Be Your Everything


I looked at him and smiled.

“Stop being jealous, Kai. You know that Baekhyun is my best friend.”

“Oh wait, that doesn’t mean he can hug you all the time.” Kai pulled me to him gently. I pouted, I didn’t like it when he’s jealous, actually it was cute but jealous with me and Baekhyun was a no.

I looked at Baekhyun, he only showed his angelic smile and started to walk away.

“Sorry Kai, oh and I’ll see both of you later.” he waved at me and Kai and started to fade away.

Kai looked at me and grabbed my chin so I turned away to look at him.

“I’m serious with all those words. You’re my girlfriend, but you always spend time with him and even do skinship.”

“I’ve told you several times Kai, I only love you. You’re my first and I hope my last boyfriend” I smiled in evil way, I knew he didn’t like that I put ‘hope’ in my sentence.

“Hope?” he pouted.

“I’m kidding.” I cupped his face and kissed him


I got the person that I love but something is odd with my friendship now


so this is my first fanfic and I chose Baekhyun and Kai as the main characters yeay!

actually my biases are Chen and Baekhyun but I don't want any fight between them so I changed Chen to Kai. oh but that doesn't mean there will be any fight here but I don't know just read it :p

this is going to be short, probably 3 chapters? I don't know, lets see~

I'm still new here and still confused with all description and foreword thing lol

to be honest, I don't know a proper title for my fanfic but these days, I'm listening to Boys Like Girls' Be Your Everything so I chose it as my title, sorry if the title doesn't match with the story ><

and please take a note that english isn't my priority language, so there will be some, oh wait, much grammar error.

I hope you enjoy the story! ^o^


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Chapter 5: Kai is my UB but REEEAAALLY GIRL?! ugh, you should have just dumped his and got Baekhyun outta the friendzone -_- LOVED IT THOUGH <3
Chapter 4: Awww.. dang it.. i hate the ending!! Even if Kai was my UB.. i hated him here!!!.. the girl shouldve ended up with baekhyun instead!! I wanna go slap the girl right now and make her know that she made a mistake for choosing Kai over Baekhyun.... aissh!!!
kpoploveerxoxo #3
Chapter 4: Aww :((( poor bacon T.T the ending was so sad.. But great job author-nim ^^ I really liked this story even though there were a few grammar errors but that didn't matter :3 hehe
Chapter 1: Author-nim!!!! Kai sounds cute when he jealous :D. Update soon :)