Special #1

2nd Confession

The sun shone brightly from the gaps between the curtains. Suhyun stirred in her sleep and she wanted to stretch but soon she was unable too and something, or rather someone, was holding her down. She opened her eyes slowly and found Kris' arms wrapped tightly around her. Ever since she accepted his proposal about a week ago, they have been sharing a bed. And he, every night without fail, would sleep with his arms around her every night. She liked it though; it made her feel safe.

She stared at his peaceful sleeping face. She touched his thick eyebrows and traced her finger gently on his face. "Do you know how handsome you are?" she whispered softly as her finger traced his jawline. 

All of a sudden, a smile formed on his face and his arms went around even more tightly. "Why don't you tell me?" he whispered before chuckling softly. She felt herself turning red from embarrassment and she hid her face against his sturdy chest. She felt him rest his chin on her head in response. She felt so comfortable with how everything was right now. He was comfortable too. He never thought this day would come. It made him feel a little bit better about her leaving before, although the guilt hasn't fully left him. He promised in his heart that he will not repeat the things he did in the past because he wanted to keep her by his side for the rest of his life. So, he was going to treat her better and better with every passing day. 

"Suhyun," he called out, "Don't you think it's a little quiet?" 

"Hmm?" she hummed, and her head shot up, "Oh no, Fany!" She was about to get up but he pulled her back down into a hug. "Oppa, what are you doing? I've to check on Fany! Like you said, it's too quiet!"

He chuckled mischievously, refusing to release her from his embrace. "Don't you think we should have another Fany or maybe two so that the house wouldn't be so quiet?" 

Her eyes opened wide and her face turned red. She shoved him away. "Oppa! We aren't even married!" she yelled. 

He continued chuckling. "And yet we have Fany," he lowered his voice and raised his eyebrows at her. 

Her faced turned even redder as she hurled a pillow at him before going to check on Fany. "You better get up now or you'll be late for work," she warned, shyly. 

Kris couldn't focus at work that day. He kept thinking about what Suhyun said in the morning. It was indeed true that they were not married yet. He wasn't worried about what his bosses might say, instead he was worried that that would give her an excuse to leave him again. Maybe he was being paranoid but he wanted to make sure they were married quickly! She mentioned that she didn't want a whole ceremony, as it would reveal that they weren't married in the first place. Although she didn't mention it, he knew that it was because she was already a mother. 

He caught her looking at wedding pictorials on the internet a few times before and she would sigh loudly. She would tell him that it's nothing every time he asked her why she was sighing. He definitely wanted to see her in a wedding dress but was that ever going to happen? Did she secretly think she was no longer beautiful now that she had a baby? He sighed. This won't do. He would have to do something about it. 

"Thank you! See you again!" The business at Suhyun's cafe was doing well. Although it was only a week since the release of the 'coffee cake', people from all over have been coming just to try it. Of course, they were not disappointed! She very much wanted to spend more time with Fany but with the increase of customers, she had to spend more time on baking cakes so Fany is left at home with a nanny. She would often call home to check on Fany. 

That afternoon, she called home and nobody picked up the call. She tried a few times and there was still no answer. There was no way she could continue working without knowing what was going on with Fany so she decided to go home and check on things.

Things felt weird the moment she arrived at the door. It was too quiet and the nanny's shoes were not there. Where was the nanny? A familiar scent hit her as she opened the door. "Oppa?" It was definitely Kris' cologne. What was he doing home? 

At that moment, Kris walked out from the bedroom in a black suit with his hair combed and styled. He held out a few stalks of red roses tied together with a ribbon. She accepted the roses but continued to stare at him in confusion. "Oppa? What's going on? Where's Fany?" 

"Fany's at the nanny's place. She'll be back tomorrow," he took her hand and led her to their room, "We're going out so put on something nice, okay?" he flashed her a loving smile. 

"W-what," she still didn't know what was going on, "I don't have anything to wear!" 

He chuckled. "That's why I've prepared something for you!" A white short lace dress was placed nicely on the bed. It was really pretty. 

He waited impatiently outside as she got dressed. She probably has no clue as to what's going on right? His only worry was that she wouldn't like what he has prepared for her. The door opened and his eyes opened wide as she walked out from the room. The dress fit her perfectly. It stopped just above her knees and it showed her figure. Nobody could tell that she's had a child, as she was so slim. She had her hair up in a bun and he thought she was absolutely beautiful. He let out a low whistle, which made her blush. 

They arrived at the marriage registry soon after. Kris walked quickly but Suhyun's steps were slow. He noticed it and stopped walking. Worry never left his mind but he concealed it well. "Is everything alright?" he asked gently, taking her hand in his.

She remained silent but held onto his hand tightly. She was feeling happy and excited but at the same time, she was really nervous. 

He turned around to face her. "If you're thinking that I'm doing this for Fany or for work, please don't. This is between us. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you," he sighed, "I'm just worried that you'll leave me again if we don't get married for real." The worry in his eye finally showed. 

She smiled as she heard his words and her nervousness seemed to disappear. Here was a man she loved wanting to be by her side for the rest of his life. There wasn't a need to be worried or nervous any longer. With that, she grabbed a hold of his jacket collar and pulled him in for a kiss. 

That was her answer. And it was totally his style. 

Posted 26th January 2014 

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Chapter 9: AAAW that was so sweet! For a second there I thought there was gonna be trouble when that woman showed up!
Chapter 3: Is his, isn't it?!
Chapter 1: Oh god...
Chapter 14: see you on wattpad. I'll be see you in there :)
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you've enjoyed this!
Chapter 10: HAHA! i love it! so much! 'AND ITS WAS TOTALLY HIS STYLE' was epic! im glad they found their own happy ending! yes,everyone deserves a second chance! never waste that opportunity kris!

thanks for the great story authornim! keep up the great work ok?! HWAITING!
Chapter 10: at the first it was so sad because kris treat her so bad, but finally he has changed.
in the end, "it was totally his style" lol it made me laugh xD
btw, I'm love this story! it was tense at the first but in the end its going really great :D
Chapter 11: nice story :)
Chapter 10: Haha,
You know what? At first, I ship Suhyun and Kyungsoo lol. I thought Kris will be a jerk that will never regret of what he had done before. You changed it all. I'm so happy they're finally together + Fany. I'm so happy they already had a baby. So cute! It's literally his style haha. Btw, good job there ^^ I wanted to read more stories from you. Do you mind to recommend some of your works? Thank you for this story, love ya author-nim! ♥
gnoixeiluj #10
Chapter 10: Love love love!! :)