Wish Granted!



Jongin found himself waking up to a loud pop caused by what he thinks of as a party popper.  His eyes were half-lidded when he pushed himself up and sat on his bed, only to be hugged by someone who smells like Vanilla.  There’s only one person in the dorm that smelled like vanilla every single day.


“Happy birthday, Jongin-ah!” Joonmyun was in front of him, dressed in a hideous blue costume resembling Aladdin’s genie.  The younger had to force back a giggle because really, all these efforts just for him. 


“I’m your genie for today, tell me your wish!” the older says, Trying to wiggle in his hideous costume in an attempt to imitate genie.  The sight makes Jongin go from giggle to a non-stop full-blown laughing fit, constantly slapping the mattress out of laughter.  His hyung can be a complete idiot like that - but he loves him anyway.





Jongin hummed while staring at the ceiling, forcing his laughter back (causing him to snort), thinking of what to ask for his birthday.  Surely the hideous costume his hyung currently wears made up his morning a little brighter than usual, but surely it won’t be that acceptable to the public eye in case they go out and eat someplace else.


An idea pops into his head, and looks at Joonmyun in the eye with a mischievous grin. “I wish that Suho-hyung can go with me on a date today…”


Joonmyun bent down to give the birthday celebrant a peck on his right cheek. “Consider it done!” He beamed, mainly because he got surprised by Jongin’s very simple request for a date.  He was actually expecting something harder but who was he to complain?


 As he steps out of Jongin’s room and back to his own to change, he hears a follow-up shout from Jongin.









“…as a girl, okay!”


Okay.  Maybe Jongin’s wish wasn’t that easy, after all.


With a heavy sigh, Joonmyun steps out of Jongin's room, and silently sneaks into Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s room, snatching a baby pink sundress and a knitted dark grey cardigan from Chanyeol’s closet – which probably belongs to Yura-noona.  He’d rather not ponder on why did his dongsaeng snatched a dress from his sister. Just no.


As for the wig and make-up, he can surely call up coordi-noona for that.




A/N:  uh yeah. Feel free to toss me into the fire for making Joonmyun crossdress.  m(_ _)m  


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a sequel to genie is coming..^^


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Chapter 1: XD that's what i thought how can kai wish be so easy?! XD
Well played jongin

Chapter 1: hahaha i'd like to see joonmyun dress up as a girl for once, i think with him, it'd suit nicely :D i liked this very much~
Chapter 1: me likey.
I'm tossing you into the pits not for making joonmyun crossdress but for not elaborating more on how the date went omg.

I can imagine the hilarious situations suho has to put himself through while crossdressed on a date with kaia bby hahah ♡
AlienHeat05 #5
Chapter 1: Oh. My. God. Joonmyeon. Is. Crossdressing.

Okay you can kill me slowly due to the blood-loss. Really. That's hillarious and welp, i wanna know what he will be and how the date wil turn out.

If only this is not drabble ; 3 ; Good work tho.

(ps. Thanks for making joonmyeon crossdress. I wuv you o3o)
Yayay it's my birthday!!! Well, yesterday was. Only if I got genie Joonmyun. :(