Chapter 1

Incident till proven guilty

J-hyo's POV

I was waiting for the phone call to see if I was going to be in the next boyband. My Mom was getting a bit annoyed because every time she asked to use the phone I tell her that I was waiting for an Importent call and one time she made me get up to take the trash out and the phone rang so I ran to the phone and droped the whole trash can over.

Finally the phone rang and I pick it up...


"Hello, it this Kim Jonghyo?"


"I am calling from Nega Network.. I want to tell you that you made it in and the meeting to meet the rest of  the members Sunday at 9am "

"OMO.. THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will be there"

I got off the phone and started jumping around like a little kid and smiling like crazy...

-Sunday morning-

It was the morning of when I had to meet the rest of the members I was going crazy... I woke up at 7:30 to start getting ready. I wanted to look my best for the rest of my fellow members. I got a shower after picking out my clothes, I pick out a simple outfit but not to simple. I just got my black skinny jeans, a yellow shirt with black grapics on it, I pick out a hat to wear and headed off to the Nega Network builting. I finally got there and was greeted by a bunch of people asking if I was in the new boyband and if we have any Ideas what we are going to name the band.

*OMO.. we have to name it?* I thought walking to the counter to see where I had to go..

"Umm.. hello? do you know what room the new boyband is meeting?" I asked the lady at the front desk

"yes!! I do it is in room 9.. if you go down that hall and make a right you its the frist door on you left"

"Thank you!!"

"Yep!! I hope you like your new band members"

I walk down the hall she told me to and made a right and it was right where she said it was.. I took out my phone to see what time it is.. "great.. I woke up early and I was still 5 mins late" "what a great first meeting this is going to me" I said to my self. I took a deep bearth and knocked on the door and opened it only to have a really pissed of manger look at me. I only keep my head down till he spock and made me pick my head up.

"And where have you been" he said in a really pissed off tone

"I don't Know what happen I woke up ar 7:30 this morning and I was still late I'm sorry"

"why are you sorry. you are not late the clocks in the builting are set 5 mins ahead of time so nobody had to worry about being late"

"but then why are you do Pi-angry sir" I said stoping  my self before I cursed in front of him

"That is nothing you need to worry about now get in here and sit down. so we can start this meeting" He said pointing to the seat next to the guy with the big blonde Moack

"OK.. So now that everybody is here.. we can get started.." He said clapping his hands together

we Spent some time talking about what this whole think was about and how it was going to happen..when I relized that we did not even tell each other our names.

"Manger hyung?" I said trying not to get him even more pissed off


"I don't what to be rude but we didn't even tell each other our names or anything about us"

"Oh.. your right why don't you start but we can only to the name because we are running out of time and I still have to tell you your Positions"

"Ok..well, My name is Kim Jonghyo"

"Nice name but you need a stage name, people are not going to be saying a long name all the time"

"Hey what about J-hyo?" The one with mushroom heir said

"why J-hyo?" I asked 

"J-hyo... JongHyo you just take out the 'ong' and you but a '-' in it and you get J-hyo" he said

"oh good name I like it" manger-hyung said

"ok.. My name is Park Hyungjin but they call me E.Den"

"My name is Park Gunwoo but they call me Rasa"

"My name is Dong woosuk but they call me King"

"My name is Park Junyoung but they call me Jun"

" and my name is Kang Hyunsoo but they call me AO"

They all said there names and manger hyung gave us are positions.. I was the Lead Vocal and Rapper. I had a feeling I was going to like these guys Rasa was the Leader because he was the oldest. After the meeting I went home and packed because I had to move into the dorm ASAP so we can start.

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hey guys/girls my internet is still of the only way to get on her is to go down to my aunts house or my phone im on my phone right so I cant update yet sorry


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