Nursing Lay Back to Health

Nursing Lay Back to Health

     It was late, 11 PM and yet you laid in bed tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. Out of frustration you gave into your restlessness and lazily slithered out of bed. Living in Seoul, you had a small apartment, one of those one room apartments they would offer English teachers from abroad, although you lived in Seoul for different reasons. You walked to your kitchen already anticipating a nice warm cup of tea. Suddenly your phone echoed to life. You jumped in surprise but suddenly realized it was just your ringtone. You quickly darted to answer, first taking a look at the caller ID, it read "Lu Han". Well that's strange. You thought due to how late it was. 

"Hello?" you answered weakly, still sleepy.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" he asked

"No, I was already up, couldn't sleep." you explained, "What's going on?"

"Ah.... it's.... well Yixing. He's hurt himself...again." Luhan remarked, hesistating to give you the news.

"W-what!?" you boomed, "Is he okay? What happened?!" 

"_____-ya don't worry, he's okay, he's resting now... he told us not to tell you but I had to," the boy admitted, "He hurt himself at practice, he was working really hard and-" you cut him off

"Lu Han gege, I need to see him, I'll be right over okay?!" you fumed worriedly, and before Luhan could protest you hung up and were already speedily getting dressed. As soon as you finished brushing your teeth you zoomed out the door and quickly pinned down a taxi


You stood at the front door of their dorm, you stood frozen and aprehensive. What am I doing here? you pondered, am I going to be an inconvinience? you suddenly felt guilty. 

"Hey, how are you~?" a low voice called, startling you by the sudden disturbance in your thoughts, you looked over your shoulder in the direction of the sound and there stood a beaming tall man, you quickly recognized the figure as being Chanyeol, holding bags of food. 

He stared at you with his big eyes and he was smiling his crazy smile, you looked up at him and smiled and lightly bowed.

"Ah... I'm here to see Yixing gege." you stammered, "Luhan gege called me saying he's hurt"

He smirked letting out a humming sound, walking towards the door to unlock it, "He is, but I think he'll be fine--" he stopped as he unlocked the door and opened the door, "come inside!" 

"Thank you" you bowed as you walked by his tall body opening the door for you. 

"_______ is here~!" Chanyeol called as soon as the door was closed.

You heard a wave of hello's and hi's coming from the direction on the living room. Feeling a little shy you stayed there by the door and Chanyeol looked at you confused, then realized that you were being sheepish. "No need to be shy, come on!" he laughed. He led you to the members and they all greeted you. "________~!" they chimed, happy to see you. "Luhan hyung said you were coming" Kai added with a smirk. You nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry to show up so suddenly... I need to see Yixing gege." And with that they gladly pointed the way and you began walking to him room. As you got to his door you peaked inside and saw him laying in his bed, he was asleep. The sight of him looking so at rest brought you some peace of mind and relief. You crept inside and carefully set yourself on his bed. As soon as you sat down you heard a stifled moan come from his body.

"_____?" he asked quietly

"Yes?" you replied

"I'm happy you're here... I don't want you to worry about me." he whispered.

You smiled quietly to your self and reached over to feel his face with the back of your hand. He was warm, but you didn't detect a fever. "How are you feeling?" you asked under your breath. "Better... my waist hurts bad." he quaked out. It hurt you inside to see him in pain, you couldn't stand it. You laid down next to him, it was a tight fit considering it was a twin bed, in a room he had to share with other members. He tried to turn to face you but hurt himself more in the process and let out a faint cry. "You have to be careful!" you scolded in a muttered tone. "Here...." you whispered and you wrapped your arm around him and brought his back close to you. He rested his hand on yours, laying comfortably on his stomach. You nuzzled your face into his back as you got into a comfortable spooning position. "Thank you for coming" he spoke, "I'm so happy your here with me." and he let out a satisfyed sigh. "I really enjoy this feeling... being here with you. I already can feel the pain leaving." he remarked. You too felt the warmth and comfort. You two laid there basking in each other's company and love, after a while of embracing his back he broke the silence to speak, "Sleep here..." he mumbled. Before you had a chance to reply he turned quickly to face you, wincing at the pain but he made no sound to prevent you from getting worried. "T...that... didn't hurt me...." he lied through gritted teeth. Even though you could tell he was in pain you decided to not scold him some more but instead hold him close. He wrapped his arms around you and lightly burrowed his face in your chest. "You're so soft" he whispered smiling, "I love you." You caressed his face and whispered, "I love you too" as a response. You both sank into the warmth of the embrace, reveling in the moment and slowly drifting off to sleep.


You opened your eyes. You looked over to the man laying in bed next to you. His arms were wrapped around you and your legs were intertwined. The members in the room were deep asleep and you laid feeling dazed and overwhelmed with feelings of joy.  You looked down at his face resting on your chest, he looked so peaceful and you were glad he managed to sleep well even though he was injured. After taking in the moment you carefully slipped out of his grip, making sure you didn't wake him. As you got up you looked at the clock on the desk in the room. It read "5:43 AM". You walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Quietly you poured some into your cup and returned to the room. When you walked back into the room Lay was wake. he was laying on his back staring at the roof. He heard you enter and quickly looked feeling soothed at your sight, "I thought you left for a moment there" he whispered as quietly as possible. You smiled and sat down back on the bed, "Here, drink some water" he nodded and carefully sat up. You watched his adams apple bob as he drank the glass in one go. As soon as he finished drinking he handed the cup back to you and breathed, "thank you~" You reached over to ruffle his hair, "How do you feel today?" "A thousand times better" he beamed. You smiled and suddenly thought about giving him a back massage. Well it would be relaxing and perhaps help? you wondered. Before you could continue your thoughts he began to speak, "What are you thinking about?" he asked. You looked up into his eyes, "Could I give you a back massage?" you asked slightly laughing. He chuckled and nodded, "Of course~" and then before you knew it his tank top was off and you were rubbing his . Carefully applying pressure where you'd feel would feel good, and making sure to get to every inch of his back. He would let out muffled moans and groans and you knew he was pleased with his back massage. Suddenly you heard an alarm clock off in the distance which made you come to a complete stop. It came from another room and within minutes a tired Xiumin appeared in the door way, "Everyone should start waking up" he mumbled rubbing his eye. Startled by the two of you already being up he nodded and said good morning. "We have a schedule today" Xiumin remarked. The members in the room woke up at Xiumin's notification and whined "30 more minutes!" Xiumin returned to his room and Lay slipped on his tank top. He leaned over and gave you a warm prolonged kiss. His fingers were lost in your hair and once he pulled back he looked you in the eyes and let out a marveled smile. He held you close and whispered, "thank you for coming and taking care of me, I feel better today and you're the reason for that" 

"We can hear you" Kris stated from his bed. 

Suho, Kris, Chen, and Kai, the members that share a room with Lay, all started to laugh and you and Lay both sat embarrassed.


Once everyone was ready and waiting to go to their schedule Lay walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind. He nestled his face into your neck .

"Please come by later, I'll treat you to some food" he kissed your neck.

You took in the moment and turned around and kissed him. 

That was an offer you couldn't refuse. 


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ailove94 #1
Chapter 1: soooo cute i love it <3
Chapter 1: this is so sweet! <3
Chapter 1: Aigoo, Zhang Yixing. ><
houaida #4
Chapter 1: Love It ^^
exocase #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^