Fumbling Kisses

I Hear Your Voice : Echoes of the Heart


Fumbling Kisses


He was saving himself for her.

Hoping and dreaming that his Noona would be sophisticated and experienced enough to show him the intricacies of love one day.

But on the contrary, their first coupling could be equated to that between two teenagers.

Always fumbling yet awkwardly excited to learn about each other.

And her status as the older woman certainly did not differentiate their degree of inexperiences.

Foreheads bumped into one another as faces angled to get the best position for lips to meet.

Surprisingly, it was often him who was the teacher, guided by past video watching experiences and pure instincts.

Dreams can be so far from reality, he thought as he smiled down at her.

But looking at her arching in pleasure as he nibbled her collar bone, he knew that reality was far more rewarding.

And he could not remember how many times he thanked the powers that be that reunited him with her as well as gave him the god-gift power of mind reading.

For being privy to her thoughts alone was sometimes enough to bring him to the edge of ecstasy.

"Is that really what you want?"

He looked down at her questioningly.

His smile, mildly amused.

Oh my god, you read my mind! Propping herself on her elbows.

"Of course," he grinned.

"Oh no," her wail muffled in her hands. "You must think I'm such a dirty old woman..."

"Errm.. you are, kind of," he nodded in his normal cute fashion and gave one of his half smiles.

His hands inching up her t shirt by the waist before grazing his fingers lightly on what he considered her y scar.

Ya! You are not supposed to agree with me!

"But it's the truth," he laughed. "Even if I can't read minds, I would have guessed that that's what you wanted."

She huffed and fell on her back unceremoniously, folding her arms in protest.

Prompting him to widen his grin on her.

God, I love this woman, he smiled to himself.

Not able to stop hinself, he bent down to kiss her jaw, before slowly inching upwards to nuzzle  her ear.

His hands moving in a slow sensual circle around her belly button.

Resulting in her folded arms to slowly untangle and fall helplessly by her side.

"So..." he whispered huskily. "Do you want me to that to you?"


And he chuckled as she surrendered herself to his torturously loving ministrations.






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Chapter 5: Chapter 6 : Such a beautiful drabble for this scene ! I loved it ! They are so cute and funny bickering like that ^^
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 : Such a lovely chapter. I really missed this couple
coldmarch #3
Hi, I just wanted to say that I loved your I Can Hear Your Voice stories. I know that it's a little bit late but why don't you continue your Soo Ha and Hye Sung stories. If you lose your interest let me remember you that I Can hear Your Voice is a great drama and it deserves even greater sub stories. I wish that you continue your y stories. Thank you, best wishes.
yongshin101 #4
Still subscribing and still waiting. I don't know whether you'll ever continue. I just hope you do. Have a nice day! :)
VenusSmurf #5
Chapter 1: I was so sad when this show ended. Thank you for giving me a little more to keep me going.
yongshin101 #6
Been coming back and forth since the last time you updated. It's been 2 years already authornim. I don't know whether you'll update again or not but i really enjoyed reading this! Authornim fighting!
aleecee1995 #7
Chapter 8: Please update! Love this story!
Autumnaree #8
Chapter 8: WOW! just WOW! I am a few episodes away from finishing this drama.
Dana_1004 #9
Can you please continue this story?T.T
Switlv16 #10
Tumbs up author. I really love ur story. Kip up d gud work & the sky wil just be ur starting point. Waitin anxiously 4 more.