Second Encounter

Falling In Love.

Hyosung sighed, it was a Friday and she was still working. She lazily smashed her fingers on her keyboard, creating new files for recent clients. Biting her bottom lip, she glanced at her phone as it continued to vibrate on the granite counter in front of her. Hyosung slid it towards her, unlocking it to read her text messages.

From: Sunhwa

To: Hyosung

Message: Unnniiie~! T___T My boss is such a douchebag! Let's go out tonight, yes?

She smiled, typing and re-typing a reply; wondering where Sunhwa would drag her to. Sunhwa knew that Hyosung wasn't exactly a person that would go to clubs, after going to one; she vowed that she wouldn't go back into that kind of environment.

From: Hyosung

To: Sunhwa

Message: You better make sure that he doesn't catch you texting during working hours! >o< Depends on where you want to go. /:

Combing through her bangs with her fingers, Hyosung looked up to the sound of the door being opened. Her eyes scanned the male up and down, asking herself a bunch of questions about why he would dress so casually to a law firm in just a t-shirt and jeans? Was it Lee Joon again? It obviously wasn't Lee Joon, judging by the male's features. Maybe it was a tourist, needing help with directions. She wouldn't be any help in that department.

Hyosung drummed her nails against her desk, "Welcome to Lee and Kim LLC. How may I help you?"

The unknown male slipped his sunglasses off, his lips. "Jeon Hyosung?"

As soon as he took his shades off, Hyosung already knew who it was. It was hard to forget a person that threw a cup of hot coffee at you, even if two days had passed. "You!" She whispered harshly, urging herself to keep her voice down. "What do you want?"

He rolled his eyes, "Is that how you treat your clients, Jeon Hyosung?"

"Oh! So you're here for a lawyer? I can set you up with one ASAP; if that means that you will be out of my sight." Hyosung stated in a rude tone.

He crossed his arms against his chest, "If you're going to be this rude like the last time, I don't think you deserve an apology."

"Fine then. Apologize." Hyosung mimicked his stance, leaning back in her chair stubbornly.

Chewing the inside of his cheek, he huffed in annoyance. "I'm sorry for spilling coffee on you. I haven't had the chance to introduce myself yet..." He moved closer towards the counter, "I'm Kim Himchan! Maybe we could get some lunch later on? You know everything would be on me as an apology."

"I'm not an easy girl, Mister Kim Himchan." Hyosung smirked, shuffling the files on her desk.

"I never said you were. I just came here hoping that you would forgive me." Himchan shifted his weight on one foot, already getting irritated by this woman.

"Stop beating around the bush. I know someone like you wouldn't come here just for mercy." Hyosung spun her ballpoint pen between her digits, waiting for an explanation.

 "You really want to know why I'm here? I just wanted to take you out for a reconciliation lunch!" Himchan flatly replied, he wasn't even going to try anymore.

"Aww... That's so nice of you! But I can't, I have work and stuff to do. Files to organize, forms to be filled." She responded in her high-pitched voice, mocking him. "But thank you!" Hyosung clutched her heart in exaggeration.

Himchan chuckled, which was the only thing he could do after being rejected. "I'll be back," he said in the famous terminator-like voice.

"No you won't!" She called out as he pushed open the door, disappearing out of her sight.

Hyosung sat in her chair, still as a statue for a few moments; trying to process what had just occurred. 'Did Kim Himchan just try to ask me out?' She giggled, searching for her phone which had to be hidden under all of the manila folders.

From: Hyosung

To: Sunhwa

Message: You won't believe who showed up today at work! KIM. HIM. CHAN. :(

In less than five minutes, Sunhwa had already written out a reply.

From: Sunhwa

To: Hyosung


Hyosung read her recent text message, setting it aside since she would have time later to talk to Sunhwa. She gathered all of the folders, quickly heading to the file room to place them back in their rightful place. Her polished nails flipped through color-coded labels, inserting various papers and folders into a tall, grey file cabinet. Hyosung strutted back into the lobby, thankful that nobody was waiting by her desk; especially that Kim Himchan guy.

As she sat down onto her plain office chair, her phone was already vibrating with an incoming call from Sunhwa. 'Will she ever stop?' Hyosung picked up her phone, "I'm working. Stop calling." She backed away from the earpiece, not willing to hear what Sunhwa had to say. "I'll talk to you later, sweetheart!" Hyosung said in a her famous high-pitched, squeaky voice; trying to imitate the girls who tried too hard to be cute. She ended the call, and praised herself for not giving into the temptation to spend the rest of her day to chat with her friends.

Getting back to work, Hyosung cracked her knuckles and rolled her shoulders to prepare herself for the day. She had already packed herself a sandwich, so she wouldn't give herself an excuse to get out of work. "Hyosung, fighting!" She exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air. Today was going to be a good day; no more procrastinating, and there was barely any drama in her life. She had finally gotten it back together, or that's what she wanted to think. 'Well, you have to fake it to make it.' Hyosung deeply exhaled and inhaled, repeating a soothing chant; all in hopes that she would finally be happy with where she was today.

Hyosung twirled her keys around her fingers, dropping them into her purse. She smoothen her hair, fixing any flyways; dusting away any debris from her skirt and flattening the wrinkles away.

It was already seven o'clock, and she could see the street lights shining on the streets through the glass door. Usually, she would get out of work way earlier, but more working a bit more couldn't hurt. Besides, her boss had left an hour ago, and she had to maintain her image. If she had left earlier than he did, what would that do for her? Hyosung couldn't wait till the day she would get promoted!

Himchan didn't make another appearance, and she couldn't figure out if she was relieved or disappointed. 'Why would I be upset over something like that?' He was obviously good-looking, but wasn't exactly the type of person that she'd be interested in. Hyosung despised men like him; they were ruthless and so shallow. Kind of like the opposite of Lee Joon, who was kind and generous. Was he? People are so two-faced these days, she had no idea who was really real or who was fake.

Hyosung left her desktop lamp on, and exited the lobby; stepping out onto the concrete sidewalk. She could see bits of light shining through the building's windows, indicating that there were still people working on cases and assignments. She took in all of the fresh air, a small breeze brushed up against her, causing her to shiver up against her pea coat. Hyosung looked up at the night sky, her smile turning upside down once she realized that she was in the city; there weren't any stars to be seen, except a small bundle of faint ones.

A firm pull on her arm awoken her from her thoughts, causing her to lose her focus. Hyosung almost lost her balance as she was dragged through the parking lot.

"Let me go!" She screeched, attempting to grab the keys out of her bag to stab the stranger.

"Hyosung," he said, placing both of his hands on her shoulder to steady her. "I told you I would be back. Be quiet, stop making a scene."

It took Hyosung a while to figure out who was trying to kidnap her at this moment, but it all added up; the way he talked, the way he dressed and the way he ordered her around just now. "Himchan?!" Hyosung spluttered out, her arms swinging around. "I'm going to call the police." This was her second encounter with him again, and yet again it still wasn't going well.

"And tell them what?" Himchan crossed his arms, wanting to go through with his plan already.

"That you're trying to kidnap me." Hyosung spaced her words, not sure of the situation she was currently in. "Right?"

"If I wanted to kidnap you, it wouldn't have been so noticeable." Himchan repeated his previous actions, this time he added a bit more effort. "I'm taking you out to dinner. You must have been starving after working for so long."

"I said no. No means no." Hyosung clawed at his arm, her nails digging into his skin. "Why do you care so much? Have you been out here this whole time?!"

"Of course I care. What makes you think I don't?" Himchan fetched his keys from his back pocket, signaling his car to unlock. "Now, will you please get in?"

"Where are you taking me?"

"I said I was taking you out to dinner."

"What happens if I don't get in the car?"

"If you don't stop asking these stupid questions or if you refuse me just one more time, I have no problem dragging you back here and stuffing you in my car."

"Don't need to be so harsh about it." Hyosung pulled open the passenger door, waiting to see what Himchan would do next.

"Are you going to get into the car or should I come over there and help you?" Himchan bitterly smiled, slipping into his car to buckle himself in.

'Ugh, why is he acting like a protective boyfriend all of a sudden?' Hyosung swallowed her pride and fastened her seatbelt.

"Good girl."

She scoffed, "Don't start to assume things, Himchan-shi. It wasn't like I wanted to do this."

"If I've never forced you to do this, you would have never given me a chance."

"That's not true." Hyosung slid her foot back and forth against the carpeting, the edges of her lip slipping into a scowl.

"Tell me the truth, Hyosung." Himchan muttered, turning the engine on. "Stop beating around the bush." He mocked from his previous visit at the firm.

Silence filled the car, making the pair uncomfortable. Hyosung had no idea what to say; she didn't want to say anything at all! Knotting her fingers together, she stared down at her entwined hands. Her foot tapped against the edge of the car's mat, developing a new nervous habit in the moment. Hyosung wanted to ask herself why she wasn't objecting or fighting back. Did she actually trust the man in front of her?

Hyosung shook her head, observing Himchan's side profile. 'Handsome? Striking? Flawless? Perfection?' The first words that popped into her head all related to his appearance; Hyosung didn't know him that much to know what his personality was like yet. Excuses, excuses. The cold, hard fact was that she never liked him; since that day at the coffee shop. His voice, his stubbornness, his determination to win her over was just tiring. How much would be too much for her to take if he continued badgering her on dates?

"You're staring." Himchan shifted his eyes on her, holding her gaze for just a second which felt like five minutes.

"Eyes on the road, Himchan-shi." Hyosung coughed, nodding her head to the street they were driving on.

"Call me oppa." He winked at her flirtatiously, making Hyosung want to crawl in a ditch and just lie there in a fetus position.

'Oppa?' Her mind flashed to the memories she had with Lee Joon, 'Call me oppa.' It's been a day, possibly less; but Hyosung just couldn't get rid of the thoughts forming in her head. It was over a long time ago, and they were just "friends." Why couldn't she get this through her thick skull?

"Oppa." She whispered as quietly as she could, not wanting Himchan to get the satisfaction of her obeying him. If you can't beat them, join them.

Author's Notes: Completed on 3/15/14. /claps/ finally!~ I'm so exhausted, since I've been trying to rack up ideas. Do you want another chapter of their 'date' slash dinner? Even if you say no, I'll still do it. I don't even know anymore, but I won't work on that chapter yet. 'Cause I have to work on my other story (yes I'm that type of person who works on different things at the same time).

Why doesn't B.A.P's Japanese Version of No Mercy MV have more views?! WAE?!

Thanks for reading, you! I put a lot of effort into this chapter. It's super super sloppy, but I wanted to put this chapter up as soon as possible. I apologize in advance, please tell me if you find a mistake! So please comment, upvote, bookmark, put it in your labels and/or subscribe! I don't leave messages on walls to show my appreciation, but I do notice! I've gotten a batch of new people commenting, and I love you all! Leave feedback! I need to improve, OTL.

How do you Hyosung-biased peeps feel about a Hyosung&Zico (Block B) story? BTW, it's angsty. I want to do something with that couple for a while, but I'm not so sure.

ily bby.  

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2/20/15: its only been three days since himchan and hyosung met. :L


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rushusamuel2793 #1
Chapter 5: Yae!! an update!! :D
rushusamuel2793 #2
Chapter 4: so much love for this fic!! you write really well ^-^ looking forward to the next chapter...pls update soon!! :D
I love this!
Chapter 4: Why Hyosung suddenly be so obedient? .-.
Gyaaah I really like it when she's being rude to him<33 kyahaha
Now that Himchan dares to wait for her 'till night, the only thing he need is sincerity x3
So shame to say this, but I'm looking forward for Joon to burst in too lol
Update soon<33
Chapter 4: hyoxzico zisung
i love this couple please make a fic of them
update soon
Chapter 4: I love this so far!!! It is awesome!