
Into the Light.

My eyes pop open when there is a pounding on the door. I let out a grumble as the pectorals that were once my pillow are moving away from me and I let my fingers grip onto the hand that is still in mine.

“Hm… Taekwoonie…”

I hear a low chuckle as the body continues to slide out of the bed.

“Darling… There’s someone at the door,” He whispers as he leans to kiss my forehead.

My vision follows him as he slides his pants back on; leaving his boots beside the bed as he carelessly drapes his t-shirt over himself. His feet are slow as he makes his way to the door.

Taekwoon glances at me and then to the clothes beside my bed and I scramble to grab them and put them on myself. I’m sliding my shorts on when he opens the door and to our luck Hyuk is smirking back at him.

“Two nights in a row, big brother?”

Taekwoon scoffs, his hand grabbing at the younger boys neck, pulling him forward into the room as he closes the door. Hyuk is giggling as Taekwoon pretends to slice the side of his neck.

“Yah… Don’t be so gross.”

I smirk at him as he follows Taekwoon back to my side.

“Well, I thought it would be better if I woke you up over Hongbin.”

I grimace for a moment as I think of the frustrated man from yesterday.

“Is he still mad at me?” I ask quietly, my eyes shifting from Taekwoon to Hyuk.

Hyuk just smiles, “No… He just wants you to be safe. But, you should talk to him eventually about it if you keep doing what you guys are doing.”

I blush brightly as Taekwoon brings a hand to the back of his neck and I take note of the smirk that is on his face.

Hyuk chuckles again, “Also, the guys want to play football in a bit so get changed and come play.”

I give him a quizzical look and Taekwoon is answering him.

“Ah, okay… I’ll bring Taylor so she can at least work on her cardio.”

I shoot him a quick glare but realize just how right he is when I try to remember myself running…

“Maybe my stamina too,” I let out when I give him a smile and he giggles in response.

Hyuk laughs along and quickly tells him to hurry up and gather some new clothing.

Taekwoon nods and then leans over to plant his lips on my cheek but my playful side gets the best of me in these early hours and I turn my head quickly so they land on my own.

When I pull back, he is smirking and his cheeks have taken on a pink tint.

“See you in a bit…” He mumbles, leaving the office quietly with his combat boots in hand.

Hyuk turns his bright eyes to me and his eyebrow shoots up as he smirks at me.

“Guess he got that message.”

I give him a quick glare, “Oh very funny… But yes, he did.”

He laughs in return and my face flushes in response as I try to change the topic.

“Is football going to be okay for my stitches?”

He smiles.

“I think it should be okay… Those red pills Hongbin’s been giving you helps with skin regeneration and only take at max, for a cut that size, five days to close up.”

“Those are so expensive… How do you manage to get your hands on them?”

I have a shocked expression on my face… When I worked in VIXX we had only heard of such things in medical textbooks… To be taking them is something to marvel at.

“You know, friends on the inside,” Hyuk answers with a suave smile on his face.

I scoff and let my feet rest on the floor as I stand up.

“I need my…” I begin to say but my thoughts trail off as I try to remember the bra I had been in was… Two days ago Hongbin took it off but I don’t know where he put the damn thing.

“If I need it to play soccer…”

Hyuk is chuckling again and when I meet his eyes he is telling me to follow him.

“But I need a-”

“A bra?”

I give him a doe eyed expression before speaking, “How did-”

“We may be the same age… But I’m not as innocent as I seem.”

My expression doesn’t fade when he gives me a wink as he moves towards the door. I shake my head a bit as I follow him out of the medical ward.

“What? Do you have some secret stash of them somewhere?”

He chuckles, “No, but Sarah left hers in my room when she left for BTS.”

“Sarah… Wait, you had with one of those girls from Mato?”

I look at him with wider eyes as I grab onto his arm, pausing on the stairs.

“Yeah,” he laughs a bit as he turns his eyes to me, “It’s not that big of a deal is it?”

“But… you’re just so sweet.”

He laughs once more as he begins to move up the stairs with me following suit.

“Like I said, I’m not as innocent as I seem.”

I can’t seem to think as I realize what he is saying.

“Wait, Hyuk!”

We’re near N’s office as I grip his forearm to stop him, pausing to glance around before I start speaking to him. The door is open just a smidge when I glance it over but my eyes quickly avert to my same aged brother.

“So… Have you had with more than just Sarah?”

“Are you really asking me this?” He breathes out with stifled laughter.

Maybe he could be the one I talk to. There was no romantic feeling when I looked at him and it was very apparent he looked at me as nothing but a sister… If not now, I might be able to tell him what I did with Daehyun.

“Well… We’re the same age… how many people have you had with?”

He breathes out a sigh as his gaze falls to the floor.

“I don’t know… Around fifteen?”

“But… You’re only twenty years old, how is that possible?” I ask loudly.

I pause for a moment when I hear movement coming from the office beside us and Hyuk’s eyes shift over it before landing on my grey ones.

“Well, you’re twenty years old, how is it possible that you haven’t?”

I roll my eyes to his response as my cheeks flush to which he giggles.     

“Just because you like around…”

Hyuk gives me an incredulous look, “Hey-”

There’s a loud crash that emits form N’s office, cutting off Hyuk as we both look over to the steel door.

“What the-”

I shush Hyuk by bringing my index finger to my mouth urging him to be quiet.

He replies with a nod and I pull him towards the door, hoping it doesn’t creak as we push it open to further investigate the source of the crash and my eyes widen as I come across a peculiar sight; N has Bree laying against his desk, an elbow supporting her as they remain in a heated kiss. The items that normally sit on his desk now lay scattered across the floor.

My mouth hangs open as I watch the scene in front of me and soon I hear the clinking of a belt buckle.

I hear a gasp come from Hyuk’s mouth, “Is that-”

I cover his mouth with my hand to silence him as N’s eyes pop open although his mouth is still placed on Bree.

I push Hyuk backward, my feet shuffling loudly as I reef the door closed. It crashes closed while I let out a bit of an embarrassed squeal as my hands fumble with each other. I stare at Hyuk who is once again giving me a ridiculous stare.

“That was nothing to freak out over.”

I flush and grab Hyuk’s forearm and pull him towards the stairs, hoping to escape from any bodies that might be coming from the office.

I look at him once we reach the top floor, my eyes quickly peering behind me before speaking.


“I saw her come out of his office yesterday, but Bree, the people from Mato, they don’t see the same way we do.”

Hyuk nods, “I know… Trust me, I know.”

“Do you think they’re dating? I mean… Are they just having…?”

He giggles at me and I give him a shy smile back as I push my bangs behind my ears.

“N can be a bit… Well, let’s just say I learned from the best, although he only really has if he’s honestly interested.”

I’m silent for a moment but then I give Hyuk a sly smile.

“We have to find a way to get it out of him or at least bug the hell out of him for it.”

Hyuk smirks in response while ruffling my hair “I can agree with that, sis.”

If I’m not mistaken, N wasn’t the only one looking at Bree in that light. I couldn’t be the only one who had taken note of the way Yongguk watched her.

With our agreement, Hyuk and I walk towards his shared room with Taekwoon and he rifles through some of the boxes in the closet.

“She left two, so take both.”

He throws a ball of red and black fabric at me and I catch it with ease. There is both a black sports bra and a red lace bra.

“I’m not the only one that loves the colour red, if you catch my drift.”

I look at him as he nods his head to the bunks behind him and my cheeks tint at his comment.

“You can grab some of his clothes to change into, probably grab two outfits since you’ll get sweaty while playing.”

I nod to comply.

“I’ll wait in the hallway,” Hyuk tells me as he wanders through the door.

I wait for it to click signalling I am able to roam through their shared dresser and closet. When I move towards the small vanity I pull open one of the drawers and find an array of t-shirts, all which are too bland to be one of Hyuk’s. I take out one white shirt which has long sleeves and another short sleeved black one. I pull open another drawer and take note of a pair of blue cotton shorts which I take as well. I’ll wear the red ones while playing today and save Taekwoon’s for after my shower.

I turn to put them on the bed, the bra’s laying on top while I the grey shirt I was currently wearing. I fold it, leaving it near the pillow and slide the sports bra on which fits surprisingly well. It takes a second before I am pulling the black t-shirt over top of my miniature frame. Thanks to his height, I am, once again, left wearing what seems like a small dress. I smile to myself as I feel oddly comfortable being in his clothes, the only thing missing being his scent.

I get a hold of the other clothes, making sure to fold the red lace brazier in between the shirt and pants that I would be wearing later and turn towards the door but my eyes are caught by an a ash gray sweater that lay carelessly atop the dresser.

I’ve seen Taekwoon wear it before and there’s a part of me that suddenly wants to smell it… I take it from its spot, lifting it to my nose and I am greeted by his scent; the smell of Vixx is mixed with his muskiness, and graphite and ink that is from his office. It’s both an intriguing and inviting scent and I smile to myself as I clutch the wool sweater to my chest.

He knows where to find it if really wanted it back… There wouldn’t be any harm in taking it, especially after he told me to only be seen in his clothing.

With the sweater against my chest and the other clothing in my hands, I saunter through the door and find Hyuk leaning against the wall, a spaced out look taking over his features as I elbow him to leave.

“Ready?” He asks.

I nod quickly and we make our way to the training room which is near the medical ward, passing by N’s now quiet office. When he opens the doors, I am greeted with the site of what I now call my family, although one is missing at the moment.

Hongbin and Ravi are kicking the football from one to another while Taekwoon and Ken stretch.

Hyuk runs toward the youngest of the four and steals the ball from Hongbin. They quickly fall into a fit of laughter and the three are soon shoving and pushing each other.

Taekwoon glances to the three but his eyes soon fall on me as they continue to make a scene. I smile at him as I place the clothing in my hands on the table that sits near the door and Taekwoon is quick to strut to my side, Ken jumping in with the other three quickly.

“Took you long enough,” Taekwoon greets me with.

I smirk at him as he leans down to softly place his lips against my cheek. They’re supple and smooth and I breathe out heavily as I lean into him, one of my hands clutching onto the fabric of his muscle shirt. My eyes glance downwards, drinking in the muscles that protrude on his long arms.

I can feel a smile spread across his face and he leaves his lips against my skin. I giggle at his actions and soon I feel his forehead drop down to rest on my own head.

“Yah, lovebirds, can we play this game already?” a voice calls out.

Taekwoon lifts his head away from mine and we both turn our vision to Ken, Hyuk being carried by him in a piggy back ride. Hongbin is smirking at us, and although he doesn’t seem mad, I do make a point of apologizing properly later, even if we had both gotten over it.

Ravi does not look terribly impressed when my gaze roams over him but despite that I give him a wave which he returns, although his eyes are fiery as he looks Taekwoon up and down.

“Okay, okay… Let’s figure out teams,” Taekwoon tells them, pulling me forward with him.

I smile as our game begins, admiring the men that made up my family. 

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Chapter 27: That got out of hand lol

The conversation with Daehyun is going to be awwwwwwwwwwwwkwaaaaaaard.
Chapter 25: Ahhhh haha it was them xD
I can't look at Hyuk the same anymore ;-;
Yooooo and also after Voodoo Doll.. All the members have been ing up my bias list.. but that mv did things.. before it was definite.. but now it's like.. 1.) Leo 2.) Everyone else :/
Chapter 24: 3 chapters in one go, but I'm so exhausted that I can't really think of much to say. D:
Holy , she was tied up. That is.. I.. wow that's a favorite of mine. Damn. I'm still freaking out, that was amazing lol especially with Leo. And darlingggggg how cuuuuuuute :D
;-; That was kinda sad. I don't like "Taekwoonie" (lol) being unhappy.
Chapter 21: I'm honestly glad N made her feel bad >.< Leo and Hongbin are so mean for not giving her pants though xD Haha I'm not really sure about what else to say
Chapter 20: NOPE. NOPE NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. NUH UH. I'm surprised I finished that all in one go lol that was perfect. P.E.R.F.E.C.T. And I hate you because of it.

But really I don't. Holy crap. My head is a bunch of nonsense right now.
NatalieeKwon #6
Chapter 20: Just... ugh... Jung Taekwoon.
Chapter 19: i don't.. i can't.. i.. my brain.. i'll come back once i've calmed down lol
Chapter 18: UGGGHGHGHHGHHHGHH.. ;-; That was intense. I can only imagine where it will go from here lol I hope Leo and Ravi don't hurt him too much
Chapter 17: Yooooooo, the link isn't clickable haha
Chapter 16: Of course her dream would have her connected to both of them. Is this a sign that she'll end up with both? ....Because I would definitely be satisfied with that :p lol

That was sad :( Seeing him vulnerable like that hurts my heart ;-;