Chapter 4

Dara of the Jungle

Author: jayj2ne1and Ryrin21, I found a manner to have some interactions between Dara and Chaerin... will be in the next chapter... please be patient hhi, I hope you like it! =D

Cdbmblackjack! Are you having fun while you're reading this story? =D... well, the previous chapter was a little sad but I'll try to make you laugh!! Kk... I promise ^__^


Mariadoaluguel tell me your thoughts too =), thank you yeorobun!!!!



Chaerin and Bom came back hand by hand to the car and they were heading to the little town. Driving peacefully, Chaerin gasped and pushed the brake so fast as she could. Bom's head hit the window and she groaned in pain. "Auchh... darling, what's that for?" she asked as she was rubbing her head.


She looked at Chaerin and saw the beautiful blonde girl just looking in front. "Look, is that girl again"


Bom turned her head in front and saw the elephant walking calmly with Dara's body lying over his back as she was sleeping with her face in their direction. The elephant let out a funny scream as he raised his trunk and touched her own forehead like saying: - Hello! We're seeing each other again and I'm sorry about earlier! - Dara fell asleep after so much crying.


Chaerin smiled softly at the beautiful - funny scene in front of her and waited patiently for them to keep driving after the big elephant stepped  out from the dirt road. - So cute - Chaerin thought and few moments later she pushed the gas. Chaerin frowns about her own comment and shook her head mentally - I shoudln't think like that, my girlfriend is by my side, concentrate Chaerin - she said to herself and focused at her driving.


Chaerin throw a glance at Bom and she gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. Bom looked at her and smiled warmly. He leaned closer to her and kissed back her cheek as well.


. . . .


Chaerin take off the keys and went out of the car as Bom was stepping out too. They walk into the white building who is called " The Animal Clinic"


Chaerin and Bom are veterinarians. They have been healing so many animals until now. The people is always entering inside this fabulous place because of their excellent treat and professionalism, taking care of the animals like they deserve being treated. With sweetness, caring, and love every animal can heal soon and strong. Although others animals aren't so lucky and die...


They greet the co-workers who are dressed themselves with white clothes. Heading to their boss office, Chaerin knocked gently the brown door and a male voice said: "Come in!"


The girls opened slightly the door with slow steps. "Good evening boss. Errr..." Chaerin opened fully the door and went inside even more with Bom following her from behind. Key looks at them as he's sipping the chocolate of his cup. Then he smiled and left the cup over the table, without notice that a funny brown mustache drawed under his nose.


They blinked three times and held a bit their laughs. "Boss...ah... you have chocolate in..." Chaerin caressed her skin side to side under her nose  and Key widened his eyes. "Omo! Argh I'm sorry!!" quickly he stood up and cleaned his mouth with a tissue paper showing his back to the girls. 


Bom and Chaerin giggled silently and they took a comfortable sit at the chairs. Key cleared his throat and took a sit once again facing them. "We have to talk about something important, really really important" Chaerin says with serious face now. "Mm... tell me Chaerin? Let it out" he says when his boss side invades him.


Chaerin looks at Bom for a moment before she says: "We saw someone around Xingu, it's a girl who's with an elephant. Yes, boss, that's it, an elephant" she repeated the lasts words when she saw Key's shocked face and she continues. 


"That's a really good reason to stop those people who want to build damn buildings, cutting the trees for their own purpose to win dirty money without care about the animals who are living here. If they get what they want, what's going to happen to that girl? Or that elephant? We can't allow that. What will happen with those animals around the zone? Monkeys, elephants, tigers, birds mmmm... trees, vegetation. What the heck! Everything, boss!! We have to stop them yes or yes!!! They can't do that to this beautiful place!" Chaerin clenches her hands and looks down to her legs with her red face like a tomato trying to control her anger.


Yeah, rich people want to cut trees and clean 2/4 parts of the jungle for their business because Amazon is an amazing place for that. With exotic views every afternoon and every day, with spectacular sunsets, the amazing wildlife and the cute species, it's a perfect attraction. Amazon receives many, many visitors every week. If they do that, this wonderful place will lose all its brightness and wll lose its beautiful natural colour.


Bom looks at her surprised listening her frustrated tone and patts gently her shoulder trying to calm her. Key sighs heavily. "And what we can do about it, Chae? They'll start the work the next monday. It's something that we can't stop. It's decided... the mayor is agree and he's determined" he says with defeat tone. He doesn't want it as well. Key doesn't want the cozy place where he grew since his childhood, can suffer more changes than already has.


Chaerin looks at Bom and later at Key. "Andwe!! I don't care about the mayor if he's agree or not. We can stop it boss! No matter what we have to stop them!!" she says with furious - firm - tone. Letting out a deep sigh with closed eyes, she opens them again and says "I... I'll look for that girl with that elephant" she says. Seems like spoke by herself.


Chaerin's heart was saying - yes yes! - with every heartbeat. "I'll find her and we'll try to stop those stupid people! We'll fight!" she bites her lower lip and her eyes are flamming like a furious volcano splashing lava. 


Chaerin looks by her side, "Bommie? Let's go, we can't be here with our crossed arms!" she grabbed Bom's left hand with hers and dragged her heading to the door. "Chaerin! Wait!" yelled Key and he stood up walking closer to them. Chaerin is always so defenser when it comes of the nature, specially when someone tries/wants to change it. The town is already having the necessary buildings, they don't need anymore.


If Key is against her, she's not going to step back never about her own purpose/idea, because she's absolutely determined, so he says: *pats her shoulder* "I hope you know very well what you're going to do, Chae. Be careful, a lot. You're the best veterinary here, and you too, Bommie" he says looking at the beautiful red haired girl.


They nod. "We will, boss. For the welfare of this country. No one it's going to change the landscape of this place. At least, we have to try it" says Chaerin full of confidence. Key nods and moves his hand away from her shoulder. 


"Good luck, girls" he says before they could open the door. "See you... another day boss. We're leaving" Chaerin waves her hand to him and Bom too. They interchanged a smile and Chaerin closed the door.


"Wow darling, I already forgot how passionate you are when it comes about Amazon!!" says Bom excitedly next to her. Chaerin looks at her with a smile and she was about to answer but three boys suddenly appeared in front of them carrying a big kangaroo. "Bom!! Can you help us please?! We need help!" said TOP in difficulties.


"Oh!! Er... of course! But..." Bom looked at Chaerin with unsure face. Chaerin smiled once again and said: "Don't worry darling, I will. I'll find that girl although the sun can hide behind the horizont okay? See you soon baby, take care well of that kangaroo" Chaerin kissed her forehead and she went straight outside of the building.


Bom smiled and let out a deep sigh. "I'll call you later to know if you already found her with that elephant!" she yelled and Chaerin turned around and winked her left eye lifting her thumb up before she could go out of the building.


Bom smiled widely and run to help his friend TOP and the others with the sleepy kangaroo to do a check up.  



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Chapter 3: i really laugh hard when the elephant "Phantiaroo" making the surprise entrance b'coz of the tarantula while cl and bom are making out in the jungle...i imagine their shocked faces it so funny:D This story is really interesting...
Chapter 50: I really really love the end <3 I enjoyed reading this chapter and making Dara learn the name made me laugh hard <3 <3
I like the whole story *thumbs up*
good job :D
Chapter 49: i thought it was real.. chaerin death almost made me cry !!!
then it turned to be a nightmare !!
Chapter 49: IT'S A NIGHTMARE?! I thought it was real booo. Thank god chaerin didn't die!
Chapter 48: this is ending soon !!
I love it <3 <3 <3 *thumbs up*
Chapter 47: haha blush blush!! Ofcos the parents will approve :)
Chapter 47: made me ..... !!! what ?? *acting like i don't know* they are sooo cuuuuute <3 <3
Chapter 46: oohhh thanks for updating again! :) they're going back to the jungle
Chapter 46: thank you for finally updating ^^ that was cute :) and jealous Dara again is really funny <3