-- THE END! --

Dara of the Jungle

-- 3 months later --


A bright day is greeting our dear characters. The sun is sending them the powerful sunrays from behind the muntains, illuminating straightly the wonderful jungle and warming their bodies. The birds were chirping animatedly. Yawns from Riko, Kira and her son made Chaerin and Dara yawning too as they were taking a sit without opening their eyes. Dara's parents were still sleeping beside Dara. They used almost immediately to live inside the jungle after a month from living here.


Dara forces to open her eyelids and see a really familiar face very close to her. Her silhouette is blury. The person in front of her is supporting herself with one hand against the floor and the other one over her right leg, staring her. Dara blinks repeatedly until her eyes starts to work properly, making the Chaerin getting clearer in Dara's eyes. 


"Good morning" greets Chaerin with a smile. Dara feels warm by the sweet tone of her voice, thinking about how good is to hear this lovely voice just when she wakes up. Smiling back, Dara says: "Good morning Chaerin"


Chaerin's smile spreads in a wide one, after hearing properly her name once again instead of Chelin. Yeah, finally Dara can say her name properly. Has been two months since Chaerin teached her to say it well. And when Dara got it, Chaerin clapped her hands happily and hugged Dara's body, strocking excitedly her back. 


Smiling at each other, Chaerin leans closer as Dara does the same, and their lips met in a warm morning kiss.


Flashback 1


"Okay baby, let's go to practice" Chaerin sitting in front of Dara as their friends are playing happily in the water with Dara's parents.


"Okay" Dara nods and crosses her legs.


"Repeat with me. Cha - e - rin"


"Ch-Cheilin" repeats Dara trying to do her best.


Chaerin smiles about to laugh. "Darling, look at my lips" she says pointing at them.


Dara's eyes immediately looks down to her pink lips, focuses on their movements. "Cha... with Ch, Ch" Chaerin's teeth clench softly to pronunciate the sound.


"Xa... Cha, Cha! Chaaaa!!!" Dara exclaims excitedly shaking her arms in the air. "I said it Chelin!" Dara gasp, frozen in her position. They two stay quiet for some seconds with surprised faces. Chaerin broke with a giggle.


"Hahah aahh.. I'm so used to call you like this... ashhh..." Dara palms her face with her elbows against her left knee.


Chaerin laughs a little more and grabs gently Dara's hands with hers. "Don't worry princess, let's go to do it until you say my name properly" Chaerin dedicates her a sweet smile. Dara smiles back with a slight blush as she nods.


"Cha - e - riiiinnnn...."


Dara closes slightly her eyes as she tries to pronunciate it making Chaerin smile. "Cha... ei... ah no no! Wait a second!" Dara points up at the sky with her forefinger.


Dara suddenly feels fully comforted when Chaerin caresses her fingers without doing it to purpose, she's used to caress Dara's fingers when their hands are together. 


Chaerin's looking at her with all her attention in Dara. "Chaaa.. e... linnn!" Dara says enthusiastically.


Chaerin's jaw falls slightly down and put an animated expression. "Ooohh you almost did it baby! One more time and you're going to get it!"


"Yihaaa yes yes! Hahha here I go again! Cha... Chaaa... ee........... li-rinn!" Dara gasped with shock. "Chaerin!" Dara smiles widely showing her white teeth.


Chaerin's eyes widened. "Yeeeaaaahhh!!!! Wooooo!!!!!" Chaerin claps animatedly her hands and quickly hugs Dara. They two are laughing in each other's embrace.


"Finallyyyy!! Hahha well done, princesss!! Finally you're saying properly my name!! Haha" Chaerin hugs her a little tighter.


Dara laughs as her head is against Chaerin's shoulder. "Hey what's happening girls? What are you two celebrating?" Riko approaching to them feeling curious with the others following him from behind. Hiro is taller now, he's a healthy and strong tiger.


"My princess said well my name!! Finally! Baby say it once again?!" Chaerin looks at her with her eyes shining. Everybody looks at Dara with surprised faces.


Dara grabs Chaerin's hands with hers. "Chaeriiiiiiiiiiin!" she says happily and every one of them began to yell excitedly after their eyes widened. Her parents who can finally understand her language are clapping excitedly their hands. "Goood!! Weeeooo! They scream.


Dara received many hugs, paws and a trunk patting her shoulders from everyone and after that, they had a big war into the river, splashing animatedly the water to each other between laughs as a celebration.


. . . .


They break the kiss and look at each other in their eyes with a smile. "Goddess... *pecks her lips*" Dara looks down to her fingers who has a green ring made with flexible branched perfectly done with circle form, with their names printed on them. Chaerin has another one in her forefinger too.


She looks down as well and smiles while their foreheads are touching at each other. "Yes?"


Dara moves in circles her ring around her forefinger with her thumb and says: "Being married with you makes me be yours even more?" she asks innocently looking at Chaerin again. Chaerin smiles widely after hearing her words.


She rubs playfully her nose against hers making Dara giggling a bit. Grabbing Dara's hands and watching their rings, Chaerin says: "In order of marriage... yes. You're mine even more than you were before. If you was mine at 50%, now you're mine at 100%!" she answers with happy expression.


Dara bites her lower lip as she's about to explode from happiness. "Aaaauughh yeeessss Chaerinnnn!!!!" Dara hugs her passionately making Chaerin lying down to the ground. Then Dara buries her face into her neck as her heart is beating happily inside her chest without letting her go. "Thanks Chaerin, I'm so happy!! You make me so happy...! You don't know how!"


Chaerin smiles excitedly and hugs her back closing her eyes. She was who asked Dara to marry her after a month. After Dara had that painful dream. Dara told her everything between tears and Chaerin pulled her quickly into her arms, caressing her and telling her to be calm because nothing bad it wasn't going to happen to her. They were hugging at each other, time enough for Dara to relax.


Dara kisses Chaerin passionately trying to make her feel the happiness who's running crazily up and down of her body.


They broke the kiss when the lack of air was clearly attacking their lungs. "I'm... 100% yours too..." says Dara recovering her breath, looking down at Chaerin.


"From head to toes..." says Chaerin looking at her deeply into her eyes.


They smile at each other and kiss passionately once again. Dara's parents were already awake, looking at them with a smile.


. . . .


--- In the afternoon... --


"Someone has some idea about what can we do...? Something funny or something..." says Dara as she's caressing Chaerin's forehead and blonde hair who's lying with her head over her legs as her eyes are closed, enjoying the moment. She looks at their faces. Suddenly Riko smiles evily. "I know what we can do.... and it's something that you guys are going to love" he laughs covering his mouth with his left paw. 


He told them his idea and they exchanged passionate faces as Chaerin was laughing about it. "Woaa yes! We have to do that! He's going to drive crazy hahah!" she says against Dara's legs as she's looking at Riko.


"Princess, let's go!" Chaerin stands up with Dara's fingers interlocked with hers. Dara nods excitedly. "Everybody to the palace!" says Dara and every one of them nodded. 


. . . .


Silently, Chaerin and Dara walk hand by hand closer to the window where the room of the mayor is and they peek their heads, raising them in a slow way until their eyes can see him facing his back. Luckily for them, the window is open. Dara's mind flashed the dream that she had previously, making her squeeze Chaerin's hand.


Suddenly, everybody held their breath when the mayor stood up pushing backwards his chair and went to the bathroom. When he closed the door, Chaerin and Dara grabbed two pair of slingshot and prepared to shot some stones into the coffee that the mayor was drinking. - Ah this man... let's go to see if you can continue drinking your coffee kk - thought Chaerin.


Closing one eye, they pointed at the glass and they shot two little stones inside the bitter drink. They have a great aim! They did this a couple of times more until they ducked their heads when the mayor stepped out from the bathroom.


Taking a sit, he grabbed some papers to continue reading. "Drink it... drink it...." whispered Chaerin while her eyes were looking his back. She threw a glance at the glass and her eyes widened when the mayor took the glass. "Yes yes!!"


"Chaerin hahha... here it comes..! whispers Dara holding her laughs. 


"Bbffrrruu!!! !! WHAT THE?!?" The mayor split the coffee causing the others bursting on laughter. Some squirrels fell from the couch because of their laughs. Travis was moving side to side as he was laughing too.


Chaerin and Dara were covering each other's mouth as they were laughing hard. Phantiaro covered his mouth with his trunk. Hiro's mouth was covered by Riko's paw, Yelia and Airon were trembling because of their laughs. Kira was covering hers with both paws.


He was about to scold his assistant for the coffee but he heard a voice calling him. "Ma-mayor..!" said Chaerin recovering her breath from her laughs. "Huh?" he walked closer to the window frowning as he was wiping his wet chin. When he peeked his head outside, he was about to look down but suddenly a cake full of white cream landed straight on his face, leaving him unrecognizable. "Huuummbbb..!!" he groaned when the base of the cake fell down from his face.


Everyone was dying from laughter as they were running away back to the jungle, traversing trees and plants without looking back. Obviously, the mayor couldn't see them. They laughed once again when they heard him screaming.


Coming back to the same place as always, they wiped their tears as Dara was sitting on the floor with her legs and feet playing with the water of the river. She calmed her laughs when she felt a soft wind behind her and a warm body against her back. Chaerin hugs Dara from behind as she puts her chin over her left shoulder.


Dara smiles and put her arms over hers as they look at their own reflection in the water.


"I gave him his deserved with that cake to his face" said Dara. Remembering his funny expression, everybody burst on laughter again. Their friends were at the left side of Chaerin and Dara. Dara's parents put themselves closer to the couple, playing with the water as well, as they are enjoying this beautiful afternoon, with the clouds drawing nice colors by the sun.


Chaerin gives Dara a kiss on her cheek and closed her eyes, hugging her even more. Dara's head touches hers until their cheeks are touching. She closes her eyes, caressing sweetly Chaerin's arms with her fingertips. Feeling herself the most happy girl from this world, having wonderful and lovely people and great animals around her.


They shared fantastic and many other moments together, who filled their lifes completely. They kept happy together inside the jungle forever.





Buuuu!! I finished the story!! I hope you liked the ending... please tell me your honest answers... do you liked the whole story? Tell me *begging* thank you for all your comments... I'm going to attack "perfect date?" after this hehe... maybe in some days, if my brain brings me new ideas.. ^__^' THANK YOU PEOPLE!


See you in other stories... maybe =D. Annyeooonnnggg!!!

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Chapter 3: i really laugh hard when the elephant "Phantiaroo" making the surprise entrance b'coz of the tarantula while cl and bom are making out in the jungle...i imagine their shocked faces it so funny:D This story is really interesting...
Chapter 50: I really really love the end <3 I enjoyed reading this chapter and making Dara learn the name made me laugh hard <3 <3
I like the whole story *thumbs up*
good job :D
Chapter 49: i thought it was real.. chaerin death almost made me cry !!!
then it turned to be a nightmare !!
Chapter 49: IT'S A NIGHTMARE?! I thought it was real booo. Thank god chaerin didn't die!
Chapter 48: this is ending soon !!
I love it <3 <3 <3 *thumbs up*
Chapter 47: haha blush blush!! Ofcos the parents will approve :)
Chapter 47: made me ..... !!! what ?? *acting like i don't know* they are sooo cuuuuute <3 <3
Chapter 46: oohhh thanks for updating again! :) they're going back to the jungle
Chapter 46: thank you for finally updating ^^ that was cute :) and jealous Dara again is really funny <3