You idiot.

You idiot.

To mark EXO’s third win and, at the same time, Sehun’s anniversary with Luhan, the maknae decided to take his boyfriend to London, since he knew the latter always wanted to visit the capital. It was all a surprise, all he told Luhan was that they were going on a short trip, so when their plane landed on the Queen’s land Luhan tried to remain calm, but squeezed Sehun’s hand so hard that the maknae’s hand was still a bit bruised.


      Once they got to the hotel they finished unpacking rather quickly and thought that a promenade would be nice since the weather wasn’t bad at all. The hotel was located very close to the center of the city, so they had access to all of London’s facilities. The weather was, indeed, nice, but the air was chilly, cold enough to make Luhan cling to Sehun’s arm tightly, which made Sehun more than happy. They decided to go on Oxford Street despite Luhan’s fear of having someone recognize them. They walked down the street hand in hand gaining a few weird looks from the locals, but not as many as they would’ve gotten in Korea or in China. Sehun thought this was quite pleasant, not having to be so careful when going out with your partner because of what people thought.


    He simply enjoyed holding Luhan’s tiny hand in his and the light wind ruffling Luhan’s hair, Luhan always trying to fix it with his free hand. Sehun thought that was cute; it, everything his boyfriend did was cute. Once, Sehun said jokingly (or not) that Luhan could shave his head and wear chinos with doc martens and he’d still think he’s cute; hell, he might as well develop a skinhead if his boyfriend decided to do that. Luhan was a bit scared by that statement, he was aware of Sehun’s…unusual preferences, some of which he himself shared with the maknae. However, they never talked about that again and everything went back to normal. Well, their type of ‘normal’, that is.


   So right now, when Sehun has Luhan close to him in front of the topshop store and lowers his head to plant a small kiss on the Chinese boy’s lips and some people start clapping their hands, crushing dread plays at the older one’s face as he hears their names being screamed. In that moment, Luhan’s feet began thinking for himself, and they carried him and a gasping for air Sehun away from that street, in a place where he was sure there were no fans.


   …and no sign of public transportation either. No maps as well. Luhan thought he was going to lose his mind. They were lost in a foreign city. Might sound romantic to some, but definitely not to Luhan, who started crying and screaming, despite Sehun’s desperate tries to calm him down. The maknae figured he had to leave Luhan alone for a bit, he like being alone when he was angry, so he left and walked down the unknown street until he saw a toy store. Luhan absolutely adored stuffed toys, and Sehun still didn’t have an anniversary gift for his boyfriend, so he entered that store, only to be amazed by the variety of toys displayed there. There was anything and everything in that store, but he decided to get Luhan a teddy bear, since he knew that the boy had one back in China but always forgot to bring it to Korea. The maknae headed to the teddy bear section- the store was so big it had such a section- and as soon as he got there he saw the perfect bear; it was a beige teddy bear with a red ribbon around its neck. It may not seem like a lot but its fur was soft and smelled like cherries and it reminded Sehun of Luhan, so he bought that one and ran back to his boyfriend.


    When he found him, Luhan was sleeping on the pavement, a bit of money next to him. People must’ve thought he was a beggar and have given him that money. Sehun smiled at the sight and sat next to the sleeping boy, placing his head in his lap and the teddy bear in his arms and stayed like that until Luhan woke up.

    “Happy anniversary, xiao lu” Sehun lowered his head and kissed Luhan’s forehead and then explained everything to the confused boy. “…so I got you this teddy because I know you have one back in China but this is not the same but if you don’t like it then I think I can go and change it if-”

    Sehun was cut off by a crying Luhan who crashed their mouths together. Sehun chuckled and then broke the kiss to wipe away Luhan’s tears.

    “Are you crying because you don’t like the bear, Lu?” Sehun asked half-jokingly.

    “No you ing idiot, I’m crying because I love you so ing much, Oh Sehun” Luhan whispered against the maknae’s neck between sobs.

    “Is it so bad to love me, Han Lu?”

    “You’re such a ing idiot, Sehunnie.”

    “Love you too, Hannie” Sehun said almost laughing.

    “Wo ai ni, you retarded piece of . More than you’ll ever know.” Luhan said and hugged Sehun so tightly as if all he wanted was to disintegrate into Sehun’s body.

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