” Taeyeon whispered to ryeowook

 “BTW, why am i in the hospital? leeteuk said


“Don’t mind that anymore hyung!”ryeowok said


SJ came so taeyeon decided to leave. SJ asked leeteuk about his condition and he said he is okay but he cannot remember anything. He does not stop from pretending. Ryeowook is always at his side.

 After 1 month, taeyeon go the hospital. Only ryeowook is there. She told ryeowook to leave them first. Leeteuk is sleeping but it is only fake.


Taeyeon start to talk...

“Since you are sleeping, I want to say the truth. Even though you cannot remember me, I will still say this. It is not true that I do not love you anymore; I just let you go because your mom wants me to. She said that if I am not going to let go of you, she would not accept you as her son anymore so I did it. I let go of you. I did not tell the truth because I do not want you and your mom to have a problem. This is what I want to tell you. I love you.” Taeyeon kissed leeteuk’s forehead and go talk to ryeowook. Leeteuk’s tears fell down but he immediately wiped it so that ryeowook will not notice it then he sleep. While, taeyeon tell everything to ryeowook and tell something important. Ryeowook was shock.


 When taeyeon left, he go to leeteuk’s room then leeteuk got awake.


“Mianhe Ryeowook” leeteuk said


“Mianhe? For what?” ryeowook ask


“For lying that I cannot remember anything. I will not blame you if you will be mad at me” leeteuk said when suddenly tears fell down on his cheeks.


“Hyung! Why?” ryeowook ask


“I am mad at Taeyeon but now i already knew the reason why she broke up with me” leeteuk said


“Hyung, do you still love her?” ryeo ask


“Neh” leeteuk answered


“Then follow her before it’s too late” ryeowook shouted


“What do you mean?” leeteuk asked.


“She said that she is leaving now and she will never come back! Go follow her. I will accompany you!” ryeowook said


“Let’s go” lee said while standing up from the bed


They go to the airport. They run and run even though leeteuk’s legs are already aching. Ryeowook and leeteuk saw taeyeon already giving her passport and plane ticket so...


“TAEYEON!” leeteuk shouted then taeyeon look and was surprise when he saw leeteuk .


“DON’T LEAVE! MIANHE!” leeteuk shout! Taeyeon get back her passport and run towards leeteuk.


“Why are you here?” taeyeon ask


“Mianhe. I lied that I cannot remember you. I did it because I was mad. Mianhe.” leeteuk said


“It is okay leeteuk oppa! Sit first! You are so tired now!” taeyeon said


“Saranghae!” leetuk said then he hugged taeyeon


“I Love you too, leeteuk oppa! Why did you go here if you’re not that okay?” taeyeon said


“You’re leaving me and i will not let you do that!” leeteuk said


“Mianhe! saranghae!” 

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the news is a little bit funny..O_O..but love ur stories...
leaders_jjang #2
OmO...their too sweet<br />
elf_wookiePH #3
thank you :)
adilaa #4
Awww. Taeteuk hwaiting!!!! I love them.^^
xShikaJungx #5
cuteee! :)