
Falling In Love.

Waking up to the sunlight beaming down on her face, Hyosung groaned and hid under her sheets like a vampire. Unfortunately, she couldn't afford to waste time and she had to get to work. 'Just a few more minutes.' No matter how much she wanted to lie down today, Hyosung rose up from her bed and threw the blankets off of her. She stretched her arms and yawned before heading into her living room. Just like yesterday, there was no sign of Hana. Hyosung frowned, 'Where is this girl?'

Hyosung made herself a cup of coffee, and began her daily routine. Her mornings never actually changed that much that was just how plain she was. Grabbing a cup of something to drink (she rarely ate breakfast), cleaning herself up, picking out an outfit, and doing some last-minute work was how she always spent her mornings.

After that, she was out of the door.

Resting her head on the palm of her hand, Hyosung lazily scrolled through a bundle of e-mails that she had yet to return. She continued working even though her lunch break had passed two hours ago. Hopefully, her manager will let her take a break sometime soon.

She jumped up as an unexpected phone rang. Hyosung rapidly straightened up her posture and picked it up. "Hello, Lee and Kim LLC! This is Jeon Hyosung speaking, how may I help you?"

Looking into her planner, Hyosung tried to find an open spot so the lady on the phone can book an appointment. She glanced over at the male dressed in a suit making his way over to her.

Covering the mouthpiece, "Welcome to Lee and Kim LLC! I'll get to you in a minute, sir!"

He nodded and silently waited, Hyosung went back on the phone. Five minutes later, she successfully added the woman's name on an organizer, and e-mailed it to a lawyer's assistant. Glancing up at the man that had arrived, Hyosung gave out her usual beaming smile and it faded once she realized who had just set foot in the room.

"Lee Joon-shi?"

Hyosung gaped at him for a while, until he cleared his throat. She snapped back into reality, and it was so obvious that she was confused. 'Pabo. Pabo. Pabo.' She wanted to hit herself in the face for looking so stupid in front of him.

"It took you that long to recognize me?" He added with a light laugh.

"I just didn't think that I'd see you again..."

As soon as she spoke those words, Hyosung felt the air around them get cold. His charming smile slowly dropped, she couldn't help, but feel like someone stabbed her chest. Was he feeling the same too?

Lee Joon, well that's what everyone else called him. She barely used Changsun, unless she was super angry. Lee Joon and Hyosung went way back into middle school. Started dating in high school, but during their sophomore year he left to go live with his father in America. It was hard for her, since he was her first love and all. It was even harder when they tried to do long-distance, but since the phone calls were too expensive and junior year was so important for Hyosung... They just stopped talking. Now and then she would think about him, but that was so long ago. It's been more than six years, and she would have expected him to change, because that's what happened to her. She grew up, got more mature, and she figured out her life.

Nibbling on her lower lip, Hyosung watched as Lee Joon hesitated for a moment before regaining his grin.

"Ah, well... I'm here now."

Hyosung was caught up in his gaze once he spoke those words. But what did he mean by that? 'I'm here now.' Was he going to be here for her every need just like high school? That would mean that he would stick around Seoul, but it wouldn't just be because of her. For god sakes, they just had seen each other today! And here she was, overthinking things. Like always. Lee Joon probably had some business stuff to do, and in a couple of months he would be gone. Just like in high school. 

"Well then. It was nice to see you." Smiling, Hyosung continued, "So, what can I do today to help you?"

Lee Joon's eyes lit up in surprise at her sudden change of personality. "I'm here for my appointment with Lee Jung Ho, the 12 o'clock."

Her long and fair fingers gently tapped against her keyboard as she confirmed his scheduled appointment. Pursing her lips, Hyosung looked back at Lee Joon and moved her head in agreement.

"If you head up onto the elevator to floor number three, and head into the second office on the right. You will reach your destination!" Hyosung quickly laughed and continued on. "I'll call his associate to inform them that you're here."

Waving him off, Hyosung got back on her phone and dialed the extension to an associate. She set her phone back down, and persisted to browse through her messages.

'Ah, Lee Joon-shi... He got even more good-looking.' Hyosung giggled as she brought up old memories of him in her head.

Nearly an hour has passed and Hyosung was still by her desk. Tapping her foot against the cold-tiled floor, she flinched at the sound of her stomach growling.

"Oh, shut up already!" She pouted, and took a sip from her water bottle.

A soft laugh echoed the enclosed room, and Hyosung clutched her stomach. She was humiliated. It was natural, but I mean you wouldn't want to hear someone's stomach making random noises out of nowhere.

"Are you hungry, Hyosung?"

Settling her eyes on the familiar figure that was leaning on her desk, Hyosung shook her head. "Nope."

Lee Joon raised his eyebrows, and clicked his tongue in disagreement. "Don't lie to me! You probably haven't eaten all day."

"I'm not hungry!"

"You really think I can't hear your stomach making animalistic sounds?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, just eat lunch with me for once. Just once!" He begged.

Unsure about his 'secret agenda,' Hyosung slowly articulated her words. "Just one lunch. Nothing else." She wiggled her index finger side to side before setting her computer onto standby mode.

Lee Joon clapped his hands on her desk, he patiently waited for her to get ready and in advance, he had already opened the door for her.

'Such a gentleman.' Hyosung murmured to herself, someone definitely grew up over the years.

"So, I guess this is goodbye." Hyosung gripped the handle of her bag tightly before transferring her hand to the car's door handle. "I had a great time! It was nice to see you again."

As she was about to open the passenger door, she felt a warm hand resting on her shoulder. "Hyosung." She could feel herself getting goose bumps, or maybe it was just because the air conditioning was on.

Hyosung turned around and slowly nodded, unaware about what was going to happen. "Yeah?"

Lee Joon beamed and stuck out his phone, "We should stay in touch. I would love to take you out again."

She gleefully laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "Really? Wow, Lee Joon-shi."

"Please?" He whined, attempting to pucker his lips cutely, but failing.

"Okay, okay. But you owe me." Hyosung snatched his phone, and typed her number into his contact list. "There. Thank you for the lunch!"

"Call me Oppa!"

Hyosung exited his car, closing the door and waved goodbye. She smiled to herself as she walked back to her place of work. For the first time in months, she had a great time with someone else besides her friends. Slowly, she found herself falling for Lee Joon again.

Hana grabbed the bottle of wine, pouring herself another glass. The girls decided to help Hana move her stuff into Hyosung's place; thankfully she only had a couple of boxes to move.

"Yah, Zinger don't hog up all of it." Sunhwa cried out, grabbing the bottle from Hana's grasp.

Jieun laughed at the scene in front of her, and gulped down a mouthful of wine. Hyosung cuddled up with her pillow, carefully trying not to drop her glass.

"Remember Lee Joon, Sunhwa?" 

Sunhwa turned to face Hyosung, her eyes widened. "Lee Joon? The one from high school? Your first love? That Lee Joon?!" The rest of the ladies in the room squealed. This was not the reaction Hyosung was looking for, but once you tell people about your first love and they're consuming alcohol, it turns into a pit of embarrassment. Not fun.

"Wow, I didn't think that Ice Princess over here would finally get some." Hana murmured.

Hyosung buried her face in her hands and groaned. "It's not like that."

"Sure it isn't." Hana snorted.

"Exes can't just be friends. There's always going to be a reminder of why you both fell for each other." Jieun whispered.

Hyosung rolled her eyes, "Trust me. Nothing is going to happen between us."

"Did he look different? What was he like? What was he doing there?" Sunhwa questioned.

"Honestly? He's so handsome. Compared to him in high school and now, he definitely matured." Hyosung sighed, "His dad does a lot of business stuff, but I'm not exactly sure why he was there."

"Is he as handsome as the guy at the coffee shop?" Hana smirked evilly.

As Hyosung was about to respond to Hana's remark, Sunhwa gasped and clapped her hands together. "I know where I've seen him before!"

"What?" Jieun grimaced in confusion.

"Kim Himchan! That guy at the coffee shop!"

Hyosung ruffled her hair, narrowing her eyes. 'Kim Himchan?' She didn't know someone with that name, and she couldn't think of ways how Sunhwa knew who he was. But she had her ways. "Who is he?"

Sunhwa snickered in hatred, "Ugh, I don't even know where to start. But from what I've heard, he goes through girls like they're toys."

"So he's 'that' type of guy." Jieun bit her lower lip, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Exactly." Sunhwa grabbed a pillow, setting it onto her lap. "Since he hangs out at clubs a lot, we probably won't run in to him again."

"Haha, I would love to run into him again." Hana sniggered, raising her eyebrows up and down.

"Oh my god Zinger!" Sunhwa complained, using her pillow to smack Hana in the face.

It seemed like everyone in the room stopped breathing for a moment, until Hana cackled. "Okay. Okay. It's on!" Hana spotted the closest pillow, and stood up from the couch to find where Sunhwa was hiding.

Hyosung rolled her eyes at the obnoxious pair, and focused on Jieun. "I still don't understand how I ended up being friends with them." The pair giggled, and continued to start a new conversation as they carefully watched Hana and Sunhwa running around Hyosung's apartment.

Her mind drifted in and out about Lee Joon and what Jieun said about exes. And it was complete true, but one day you're going to remember why you fell apart. She was telling herself that they fell apart because they were just too busy, with work and school. Was that exactly the reason why or was she just telling herself this to keep herself from thinking too much? But she did miss him; his daring, yet stupid self. Hyosung slightly smiled, leaning her head against Jieun's shoulder.

Author's Notes: This chapter was so short compared to the first chapter. But aren't introduction chapters always long? I wasn't sure what to do, I'm like that person that doesn't plan out what I want to happen in a story. I just write, cause I'm stupid like that. Hahaha. I need to work on my other story, so you won't get another update in like two-three weeks. But I'll update soon, hopefully. By the way, do you want a 'Part Two' of this chapter, but in Himchan's POV? I have a small idea of how I'm going to write that out. So comment below!~

I always love to hear feedback about my stories, because I would love to improve. Soo, if you like this story comment, subscribe, put it in your labels, bookmark it and/or upvote. If you find a mistake, tell me (I don't bite). I completed this chapter on: 2/8/14. So my editing will be a bit sloppy, since I want to publish this ASAP.

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2/20/15: its only been three days since himchan and hyosung met. :L


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rushusamuel2793 #1
Chapter 5: Yae!! an update!! :D
rushusamuel2793 #2
Chapter 4: so much love for this fic!! you write really well ^-^ looking forward to the next chapter...pls update soon!! :D
I love this!
Chapter 4: Why Hyosung suddenly be so obedient? .-.
Gyaaah I really like it when she's being rude to him<33 kyahaha
Now that Himchan dares to wait for her 'till night, the only thing he need is sincerity x3
So shame to say this, but I'm looking forward for Joon to burst in too lol
Update soon<33
Chapter 4: hyoxzico zisung
i love this couple please make a fic of them
update soon
Chapter 4: I love this so far!!! It is awesome!