House Visit

Dragon Quest


Kris stops the car near the entrance of the house and four men in black welcome us. Kris wakes Sehun and takes your two bags inside while Sehun enters the house with his bag, still a bit half asleep. You are a bit shy and don't know what to do when Sehun comes outside again and takes your hand, guiding you inside of the house. It's very clean and traditional-like. Before making one more step, Sehun takes off his shoes and you do the same as you are intruding in someone else's house. Still holding your hand, he drags you to a large room which he calls the living room in which the reunion will supposedly be held. 
Kris - No ones here yet?
Sehun - Seems like it. Well, doesn't matter. I'll show you to your room.
You - Erm, okay.
Kris - I'm going to check if everything's prepared.
Sehun - Then, I'll show her to her room. Follow me.
You - Okay...
Sehun takes one of your bags while you take the other one and you walk together along a long corridor with many rooms when he finally stops in front of one which is at the end. Just on the side of the wooden sliding door is a little table with an ikebana on it. "Very beautiful arrangement", you think. Sehun seems to have noticed you looking at the ikebana with amazement.
Sehun - It's an Ikebana made by the old man. He likes to learn different cultures and all so he made this.
You - Oh, I see. It's my first time seeing one in real. It's indeed very pretty.
Sehun - Yeah, you can say so.
Sehun then opens the door and pulls you inside. To your surprise, it's a neat and bright room with a door connecting to the back of the magnificent big garden, giving off a warm feeling. Compared to the cold front of the house, this room is very welcoming. At least, it is as you were a bit worried that the coldness of this place would depress you even more on this sad day. All this time, Sehun has been holding your hand and it's now that you realise it as you were too awed by the grandness of the house. He too realises it and lets go of your hand with a bit of embarassment. You feel your face getting a bit warm. It's the first time that you held hands with a guy but you think that it shouldn't count as he was just showing you the way to your room.
Sehun - Umm... This is your room. 
You - Oh, erm, thanks. It's very warm compared to the other rooms.
Sehun - You're right. Even though no one have ever stayed in this one before, maybe it's because of the door connecting to the garden.
You - Indeed, the garden is very beautiful.
Sehun - It may be the only place here where you can feel an unexplicable warmth in this cold house.
You - I didn't mean to say that the place is um, well, cold but
Sehun - It's fine. Everybody feels the same. Normally, apart from the old man, no one stays here. But strangely this year, every cousin are to gather and stay here. I've been here for only two weeks while the others have been here for less or the same amount of time. I suppose that is why it's not very welcoming for the time being.
You - Oh, I see. You just mention your cousins, right? So, how many of them, I mean, there's you and... Is Kris one of your cousins?
Sehun - We are twelve, about the same age and yes he is. 
You - Twelve?! That's a lot!
Sehun - Yeah, it is and we are all guys.
You - Oh, I see. Wait! You mean that I'll be staying with twelve guys and an old man?!
Sehun - You don't need to worry. Nothing will happen. 
You - I'm not anticipating anything from any of you but I mean, how can you let a young maiden stay in a wolf's den?! 
Sehun - What do you mean wolf's den?! Who are the wolves, huh?!
You - It's not to be bad but you are guys and still young so...
Sehun - I don't think that ANY of us would have that kind of interest in a girl who possess scary powers and who is as hot tempered as you.
You - Oh, so you think I have scary powers?! But aren't the "Oh, so great guardian of the Dragon Bearer" thus, you shouldn't feel scared?! And who's hot tempered?! Fine! I'm going back home then!
Sehun - I didn't say that to be mean. Just that you don't have to worry about this. We are well civilised and even if we are healthy guys, we are not that desperate, understand? And you know that you can't go until you know more and is advised to by the doctor.
You - You... You are quite mean, you know? I kind of hate you.
Sehun - Oh, is that so? Well, you'll have to get used to me because I'll be the one who'll be most by your side. I'll be going. Go visit wherever you want, the bath is at the end of the corridor on the left and be careful not to lose yourself because I won't look for you. Don't enter the twelve rooms in the corridor, it's us wolves' room.
You - I didn't say you were wolves. And thanks for telling me. Humph!
Sehun - Yeah, yeah. See you. And be ready at 6h. We'll have dinner in the dining room which faces the living room and after it, the reunion will start.
You - Yes, thanks. 
As he leaves, you nearly curses to his back as you kind of find him very annoying and mean. How can he make you, a maiden, stay with so much guys who you don't even know?! And on top of that, he dared to say that you were hot tempered. Who does he think he is?! That stupid Oh Sehun!!! How sweet he was in the beginning but now, he is such a jerk. Split personality jerk! Still, when he said that thing about your power, you strangely felt a small pain in your heart. He was really mean to you right now. Well, it's not like you never heard mean words from others so you let it be. You open your bag and start to unpack. You will surely be staying here for more than two or three days, that's what your gut is telling you. You put your clothes in the wooden wardrobe and change clothes so as to not stay in your school uniform that you hang on a hanger. 
After arranging your things in your room, you decide to take a stroll outside. You open your connecting door and step outside. What a clear blue sky with a pleasant cool sun. You take a deep breath and starts walking around the beautiful garden. You are amazed that there's even a small pond with lots of big carps. Lots of flowers and lots of butterflies. Such a beautiful sight. You can smell the sweet fragrance of all the flowers together. What a relaxing place it is. After the garden, you visit the house and discover lots of other rooms with different purposes. There is a tea room, a flower arrangement room, a martial art room, an art room, there's even a gym and a large pool. This house is super huge! And very luxurious too. Is this really in China??? 
After your long visit in which you were running a bit so as to get to see all the rooms before dinner, you go take your bath one hour before dinner. It's awesome! It's a hotspring! You take off your clothes, wrap a towel around you, fold your clothes and put it in one of the baskets. You open the door and you contemplate the hotspring before entering. Waah, you feel excited as it's the first time that you enter one. So good and warm. Now that you think of it, there's another door apart from the one connecting to the changing room. As you look at it a bit longer, you see that the door's handle is turning, meaning that... Someone is coming! As the door opens, you scream when you see another very handsome guy who scream too as he sees you. He has only a towel around his waist covering the lower part of his body. For the first time in your life you see a guy (well, with his intimate parts covered but still, he's , bare chested!). 
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01XChoraX01 #1
Chapter 11: Hi, sorry for late update and thanks for reading. V is actually Kim TaeHyung from BTS (choose him cuz I like him a lot). He's just a side character that will not really appear often but hope you will enjoy this chapter.
01XChoraX01 #2
Chapter 9: Hey, thanks for reading and subscribing. Sorry for late update and I hope that you're enjoying the story.
ryana1997 #3
Chapter 5: I want to know who is the ' another handsome guy'
01XChoraX01 #4
Hoho, it's still in the beginning ^-^ I wonder with whom You'll finish. But there's still a long way to go xD
ryana1997 #5
Chapter 4: ohhhhhh~ nice chapter I really liked it the story seems very interesting and nice picture XD
ryana1997 #6
Chapter 2: Nice looking forward to his story :)