Cuteness Overload

Cuteness Overload

         He opened the doors to the chestnut coloured building. Once in, the wind-chimes sang a tune and the smell of cinnamon hit his nose like a fresh of breath air. Kim Jongin grinned as he believed this was the start of another great day.  



       However, there was quite a long line of people waiting for coffee and tea. Sighs and groans can be heard but oddly, giggles and chuckles can be heard too. 



       Jongin didn't mind as he looked at the chalkboard menus that spread across the wall in front of his eyes. He tilted his head and pondered. Perhaps today is a nice day for a caramel macchiato with a raspberry shot. He moved two steps forward as he finalized his decision. 



       “I'm so sorry!” cried a low toned voice. This is when Jongin finally decided to see what was the hold up. Therefore, he leaned a bit to the side. And through the small spaces between the other customers' heads. He saw him. 



        An angel sent from above. 



        Wow, pale skin with a big doed eyes making him seem so innocent and pure. With a sigh of frustration, Jongin wanted to get a closer look of this angel. He took two more steps as the line got shorter for him. 



        Just a few more. 



       This angel seemed to be going through trouble as his eyebrows furrowed in and his arms were waving around. This interesting sight caused Jongin to bring a fist to his lips and chuckle softly to himself. It looked like as if this man would soon stomp away and go “Hmph!” like a child. The closer Jongin got, the closer he got to this angel.  



       An adorable man, indeed. 



       “Hi! Welcome to Cafe Blue! I am so sorry for the wait! I'm just a cashier in training and I have absolutely no idea what to do but how may I help you?” the man wailed as Jongin finally got to the counter.  



         However, Jongin stared at the beloved man in front of him. It was no wonder this beautiful man got coos and giggles. Pale skin like Snow White with big eyes reflecting his innocence and perhaps his naivety. His eyes lingered at the man's plush soft looking lips. His eyes then strolled over to the worker's name tag. 






       “Hello? How may I help you?” he said with a tilt in confusion. Jongin stared and stared. Oh, how he would love to bring this man on a date. He would bring Kyungsoo to an amusement park just to see his reactions with all the fun rides. Perhaps a picnic would do. The sun kissed man wasn't exactly the greatest cook but he would try if it were to please Kyungsoo. 



        Jongin pouted. Maybe, this man liked books and would love to go to bookstores and libraries instead for dates. A cup of tea would probably do the trick. Tea and books seemed like a nice combination. Or maybe, he would like a movie and a date. Horror movies are too cliche. An action movie would do if Kyungsoo liked them just as much as Jongin. 



       A wave of a hand finally brought him back to reality. “Huh?” Jongin squeaked loudly. Kyungsoo smiled widely and asked once more, “Hello, how may I be of service?” Once again, Jongin stared with his mouth agape. His voice belonged to an angel. O, how he would love to wake up to hearing that angelic voice every morning.  



        Loud groans can be heard from others in the line. He finally woken up and replied, “I'm sorry. I would like a large double double today.” He fidgeted around as he got his money. Kyungsoo nodded as he tried to place this order. 



         “Take your time. No need to rush,” whispered Jongin softly. The other man puffed out his cheeks and blushed embarrassingly. On the inside, Jongin squealed like a high pitched fanboy as he felt the urge to pinch his cheeks. This man was just way too darn cute for him to be working at this low paying job. 



         His order finally came and it saddened him that Jongin would soon have to leave. “Here is your large double double!” smiled Kyungsoo with a happy aura surrounding him. Jongin nodded in thanks as he took the cup. And then, he felt electric shocks as his finger touched the tip of the other man's finger. 



       Jongin blushed deeply and that's when Kyungsoo whispered, “If you're not busy, would you like to come back in two hours?” Jongin blinked his eyes rapidly. “I'm asking you on a date, mister!” yelled Kyungsoo as he didn't know what to say. 



       “You were just so cute when you stood there blankly. I just had to ask you out! And – and I've never done this before and I don't know what to do and everyone is staring at us. You're just standing there like a blank slate again. God damnit, I'm just making a fool out of myself. Smitten and love struck. Oh what a fool I am,” breathed Kyungsoo rapidly as he fidgeted with his dark blue apron. 



        Jongin shuffled his feet to the left and to the right. He bit his lips almost on the verge of bleeding before replying. 



       “I would love to.”



        And now we have two cute people going on a date very soon. What are the possibilities that this date will be cute as well?


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Chapter 1: I assume the 'I' in description is Jongin?

Yes Jongin, I can sue you. You want to? xD

ANDDDD THIS IS SOOO CUTE OHMYGOSH. KYUNGSOO HOW CAN YOU? WELL, you so totally can okay! Go on, ask Jongin out when you're working. Like a boss <3
Can't wait to read this! It sounds like this would be way too adorbs ;;
exocase #3
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
sounds good
Lexaaa #5
Update soon please!^_^