Final Chapter


A/N: Sorry! It’s not M rated… :P I still can’t write that kind of writing… and as you can see, this is the last chapter…. *throwing confetti* I managed to finish another fic again… Hope you can enjoy this and tell me what you think! :D Sorry if it's too cheesy! :P



Eric's POV


“Kyo-ah … Can’t you sit still?”


Now, I am at the dining table, having my breakfast in a not very peaceful way due to the said one going to and fro since we woke

up. Well, exactly, it was he that was the one who woke up at 6.00 a.m and made me not get any sleep, either. After preparing

breakfast and having it in a flash, now he has already dressed up and keeps giving a glance at me to signal that he wants me to finish

my breakfast right now and prepare to go out.


Yes. Go out at freaking 7 a.m.


But, I still can’t blame him though.


Because today is the day that the result of university entrance exam will be announced.


I have been telling him that he will definitely pass knowing his intelligence and effort. Anyway, he cannot hide his nervousness since

the post-exam and when we knew the date of result announcement, his nervousness doubled up and now he walking nonstop

around the apartment and me having my breakfast in a sleepy state is the result of it.


“Eric-ah … I’m sorry … but can’t you finish it fast?”


“Kyo-ah, it’s still too early … The result will be out only at 9 a.m …”


Although those words got out of my mouth, seeing his super-nervous expression, I automatically start munching down the toast and

gulping down the milk in the speed of light, without even myself knowing. Then, within a few seconds, I come out from our

bedroom with full attire and there is Pilkyo who is standing near the doorway with our phones and car key.


Aish! This kid!


Then, we start driving to the place that the exam result sheets will be posted. The weather is so fine that there is not a single

strand of cloud in the sky and the sun rays are not also extreme, just warm enough. Although I keep noticing of the fine weather,

the one beside me does not seem to care about it at all. He just closes his eyes since we departed from our apartment and seeing

his lips moving, he must be saying prayers to pass the exam. He has not let out a single word since we got into the car and I restrain

myself to talk to him because I know how much he is being nervous right now.


It is the first time I see him being that much nervous and restless. Even when we met my parents, I do not think he was that

nervous. And I even got yelled because I saying “It’s ok even if you fail… You can always take the exam next year….”. The

always gentle Pilkyo yelled at me for in a real annoyed tone for the first time. I wonder if I became like this when my exam result

came out and the clearest memory I have is saying I did not.


When we get the destination, as I expected, there is no one yet and even the gate has not opened.


“Kyo-ah … I told you … It’s still too early …”








“Hello? Earth from Jung Pilkyo!”


“Eric-ah … can’t we wait in front of the gate?”


I look at him trying to get out of the car and immediately, I lock the door from my side before grabbing his hand and pulling him into

a tight hug.


“Eric-ah, release me! We’re in the public now!”


“No. We’re just in our car and … there’s no one around here … It’s still too early …”


“Release me …”




He becomes still at once from struggling to free from my hug, hearing my raised voice. I put my hands cupping around his face and

land a soft peck on his forehead before pulling him again into my embrace and patting his head softly to calm him down.


“Kyo-ah … Baby … Calm down … Why are you so nervous, huh? You know the result is nothing between us, huh? It’s the best if you

pass it … but … it’s still no problem if you don’t pass it … It’s not like I’ll leave you if you fail … You know it, right?”


“But ….”


“But … what?”


“I couldn’t do well in English …. What if …”


“It’s ok …. I’ve already told you … Just calm down and stay in my hug like this …. Until the result is out …”


This time, he becomes obedient and says nothing against me, staying in the way that I want. We stay like that for the next hour and

the students who took the exam starts to gather around the gate gradually.


Then, as Pilkyo’s wish, we finally get out of the car and stand near the gate among other students. When the clock strikes exactly

nine, the guards come to open the gate and as soon as the gate is opened, I grab his hands not to be lost in the sea of students,

pushing one another to reach the boards on which the result sheets are posted and start running to the boards.


In front of the boards, we start to search Pilkyo’s name and roll number while I keep squeezing his hand for some encouragement.


Jung Pilkyo. Jung Pilkyo. Jung Pilkyo.


Where is his name?


I start to panic and my eyes become blurry as the result of looking at the series of names and numbers in small font. However, I

control myself again and shake my head to clear the dizziness before starting searching again.


Jung Pilkyo. Jung Pilkyo. Jung …


“PILKYO! Here! Jung Pilkyo!”


I grab his hand forcefully and show him his name I have found on the sheet while shouting with a trembling voice. He gets stunned

immediately and stares at “Jung Pilkyo” on the sheet and then, I see tears falling on his face and at the next second, I become

locked in the tight hug by him. Unknowingly, we start jumping while hugging each other, not caring the curious looks of other

students around us.


Then, we pull apart and look at each other without being able to utter a single word. Only after a few seconds, he squeezes both of

my hands with his and flash the brightest smile I have ever seen despite of tears.


“Eric-ah … I passed …. You saw it? I passed …”


“Yeah … Kyo-ah … I told you … You’ll pass, huh?”


He hugs me again and this time, I gently rub his back and whisper into his ear, knowing he is now on cloud nine.


“Congratulations, my baby! You worked so hard!”




As soon as we get back into the car, my phone rings and seeing the caller ID, I grin and hand it to Pilkyo who takes it blankly.




“Just take the call …”


He glances the caller ID and he flashes a shy yet happy smile at me before picking up the call and turning the speaker on.


“Hello? Eomonie?”




“Yes. I’m Pilkyo, Eomonie …”


“Oh! Pilkyo-ah …. How about … the result?”


There is a worried and unsure tone in Mom’s voice and I understand how much she is also worried for Pilkyo. Hearing Mom’s

question, Pilkyo grins really widely and almost yells into the phone with full of joy.


“I PASSED! Eomonie! I passed the exam!”


There is a cheerful chuckle from the other side of the phone and from voices I am hearing, it seems like Dad is also beside Mom and

they  also turn the speaker on.


“Congratulations, Son! You did it finally!”


Dad’s voice comes out and both of us happen to look at each other hearing the happy voice of Dad and crack a giggle because of the

voice of equally excited Mom.


“Oh my! Congratulations, Pilkyo-ah! I know you can do it …. Congratulation, Son!”


“Thanks, Eomonie! Thank you and Dad for taking care of me in these days … I made you worried and tired …”


“No … Pilkyo-ah … It’s ok … It’s nothing compared to your effort … Now just enjoy your time with Eric on the island …”


“On the island?”


Pilkyo gives me a questioning look and after chuckling at his dumbfounded expression, I grab the phone from his hand.


“Thank you, Mom! Dad! We’ll surely have a good time! Please take care of your health …”


“We will … You take care of yourselves too! Have a nice trip, Sons!”


Then, I end the call and throw the phone onto the dashboard before looking at the still blank one sitting on the passenger seat.


“What does it mean, Eric-ah?”


I steal a peck while he is still in a dazed state and give him the best wink I can do.


“It means … we’re going to your island where we first met ….”




The waves do not change at all throughout this time, still powerful sometimes and calm sometimes but anyway, they are beautiful in

all forms, like Jung Pilkyo.


So cheesy.


Even I think I am being way too cheesy. But with the back ground of the setting sun and the melody of waves, embracing the one I

love and enjoying the best moment of my life make me that much cheesy without much effort.


I took him here directly after seeing the result. Yes, I prepared this a week ago before the exam result and also took care of clothes

and other necessities for the trip secretly without letting him know. All the hard times I got in preparing the trip vanished once I got

a “thank you” kiss from Pilkyo.


 It is the second day on the island and we are staying the same villa of my friend, the place where many memories were made.


My confession. Our first hug. Our first peck. Our first kiss.


All of them are still lingering in that place and just thinking about them back makes me warm and thankful for all these good things in

my life. Even now, we are sitting on the rock that I sat when we first met and both of us are so much in pure bliss that although we

do not say any word, we still can feel love and happiness from each other, enjoying the company of each other and believing that

we are for each other forever.


Then, Pilkyo’s voice appears out of sudden and I glance at him, only seeing he keeps staring at the sea although he is speaking to



"If love was like waves, it'd be better."




"Because waves come in and go back without leaving any mark. If we love and seperate without any mark on our hearts, isn't it



"If so, you are wrong. Because waves can transform the shape of the coast like love can change your heart."


“If so, I’m glad you were “the wave” for my heart …”


“So do I …”


Our lips meet and another sweet memory has been born again.


Who knows a depressed stranger and the native fisher boy meeting on the remote island can change the lives of both of them and

create an unexpected yet beautiful love?


Jung Pilkyo …


My only wave …


I love you …



A/N: Hooyay!!! I’ve finished my first ever fic!!! (Yes, this is the very first one I started writing) Thanks all who read, support, vote and comment throughout this fic! This fic can’t be done without your love… Since this is my first fic, I know it’s lacking a lot but still you all support me to keep writing and this means a lot tome … Thank You! *sobs*

I hope you had a good time in reading this and I’m glad if it can make you feel good even for a moment … XD

By the way, I’m starting a short fic (around 5 or 6 chapters) *again?* :P and the main characters are *of cuz it’s ricsyung* :D but that one will be angst, really angst and the readers who don’t like angst… please forgive me and spare my life! :D and if you don’t want to read angst, it’s ok… I understand … I’m just informing you! *promoting actually* XD

Let me say Goodbye from “Waves”! Please keep supporting my other fics! *bows*

Thank You All And Love You!!!





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Finally updated after nearly two weeks!


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Chapter 23: I love it!!! I love the setup, the characters you gave to our Ricsyung couple, the vibe, the flow of the story... simply put.. I love everything about this fic!!! If this was your first fic author-nim.. you were very good at it! Thanks for the wonderful feeling your story brings to us Ricsyung fanatics! Thanks for bringing us in that cool island and for introducing us to Fisher boy Syung! Love it! ☺
bannyy #2
Chapter 23: Its the 3rd time reading this..... love it so much...just soso beautifully written....hope soon to get to read another ricsyung fic from authornim...
zhendy-mf #3
Chapter 23: so beautiful,

thank you for the story
JisuJisu #4
Chapter 23: Finish reading in now ! Only 2days ! Fast right !? Omg a happy ending ! They are so sweet ! Eventhough this is just a fantasy but i felt like this is a real story of some couples lifes. Thanks for this amazing ff. hope i will have true love soon hehe ~ ! Hwaiting ! Waiting for more ff! I love u !
Hello-HowAreYou #5
Chapter 23: I read this all in one sitting I'm dead with feels now. My cold dead hands are typing this message. XD (Worst sense of humor EVAR)

OMG I loved this so much! ;u; Amazing writing author-nim! I love the story! ^o^ I'm going to be rereading this over and over again when I need to be happy. It's so good~ Thank you for the story author-nim! :D
anurim #6
Chapter 23: This is one of my favorite fic!!!!
milan0613 #7
Chapter 23: tonight I read this fic from head to end again
this story is so beautiful
thanks au so much!
jun-kified #8
Chapter 23: Awww, I cried at the end of the story! Awesome job, author! <3
Chapter 23: First of all i was wondering how i missed this last update O.o. am i blind or something???

Izzy *wink* i love that you brought them back to the island. Perfect ending. It brings back so much memories.

This is so fluffy and sweet and i just love it. Perfect distraction to all the craziness that is my life lol.

I must admit that i was a little sad when i saw the complete mark on this fic. But hey, you still have other fics that i am so lookib forward to reading. Izzy, yiu're such a great writer and you belonged to my top 5 favorite ff writers. please continue to write more and i hope you write other otp's too.

Goodluck on your other fics ~~^^
monkiechan #10
Chapter 23: As expected, the sentences in the foreword appear in the last chap ^^ You made me remember the first time I've read those words, which were really attractive to me. I've been waiting for the day those sentences coming out, n finally... but I still feel sad letting this fic go :(

Thank you so much during this time. I'm sure this fic can constitute a good first step for u *hug* I'll be waiting for other fics. I'm so curious w u writing angst haha :))

Good luck with the upcoming exams ^^~ fighting Izzy !!!