Married to Pabo Flirt (Sequel to A New Start)
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Ha Neul's POV

"Hyung, what's the time?" Taemin asked Onew again.

"6PM." Onew answered.

"If you guys want to stay here, go ahead. I'm heading back home." I said as I grabbed my bag.

JongHa started packing his books in his bag. Kris got up and grabbed his jacket.

"Where are you going?" Luhan asked.

"Home." I answered.

"B-But, it's still early!" Luhan said.

"It's already 6. We need to return home. Anyways, JongHa is hungry already." I said.

JongHa nodded.

"Erm.. Can we join you guys then?" Onew asked.

"Which reminds me, none of you have any schedule today?" Kris asked.

"Nope~" Taemin said brightly.

"I guess you can join us for dinner then." I said as I took JongHa's bag.


"Where are we going for dinner?" Minho asked.

"Home!" JongHa answered.

"Eh? You're going to cook?" Minho asked.

"Nope. I'm the one cooking." Kris said.

"Kris hyung? You?!" Taemin asked.

"Kris hyung is good at cooking!" JongHa defended Kris.

"I've never eaten your cooking before." Taemin pouted.

"I'm cooking because Ha Neul is pregnant. If you're pregnant, I'll cook for you." Kris joked.

"Meanie." Taemin pouted and went beside Minho.

"CAN YOU COOK CHICKEN?!" Onew asked.

"Here goes his for chicken." Key sighed.



After dinner, I decided to shower. After shower, I went to the living room and saw them sitting at the couch, discussing something.

"Yah, isn't he taking too long?" Onew asked.

"I don't know, hyung." Taemin answered.

"What's the time?" Minho asked.

"7.30PM." Onew answered.

"Should be soon. He said he'll call us when everything is ready." Key said.

"But we can't hold Ha Neul for too long." Luhan said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"NOTHING." They said in unison.

I raised my eyebrows at them. They just smiled awkwardly at me.

"Spill it out. You guys have been with me for the whole day. You're planning something, aren't you?" I asked.

"NOTHINGGGG~ We just thought that you need accompany." Minho said.

"I've tried to make them tell. It's useless. They won't even say a single word about it." Kris said from the kitchen.

"Fine. I don't want to know too." I said childishly as I went in to the kitchen to help Kris with the dishes.

"Yah, just go out and sit. I can do it by myself." Kris said.

"What's the point? I'm not even in their conversation. They won't even tell me what they're planning." I pouted as I scrubbed a plate.

"Umma?" JongHa entered the kitchen.

"Wae?" I asked him.

"I... want to go out and see the snow." JongHa said.

"It's late already." I said.

"But, my friends say that there will be snow today. The first snowfall for this year." JongHa pouted.

"Let's just go and s

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2114 streak #1
Chapter 27: Hello there author-nim ^_^
glad to see an update after so long :)
this chapter was nicely written. liked it. but don't you think he would be exhausted to death if he carried his pregnant wife all the way along? :P and the cheesy JJong at the end, hahaha :D
can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon...
Kookieandbacon #2
Hyun_Mi04 #3
2114 streak #4
Chapter 26: Omo!!! What's happening? You made me sit on the edge of my seat. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^_^
atowah #5
Chapter 26: Woah!! I'm so excited ;)
update soon ♡♡
Hyun_Mi04 #6
Chapter 24: OMG, I almost died. I thought it really happened! Can't wait for the next update!
2114 streak #7
Chapter 24: Hello there author-nim ^_^ this chapter was good as usual... and the nightmare part scared me. Thought it really happened. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
atowah #8
Chapter 24: Woah! I have heart attack when i read the nightmare part xp
i like this chapter very much ;)
i hope you can update soon ♡
Hyun_Mi04 #9
Chapter 23: Sooooooo sweeeeeeet!!
atowah #10
Chapter 23: Hello~
I'm new reader here. I just finish this story yesterday and today i read the sequel
it's amazing story and i'm so excited to complete it
so please update soon if you can ❤