Chapter 4

Amnesia method

Update. Sorry if it . 




"NO, NO AND NO!" my uncle said before rolling his eyes and going back to what he was doing... reading a novel.


"But why?" I asked, looking sad.

"You're asking me why? really ____?" My uncle said looking at me now.


"Tell her why Sanghyuk" My uncle said, still looking at me.

"It's wrong~" hyuk said 

"Yes, and will you please think of my life too. I would risk everything If I do what you want!" My uncle said

"I bet you were rejected before too!" I said, trying to convince him to help me.

"Of course. but I wouldn't go far like what you're thinking" He said


I tried convincing him, sanghyuk was just laughing or listening intently to what I was saying and then he would agree to what my uncle would say! the conversation went on and on and on, argh, It's stressing me out.


"FINE. I'll just do it on my own!" I said and stood up then walked out of my uncle's office.


"Follow your sister and bring her home. she might do something stupid" 

"She's not that crazy yet" Hyuk said.

"Just do it" He said, and with that Hyuk stood up and walked out of his office.




"How am I supposed to do this alone" I asked myself, sitting on the stairs outside the hospital. I looked around and saw cars everywhere.... AHA!! I can stand in the middle of the road and wait for a truck or something.


NO! I wouldn't risk my life. 


"I bet you're thinking of standing right there, in the middle of the road" someone spoke behind me. I turned to look at him and it was sanghyuk.

"You really are my brother" I said. he smiled and sat down beside me "Noona, I know you can survive without your plan"

"How do you even know that"

He looked at me and smiled "I just know. You're a Han just like me" Hyuk said "and being rejected is part of everyone's life". I rolled my eyes "easy for you to say that because you're not the one who confessed and actually saw the judging looks of everyone."

"I know. because I don't confess my feelings right in front of everyone." He said and laughed


"Are you comforting me or making fun of me" 

"Maybe both" 

"Aish. go away" I pushed him away and stood up to start walking to..... I don't know. Somewhere quiet without the little Han.

"Noona!" He called and followed me. I ignored him, Sanghyuk can be a little annoying sometimes.


"NOONA!!" "noo~~~na!" "____ noona~" He kept calling me, I can't help but smile, Sanghyuk is cute and sometimes, he just naturally lift my mood up without him knowing.


"Noonaaaaaaaa" He called once again, I stopped and turned to look at him. He kept walking until he was beside me. He smiled and linked his arm to mine "Noona, I promise I won't make fun of you anymore so don't ignore me" He said


"Fine" I said and looked at him, he kept smiling. "Because I'm really hungry. and if you ignore me that means you won't treat me food, if you don't treat me, I'll starve, if I starve, I'll die." Sanghyuk said making me laugh.

"Ayy! This little-- you just want me to treat you!"

"Yup, c'mon noona!" He said and started dragging me, probably to where he wants to eat.


While walking around to find Sanghyuk's preferred restaurant, he suddenly spoke. 

"Noona, I'm serious about what I said a while ago." He said

"Which one?" 

"That you will be able to survive everything without that plan of yours" 


I sighed. I don't even know how to face everyone on monday. I'm pretty sure they would give me looks I never want to see and--- "Don't mind what everyone thinks of you. Don't pay attention to the looks everyone will give you. at the end of the day, what's important is how I and your friends think of you. Alright noona?" He said


I looked up at Hyuk, he was not looking at me, he was looking straight ahead. He's probably shy saying all theses things to me because it's cheesy.

"Answer noona."



"If they start saying things about you and start making fun of you, don't take it seriously, okay? I'm the only one who can do that!" 

"Thanks Hyuk." I said and rolled my eyes

"And that Cha Hakyeon, don't even pay attention to him anymore." 


I smiled and poked his side "Yah, you're acting like an older brother"

"Just imagine I am" He said and smiled

"Pffft no. If I do you'll start speaking informally" 

"caught!" He said and laughed


Just like that, our serious conversation ended. He started to make me forget everything by making me laugh through his super corny jokes and cute expressions.

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Chapter 6: Srsly tho omagad update more juseyo nabibitin ako sa feels Hhhaha kainis
Chapter 6: poor hakyeon~~ ahahha but beat it!
Chapter 6: OMG nice update! I love it! Update soon! <33
Chapter 3: update soon <33
Chapter 3: This is probably a bad thing to say, but I actually want her to get into an accident and get amnesia :/ Mostly because I don't want to read how her plan will probably eventually back fire and make everyone hate her or something :(
Chapter 3: ...... The way you described hakyeon man xDDD
kaze27 #7
Chapter 1: Ahh!! What happens next?! :'(
Ottokaji? :P
Looking forward to the update! I like the whole amnesia concept! :D
Chapter 1: Why is it bitin man~ i h8 u but i love u at the same time i wNt to throw bombs At you but hakyeon is a bish therefore i shall bully him~