I'll Be

2nd Confession

Kris returned home fuming in anger. How could he not realise he was being cheated? Nobody would have willingly agreed to marry someone they didn't love unless they had something to gain from it. He should have seen this coming. Instead of gaining any benefits from his marriage, he was left with a pile of bills and lots of explaining to do. He was only thankful for not having signed the marriage registry yet. So by law, he was not married and that meant after all the trouble, he was still a single man. 

He sighed, unsure where exactly he should start cleaning this wedding mess. He reprimanded himself inwardly as he knew this was all his doing. The aftermath of being a workaholic. He focused too much on wanting to climb up the business ladder, he neglected doing everything else normally. An arranged marriage? What was he thinking? 

He took out an old album from the drawer, opening it to the last page where he looked at the last photo he took with Suhyun way before their breakup. If he didn't pay so much attention to his work and paid more attention to her, would they ended up this way? He remembered the time that they had together, he was really happy. He didn't know when he began to take her presence for granted and now, she's not beside him anymore. Now she was already a mother. He wondered for a moment who the father was, he didn't see any man around and she wasn't wearing any wedding ring. Could it be the worker at the cafe? He shook his head and returned his attention to the album. He flipped the pages backward revealing more photos from the past. When they first start dating, when they first met, it was all recorded in there. He flipped the page one last time and a photo fell onto the ground. He picked it up and what he saw startled him. It was a picture of him as a baby… and it looked just like the baby he saw earlier. 

Suhyun stared the letter in her hands. She had been evicted from her rented apartment due to the late payment of her rent, again. She had till tomorrow to pack up and leave unless she paid her rent. But there was no way for her to pay her rent as she had used the last of her money to pay for her cafe rental. The past few months, she had paid her apartment rental late and this month the landlord finally had enough. She thought she would make enough money from selling her cupcakes but with the baby and her constant lack of sleep, the standard of her cupcakes have deteriorated and many customers have stopped coming. She sighed. She couldn't guarantee that the next month would be any different. What was she to do? There was no other option except to find another cheaper place to live and she'll have to come up with something new for her cafe so that she could attract customers. 

The next morning, Suhyun arrived at the cafe with a luggage in one hand and her baby in the other. Kyungsoo's eyes were opened so wide that they could have dropped out. He immediately rushed over to help her with her luggage before nagging at her for not calling him to help her move out. She was going to put up at the cafe until she could find a cheap apartment nearby. With one hand, Suhyun carried her baby and used her other hand to draw out her ideas. 

At that moment, Kris walked into the cafe. She didn't notice him as she was focused on her work. He cleared his throat and her head shot up. "Oh, I didn't see you there. What brings you here again?" Her tone heavy and unwelcoming. "Aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?" 

He nodded reluctantly. "Well, guess what, I got cheated." He smiled awkwardly. 

Her face softened. "I'm sorry to hear that." Right at that moment, her baby started crying. She put down her pen and rocked her baby gently. But she failed to calm the baby down, instead the baby wailed loudly. 

Kris walked over. "May I?" He stretched out his hands ready to carry the baby. Suhyun hesitated but didn't mind letting him carrying her baby if he could stop the crying. He held the baby gently and rocked back and forth. Slowly, the baby's eyes closed and fell asleep. She was impressed but stopped herself from saying anything. She didn't want to reveal too much information to him especially since she and Kris are considered strangers after all. 

"What's her name?" His voice was soft and gentle as he looked at the baby's sleeping frame. Somehow he couldn't take his eyes off her. 

"Her name is Fany." She said softly, smiling sweetly. At that instant, Kris finally knew. It didn't surprise him that he didn't see the baby's father around at all. How did he know? Kris' full name was Kris Wu Yi Fan. 

"Boss, I've cleared out the back room and put some covers on the floor. It should be good enough for you and Fany to sleep tonight." Kyungsoo shouted from the kitchen without realising that there was someone in the cafe. 

Kris stared at Suhyun in confusion. Suhyun reached out and carried Fany back into her arms. "Well then, Kris-ssi, I better get back to work." She smiled sheepishly. Before she could walk away, Kris held her back by her arm. 

"Why do you need to stay here?" His tone was stern and monotonous. 

"Look. I don't believe that it's any of your concern where I'm staying. I don't need to explain anything to you." Suhyun disliked the fact Kris thought he could still ask her anything he wanted. 

He sighed. He didn't blame her for acting this way towards him, after all he did cause their breakup. "Listen," He lowered his volume and softened his tone, "I'm sorry to pry. But this is no place a mother and a baby should be staying." 

Somehow that didn't appease her. "Yeah? Guess what? I've no place to go but this cafe. It's not like I want to stay here. I've been kicked out of my apartment and I need time to find a new one." She sighed. "If you have no business here, would you please leave? It's not like you being here will change anything." 

"Come and stay with me." He surprised himself with his sudden bold suggestion. "I-I mean until you find a new apartment." 

She scoffed. He was unbelievable. "And why would I do that?" 

"For the sake of the baby. I'll collect rent. You can take it as you're renting a room from me." He gushed. He wasn't sure why he wanted to help her but with the recent turn of events, he knew he had to. 

She thought for a moment. It didn't sound like a bad plan. She could just rent a room from him until she found a new apartment. Since technically he knew her, he would be more understanding if she couldn't pay her rent. She felt a little bad for being rude to him earlier on. "Alright, I'll agree to it for the sake of Fany. It'll only be temporary. I'll move out immediately once I've found a new apartment." 

Posted 9th January 2014 

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Chapter 9: AAAW that was so sweet! For a second there I thought there was gonna be trouble when that woman showed up!
Chapter 3: Is his, isn't it?!
Chapter 1: Oh god...
Chapter 14: see you on wattpad. I'll be see you in there :)
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you've enjoyed this!
Chapter 10: HAHA! i love it! so much! 'AND ITS WAS TOTALLY HIS STYLE' was epic! im glad they found their own happy ending! yes,everyone deserves a second chance! never waste that opportunity kris!

thanks for the great story authornim! keep up the great work ok?! HWAITING!
Chapter 10: at the first it was so sad because kris treat her so bad, but finally he has changed.
in the end, "it was totally his style" lol it made me laugh xD
btw, I'm love this story! it was tense at the first but in the end its going really great :D
Chapter 11: nice story :)
Chapter 10: Haha,
You know what? At first, I ship Suhyun and Kyungsoo lol. I thought Kris will be a jerk that will never regret of what he had done before. You changed it all. I'm so happy they're finally together + Fany. I'm so happy they already had a baby. So cute! It's literally his style haha. Btw, good job there ^^ I wanted to read more stories from you. Do you mind to recommend some of your works? Thank you for this story, love ya author-nim! ♥
gnoixeiluj #10
Chapter 10: Love love love!! :)