The Dares, and the first day in

A Sweet Love Story

In the Morning when every one has just gotten ready.


"What's taking them so long? Niel's ready." Chunji sighed which received a glare from Niel.

"I don't take that long!" Niel defended himself. Chunji just laughed. "Right?" Niel turned over to L.Joe who slyly turned his head away.

"I'm so excited. I wonder how they're going to be for the day!" Akari smiled. "Good thing I got my camrea."

"Good thinking." Chunji nodded. "Ay, CAP wake up!" CAP looked over to him. 

"I wasn't... Sleeping..." he defended poorly.

"It's just for the day." Changjo sighed.

"Cool it Mr.Nice Guy." Chunji rose his brow. Changjo sighed rolling his eyes.

"Sure, whatever." he mumbled.


With the others.

View School-Girl-Uniform-(Sailor-Pink).jpg in slide show(Ricky's outfit)

"How do I look?" Ricky twirled then did a cute pose.

"Ricky you look adorable!" Michi smiled as she pinched his cheeks. "I could just keep you in my pocket!" she hugged him.

"Noona," he complained cutely. Yuri looked over at the two, she couldn't help but turn away to hide her laughter.

"Ah... Fine..." Michi sighed as she let go of the cute one. "It's just so cute." She patted Ricky's cheek then went over to the mirror on the wall to fix her hair. Yuri turned back around facing the other two.


(Michi's outfit but her hair is down since its short.)


"So how do you think today will be?" She asked. As she sat down on the bed.

"Fun!" Ricky raised his hands in the air.

"So full of life." Yuri commented. "Can I just stay in my room all day?" Yuri laid back on the bed so she faced the ceiling of the room.

"Come on, you're not to the type to complain Yuri." Michi replied as she placed the hair band on her head.

"I know, but it's so embarrassing."

"Just act as if it's you know who." Michi winked.

"Oh shush." Yuri sighed. "This outfit is okay for the day?" Yuri asked. She wore a jean shorts, a white tank top that had 'Angel' written on the front and wings on the back and a gold colored pair of Sandels.

"Yes! It's good." Michi nodded and Ricky agreed as well. "Might as well get this day over with." Michi sighed and made her way to the door. Ricky did the same and got up.

"You coming Yuri?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah I will just go. I need to find my character for the day,  that's all." Yuri explained.

"Alright have fun with that!" Michi smiled. "Fighting!" she winked.

"Fighting," Yuri smiled as Ricky closed the door behind them.

"Ready Noona?" Ricky asked. Michi closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Hai," Michi giggled. " I'm hungry." she pouted.

"Hahahaha" Ricky laughed. "And it starts! Okay come on we will meet the others for breakfast im starving."

"Ookaaayyy," Michi nodded and followed Ricky. On entering the room Ricky walked in first. He twirled and posed.

"The Amazing Ricky is here!" He dramatically winked.

"Hahahahahaha!!!" Niel and Chunji laughed at him. CAP turned his head away.

"I don't know these people..." he shook his head. L.Joe laughed at Ricky as well, falling on Niel in the process. Chunji cried out in laughter.

"Just go. Our image is breakin," Changjo.

"Don't worry we have dance practice later," CAP commented.

"Thank God..." Changjo sighed.

"I'm the cutest boy here!" Ricky claimed.

"Eh?" a voice came from behind Michi. "Please, I am." the boy winked.

"What are you getting yourself into?" Soohyun asked as he shook his head.

"Yah, I'm hungry can we just eat already?" Dongho complained.

"Sorry," Kevin apologized.

"Plus I'm the magnae, therefore I'm cuter Hyung." Dongho grinned.

"Guys." Soohyun sighed.

"And image ruined." Changjo sighed as he contined eating. Michi turned around. 

"Hello," she smiled. 

"Hi! Oh that's a cute outfit." Kevin smiled.

"It isss," Alexander agreed leaning on Kevin's shoulder. 

Michi smiled. "Thank you."

'Oh she's cute.' Kevin thought.

"Oh hello, sorry about them." Soohyun apologized.

"Oh no. No, it's fine" she shook her head. Soon they got themselves a table, which was about two table away. Everyone at the TeenTop table just continued eating and as for the boys... Well they just received their seconds. The Ukiss table was just fine and just received their first order of food.

"What the...?" Alexander mumbled as someone ran right past there table. 

"Oh my Gosh!!!!!" the girl yelled and jumped as she stood in front of Teentop's table. "I can't believe it!"

"Scary girl, don't they have manners..." Dongho commented.

"Dongho." Soohyun looked. Dongho shrugged.

"It's true." the boy continued to eat.

"It's TeenTop!" She smiled then looked at Niel. "It's...It's. ..It's. .." The girl stuttered as if she forgot what she was going to say. L.Joe looked up and almost choked on his food he couldn't help but laugh. Chunji was excited to see how this would turn out.

"Oh god..." Yuri sighed. "I can't do this," she said turning away.

"Aw," Chunji frowned. "Yes you can! Just keep going!" He urged.

"Yeah. Do go on." L.Joe chuckled.

"What are they doing?" Kevin asked the group.

"I dunno." Eli shrugged. "Maybe it's a dare?"

"She doesn't have too," Niel commented.

"A dares a dare."  L.Joe grinned.

 "Come on Yuri, just eat and I'll help you." Michi smiled as she patted the seat next to her. Yuri nodded as she sat next to Michi. Michi got another place and placed half of her pancakes and a muffin over to Yuri. "It's okay." Michi poured a orange juice into a glass. "Try baby steps." Michi whispered. "Like calling him, Oppa." Michi suggested. "Now eat." She placed the glass near Yuri's plate.

"Alright." Yuri nodded as she took a bite from her muffin.

"You can always call me Oppa Michi." Chunji winked.

"Oh be quiet." Michi shushed.

"Stop harassing her." Akari hit him.

"Ouch," Chunji teased. "You can call me Oppa too Akari. Yuri." he winked at the girls. Going around the table the seating went as the following, Yuri, Michi, Chunji, Akari, Niel, L.Joe, Ricky, Changjo and CAP. If anyone is wondering where the mi's are aka Kimi and Nami they are doing some group activities with other kids around there age. The inn keeper mentioned it and it started early in the morning. Don't worry they are having fun.

"Aish..." Akari sighed.

"Can I too?!" Ricky asked excitedly. He was sure enjoying his dare.

"Hm..." Chunji thought.  "Why not. I am every younger girls' Oppa." 

"Okay... Oppa..." Ricky laughed. That was going to take some time to get used to. Changjo shook his head embarrassed. 'Just until dance practice... Just until dance practice.' Changjo chanted in his head.

"Come on Yuri. Niel Oppa." LJoe chuckled.

"L.Joe." Michi scolded. 

"You're suppose to be a child." He argued. 

"True..."  Michi agreed.

"Why can no one do their dares right." Akari mumbled.

"I doing right!" Ricky stated pouting cutely 

"It's because their ridiculous." Chunji replied.

"Just a bit." Michi nodded.

"Ridiculous simple!" He quickly added. "Michi, just puff out your cheeks and claim you want attention and do lots of aegyo. Yuri called Niel Oppa and act like he's the love of you life times 100. Now start." Chunji ordered.

"Aish, so mean." Michi told him as she finished her breakfast.

"I am not!" The older boy claimed.

 " Are too." Michi nodded.

'Just until dance practice... Just until dance practice...' Changjo chanted in his head.


Later in the day


The boys are currently finishing up their dance practice so its 5 in the afternoon. Michi ended up changing out of the outfit she was wearing before. Walking around with her sisters she ended up buying some snacks. Akari went to do some window shopping and Yuri was just walking around as well.

"Unni!"  Nami called running in front of a poster. "Look!" she pointed. Michi walked over and took a looked. The poster read as the following. 

Hello do you have a great singing voice? Do you LOVE U-Kiss?! Well don't we have a surprise for you! Tomorrow we will be holding a Singing Competition judged by U-Kiss themselves! The winner along with their two special guest (if they choose) get to spend a WHOLE DAY with the boy group! And by the band's special request they ask for a talent portion! So bring your best voice and some talent! Tomorrow at 6pm! There is no age barrier!

"Ah so these are the details." Michi mumbled. 

"Can you win for us?!" Nami asked. 

"Yeah yeah!" Kimi agreed.

"Hm... I guess it wouldn't hurt to try." Michi shrugged. "Since I know you two are the band's biggest fans" She smiled. 

"Yay! We get to have a day with U-Kiss!!!" the two girl jumped. Michi just rolled her eyes.

"Come on I have to buy some clothes now." Michi stated as she pulled the girls along. The girls swinged their hands as they walked. 

"We get to meet U-Kiss!" Kimi sang.

"Aish, I didn't win." Michi teased as she walked in a clothing store. She looked around and saw that barely any one was there. Luckily there was a toy section and she walked over there. "I'm going to pick some clothes. Stay here ok? Ill be nearby." She ex

plained. The girls nodded in agreement as they played in the toy section. Michi walked over to the boys section and looked through the clothes for something in her size. She ended up buying a white dress shirt, a black tie, black skinny jeans, boots, red zipper hoodie, and a regular black cap. She tried on the whole outfit and stood in front of the mirror of the mens changing room.

"Hm.. You can see the dress shirt and it throws the outfit off.." Michi mumbled. "But if I place a white tank under it then just put the dress shirt on when I'm changing it works just fine. She nodded. Then noticed another guy walking in the dressing room. He said hello and Michi did the same.  Once she said hello she saw it was Soohyun from U-Kiss, luckily he didn't recognize her at all. She looked like a boy. Soohyun went in to the empty room in front of hers. She quickly made her way back to her room and changed out of the clothes as fast as she could then opened the door to leave the men's dressing room. But lucky, she was not. As soon as she looked in front of her Soohyun saw her.

"Wait..." Soohyun said confused. Then realized, "You're the girl from before! Why are you here?" he then noticed he sounded rude then whispered. "In the men's dressing room!" 

"I tried but they had the same lay out as her and it's worse for someone who looks like a guy to be in the womens.." Michi explained.

"Ah." Soohyun nodded  "True." he agreed. "But why mens clothes. You're a girl." he said with the out most confidence. 

"Right... But for the singing competition's talent portion I was going to do that but I guess I can't now." Michi sighed. "Sorry for scarying you." she bowed.

"Your entering? And no no I'm sorry for over reacting." he apologized.

"Yeah, my sisters are huge fans." Michi explained.

"Really?" Soohyun asked then noticed his surrounding.  "You want to talk else where?" he pointed to the room.

"Ah." Michi then nodded and they walked out and sat on a bench where the mens shoes were.

"They are. They made me learn all the songs so I could sing it too them when they didn't have any way to listen to the song and learn the dances too." 

"Are they older?" Soohyun asked.

"No, younger. But I wouldn't hurt to win it for them." Michi smiled. "But you kinda found out what I was"

"I'm curious what exactly were you going to do?" Soohyun asked. 

"Well I was going to enter as two different people, one being me and the other being a guy. Then for the talent part I would reveal I was both."  Michi explained. "That was the plan..."

"Well you had me fooled." Soohyun nodded. "I think you should try it any way. I won't tell the rest. I want to see their reactions." Soohyun stated. "Plus your idea is really out there. I want to see it happen myself." 

"Haha thank you." Michi smiled. 

"No problem. So do you do it often?" Soohyun asked. "Dressing up as a guy I mean."

"Sometimes I do it work." Michi explained.

"What do you mean--"

"Soohyun where are--?!?! OH." Kevin spotted him. He quickly walked over. "Oh hi again." He greeted Michi.

"Hello," Michi greeted back. "Well I'll let you do what you have to do. It was nice talking to you Soohyun and nice seeing you Kevin." Michi bowed then went on her way.

"Hey... Soohyun you like her?" Kevin asked curiously. Soohyun gave him an odd look.

"No, -- as a person yes but we were just talking Kevin." Soohyun stated.

"Hmm... Alright..." Kevin nodded then looked to where she sat then smiled at Soohyun. "So did you find anything you liked."




"Hey Yuri what are you looking at?" Niel asked coming from behind her. He easily made his way to her right. Yuri looked over to him.

"Oh just at the things on display." Yuri explained. Niel's lips went in to an 'O' as he looked at the display window as well. His hands clapped together behind him.

"So practice is over for today?" Yuri asked. Niel nodded.

"Ah alright. What are you doing walking around? Looking for something?" she asked as she continued walking around looking at the display. 'Well I was looking for you...' Niel thought as he followed her but quickly threw away that thought.

"I wanted to get some ice cream." He lied. "But then I saw you so I wanted to see what you were up too."

"Ooh, the guys didn't want any?" 

"They..." Niel trailed off as he again thought of a quick lie. "Wanted me to bring them some they went to find some meat." Well it wasn't a complete lie. The guys did go to buy meat. Something take outish. In actually they urged him on to go and 'woo' her while laughing like the idiots they are.

"They didn't even want to join you?" Yuri asked. "At least Ricky would have."

"He was the one who said to bring more. They were all really hungry after practice." He stated. Niel himself was too but just ate something quick then changed and went off.

"Ah, and you aren't?" 

"Nope." He shook his head. "I had snacks in between."

"That isn't filling." She looked at him. "And you want ice cream?" 

"Yes." he nodded. Yuri sighed.

"Come on let's find you something to eat or do you want to order something from the inn?"

"Find something out to eat."

"Okay. Do you want meat too? Their's a place where you can cook it yourself and an ice cream store right next to it."

"Hm... Well I am hungry." Niel rubbed his stomach.

"I figured," Yuri stated. "Go eat Niel you'll be thinner than me."

"Join me," Niel pouted. "It's more fun eating with someone."

"Fine," Yuri shrugged. Niel smiled. "Let's go before I change my minndd." She teased.

"Yes, yes. We will." Niel nodded as he walked next to Yuri on their way to eat.


"Ahhhh," Akari giggled as she entered a store. "What a cute hoodie." It was pink hoodie with animal ears on it. She quickly went over to the clothing rack having them and looked for her size.

"Women are so weird." Dongho complained to Eli. Eli looked over to him.

"This is why you're single." he shook his head.

"You're single too Hyung." He stated.

"Details, details." Eli rolled his eyes as he placed a panda hat on him. "There, a cute chubby panda." he laughed. 

"Rawr!" Alexander yelled playfully. "And King Kong takes the cute chubby panda!" He said as he grabbed Dongho shaking him.

"Oh no its King Kong!" Eli placed his hands on his cheeks. "I challenge you King Kong!" he fisted his hands and hit his chest.

"Oh? You DARE challenge King Kong?!"

"Save the panda!" Dongho told Eli. Eli looked at Dongho then Xander.

"You maybe King Kong but im TARZAAANNNNNNN!" Eli then followed by a Tarzan like yell.

"Hyung!" Dongho laughed at Eli's failure of what can't even be called an ATTEMPT of a Tarzan call.

"What was that??" Alexander laughed as well causing Eli to laugh also.

"Ooh! Let's get Hats for the other members too!" Alexander stated still holding on too Dongho.

"Let's get Soohyun the Elephant! He's loud like one! Especially when he's singing in

your ear!" Eli stated. 

"Yeahhhhh, it's funny in the shower though." Dongho added.

 "It is." Alexander agreed. Then they went on and bought the hats. Akari eventually found herself in the hat section and grabbed the pink panda hat. As soon as Dongho spot the hat he ended up seeing it being taken by the weird girl he saw coming in!

"She look the last hat." Dongho complained. "And it's pink..."

"Aw, their are other pink hats baby." Alexander patted

"Okay.." Dongho sighed as he continued to look.




Lol for Yuri and Niel. Shinee's Kiss Kiss Kiss and Romantic played... Haha I thought it was kinda ironic ehhhh but thats just me. Sorry for the late update I ended up working on it longer than intended and updating when my parents are sleeping now :/ have to be secretive.... soooo late at night... Also I didn't post up Michi's outfit for when she ran into Soohyun but I will post it up in the next chapter for when I start the festival the biggest problem( more like an issue) is finding what song to have Michi sing for the talent portion..... I'll find a song soon enough :D Anywhoooooooooooooooooo again SORRYYYYYYYYY (sorry, sorry, sorry.... super junior love there lol) I hope you enoy :D I'll try not making the next chapter take sooooooooooooo long

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