


Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. 

The road was slippery and the air was thick and musty. Aside from the rustling leaves and splatters of raindrops, nothing was alive, except two people huddled together at a bus stop with uneven breaths. Out of tempo, but creating a symphony of their own. 

One could be seen laughing at the other's jokes. Both enjoying each other's company. Both knew that by the time the rain stop, they would have to say goodbye. It's inevitable, isn't it? Two strangers meet, get to know each other, and when the time comes, it's time to say goodbye. 

Taeyeon, the one who was good with words noticed how the girl beside her would always clap her hands when she's laughing. It startled her at first, but she has gotten used to it. She noticed how the latter's eyes would arch into a half crescent when she smiles, just like how the moon was on that particular night. Taeyeon tried to remember and memorize every little detail of the girl before the night ends. Before they have to say goodbye and never see each other again. Every now and then, she would look up and let her eyes linger on the girl, but careful not to meet the latter's gaze. Strange, Taeyeon has never felt this close to someone before. She might have even used up her quota of a year worth of jokes and laughter. She felt like she could say anything to the girl. She felt safe in her presence. 

The rain stopped dropping like bullets on the roof and was only reduced to drizzles. 

"Seems like I can walk home now. It was nice meeting you, Taeyeon." 

Taeyeon could feel a sharp pang on her chest, but she reached out and shook the hand of the girl. "Oh... yeah. The rain stopped. I should go home as well. Nice meeting you too...." Taeyeon's voice trailed off because she wanted to say something more, but decided against it. Why prolong something that was never meant to happen. While she was fighting with her own thoughts, she missed the frown on the other girl's face. 

"Yeah, so... goodnight and goodbye. Take care." And with that, the latter turned and slowly walked away. 

That night, two strangers who were walking home got caught in the rain and ran to the nearest shelter they could find. Both exchange glances and nod. It got really awkward until one decided to break the silence. "Hi, my name is Tiffany. I guess we're going to be here for a while, so, yeah. Hi." 

Then and there, something could have happened if one had muster up the courage to chase after the other instead of just ignoring their heart and only saying goodbye. Perhaps friendship? Or maybe it could have lead to something more, but it was already too late. That night, both strangers left with the hope that they will meet each other again. 

Perhaps, maybe, they will, when cupid decides to shoot his arrow again.


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Chapter 1: Let them meet! Haha. This one is short but cute. I enjoyed this (:
enigma91 #2
Chapter 1: Wow! Sequel please! Let them meet each other again!