Balls of Cloth and Floods of Memories.

Into the Light.

“Yah, Daehyun!” I holler loudly as we come to a tunnel entrance about a ten minutes jog from the BTS camp. I have a puzzled look on my face as I watch him move a stone away to let us both in.

“Daehyun, where are we going?” I ask.

He laughs a bit and doesn’t answer my question but only urges me to enter. It’s different than the one we exited to get to Bangtan so I stand and stare at him for a moment.

“Daehyun, answer me…”

He laughs and rolls his eyes a bit.

“VIXX’s Central City,” he answers.

My eyes drop to the ground and I quirk my head in surprise. I feel a sudden wave of anxiety as I think about my home city.

“You looked really sad before… I thought it might be nice if we just took a detour for a bit, to relax or something.”

His voice is sweet and I look at him with pained eyes and tilt’s his head to the side in an adorable manner.

“I don’t know… Ravi is going to kill me,” I answer.

He shakes his head with a chuckle, “It’s only a few hours away now if we cut straight though this tunnel that leads us into the main city… The hangers are a whole day away after that.”

He has a pleading look in his eye and I contemplate just what we’re doing… The boys would kill me when I got back to the hangers, but it would be nice to see my home again, even if it was just for a bit.

“We can stay for a few days, if you like.”

I watch him and he smiles at me so I smirk back.

“You’re taking the blame for this; Ravi is going to kill either you or me.”

He chuckles again before grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the entrance. He pulls the stone back over quickly and we walk down a slight slope before we hit flat ground.

I feel somewhat tired after our many hours of walking today so I breathe out a sigh as I rub my thighs lightly through my blue pants.

“If you’re sore just let me piggy back you again,” he orders.

I roll my eyes a bit and jabs at my side lightly so I bat at his hands.

“I saw that,” he murmurs.

I giggle a bit and smirk at him letting go of any existing anxiety and the thoughts of an angry Ravi or even Leo waiting for me.

He pokes at my side again so I let out a loud laugh, “Do you want me to fall ‘cause I will if you keep poking at me.”

He has a soft smile on his face when he nods at me and we continue on for our hours walk, quietly in step with each other.

“So, the entrance comes out into an old buildings basement… It’s uninhabited so we’ll be safe,” Daehyun reassures me.

My legs are aching when we reach a set of wooden doors up a low slope that he swings open with ease. It’s hard to pull myself up through them, my arms shaky from the lack of nutrition the past two days.

“You should just ask for help when you need it, rather than finding new ways to hurt yourself.”

I shoot him a quick look when I try pulling myself up through the somewhat cellar like doors. I slip and bit but land on my feet and I hear him snigger.

“You know, I could help you up,” He laughs.

I give him a bit of glare and he just giggles again. It was nice to be around someone with such a cheery disposition.

“Just let me help you,” Daehyun says as he walks behind me to place both hands on my hips. He’s quick as he hoists me through the entrance and I crawl out of it standing up a bit roughly.

He’s through it in mere seconds and quickly closing the door behind him. The basement is filled with dusts and I sneeze once.

“What should we do?” He asks.

I look to the ceiling as I try to find ways to entertain ourselves. In mid thought my stomach grumbles a bit and I find myself thinking of food.

“I’m hungry,” I tell him eagerly.

He smiles and tells me that we can grab food at the market.

“Are you sure we can even afford that? I don’t have any money…”

He nods, “its okay, I’ll get it.”

With our decision made he extends his hand to me, his eyes soft as we lock gazes. I take it after a moment of hesitation and he pulls me forward. My face reddens as he tightens his grip around my fingers and we walk up a flight of stairs to an empty living room. Before sliding some planks of wood which replaced the door, he gives a quick look, scouting the area for any people.

When he decides it’s clear, he pulls me through, letting the planks fall to their original places.

The sun is close to setting when we emerge and I take that it’s late evening.

It’s about a fifteen minute walk to the market and while we walk in comfortable silence, he keeps his hand linked with mine. It’s different compared to the fleeting moments I have grazed Leo’s large hands… His are softer then Daehyun’s but both seem secure in touch.

When we reach the market, my secret hopes of Daehyun not letting go comes true and we glance at the various booths until we find one holding different vegetables, something I haven’t eaten in ages. I gaze in awe at them and poke at the few I hadn’t seen before. There is a strangely shaped one that is large and green. The sign reads ‘squash’ and I stick my tongue out at it. It looks weird and even the name sounds gross.

I can feel a pair of eyes on me as I do this and I look to see Daehyun glancing at me with a smile.

“Obviously you don’t want squash,” he whispers as the merchant who owns this booth wanders away from us to help another customer, “so, which would you like?”

I only know of a few vegetables and some of them taste strange so I eye them again and quickly pick out a tomato… For some reason I love the taste of it. The feel was strange but the sweetness of it was inviting.

“That’s it?” He asks with quirked eyebrows, a glint of humor crossing his eyes.

I nod and I notice him grab one, tossing it in his hand a bit. I watch him as he keeps an eye on the merchant. When the old man turns around Daehyun quickly sneaks the ripe vegetable into his pocket and picks up another. I look at him in awe as he places the second in his pocket and quickly pull me forward to leave the merchants booth, giving the old man a smile as he watches us leave.

“Daehyun!” I whisper hoarsely when I know we are out of hearing range.

He laughs, “You didn’t think I would have any money would you?”

“You stole form the poor man…” I whine.

“He’s over charging anyways,” He protests, “These are twenty cents in Mato and he was charging fifteen dollars for one, ridiculous.”

“Vegetables have always been expensive here.”

He nods and I feel a bit guilty as we leave the market place. He finds us a spot underneath an awning with a few rocks to sit on.

I take a seat and he quickly plants himself beside me and hands me one of two tomatoes.

“I’ve never eaten them alone,” He tells me.

I smile at him as I toss the tomato up and down, “I had them a couple times as a kid when my parents could afford it… My dad would eat them like one of those dark red things that grow on trees that I would see more wealth off people eating.”

I giggle as I think about my adoptive father biting into the juicy red vegetable.

“He would always make such a fuss over it and one day I stole it from his desk… I ate it so quickly and thought it was the most delicious thing on this planet.”

I bite into it and smile, quickly soaking the juice up from it. Daehyun is watching me with a smile, his tomato half gone. There are some sounds on the street in front of us as four children emerge with a cloth made ball, kicking it around in pure jubilation.

“He got mad at first, but then I gave him a pout and he just shrugged it off… After that he was happy I would eat them, apparently a long time ago kids couldn’t stand them. I find that hard to believe eating this now.”

I look over to Daehyun as I take another bite and he has an interesting expression gracing his features. I tilt my head to the side and prompt him to speak.

“He sounds like a really nice man… I never really knew my parents.”

I’m about to ask why when the cloth ball rolls to his feet. He looks up and there is a small boy staring at him with an eager look in his eyes. Daehyun smiles back slyly, gulping down the rest of his tomato in a hurry. When he stands his foot is close to the ball these children have made.

“Yah, you want to play? How about all of you against me?” He kicks the ball a bit and the boy gives him a bright toothless smile and claps his hands together a bit.

Daehyun glances over at me with a bright grin before kicking the ball out onto the street, the four children crowding around him in a hurry. He is fast to avoid there tiny feet but let’s up to let one of them kick it away from his feet.

“Aah, no way!” He hollers and chases after a small girl.

I watch him as I finish my tomato. He’s so sweet to play with these children… I’m not sure if he realizes how happy this will make them… Four children out in the late evening with no parents to play with them… It tells me they’re orphans, probably living all together in an abandoned home on the outskirts of the city.

I smile a bit as I think of my childhood… I could’ve been one of these kids. I was lucky enough to be saved and given to my adoptive parents. I feel an ache crawl into my stomach and my eyes water. I really missed them… I want to visit my old home.

I watch Daehyun as the children’s tiny feet pitter-patter around him. He’s joyful even now as the children wear him out. I spring up and saunter towards them challenging Daehyun’s fancy footwork. I steal the ball away from him and with the help of a little girl.

“Oh, we stole it!” I give her a high five as I cheer her on.

“Huh, how could we let this happen?” I hear Daehyun holler at the children. They let out little screams and it’s quiet for a moment.

“Okay guys, I have a plan to get that ball back...”

I faintly make out quiet whispers and in a moments notices I hear yelling from Daehyun and two small boys. Before I turn around, I feel to arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground.

I let out a yelp and the two boys run in front of me taking the ball away from my no longer grounded feet.

“Daehyun, that’s cheating,” I laugh.

He only laughs in response.

We play like this for about an hour until one of the children mentions they need to journey back to their hut in the outskirts of the city.

“Ah, well, be careful,” I rub her hair lightly and we send them on their way, the children all giving us hugs around our legs as they leave.

When they’re gone I notice my body is sticky with sweat and my legs ache from the continuous moving I have been doing. Daehyun is stretching his legs and when he stands up, he flips his hair away from his forehead, the heat getting the best of him.

“Daehyun,” I mumble and he looks to me with an eager expression.

“I… I want to look at my old house,” I plead, looking up to face him, “and if we need rest, well we can stay there, right?”

His lips part in a moment of hesitation before he nods, “Yeah, of course.”

I smile at him, “Well, we just walk straight for about twenty minutes.”

He nods along and when we begin to move forward I notice my shaky legs.

“You look tired, let me help you,” He urges as he bends down in front of me. I know the drill as I wrap my arms around his neck and he links his arms around my legs. When he stands and begins to move forward I take note of the sweat that rolls down the back of his neck.

“That was really nice of you,” I whisper, “To play with those kids.”

He chuckles, “I always used to play with the kids in Mato.”

I smile as I let my head rest against the crook of his neck and shoulder.

I look up from his neck after a while and see the front of my home only a metre or two up the street.

“Yah, there it is, the dark brown one,” I tell him while pointing towards it.

“Finally,” he laughs, “I’m getting tired.”

I laugh as he pretends to snore while carrying me, batting my hand against his chest.

When we get to the front door he puts me down and I push open the heavy wooden door to find my small living room, completely the same as when I had left it a few months earlier.

The furniture is made of wood, no cushioning other than the sheets that cover it. The kitchen and living room are connected and a small table for four is off to the right. The book shelf behind it is still full and I smile reminding myself to grab some of them before we leave.

Daehyun closes the door behind him and I move towards the shelf that jutted out randomly in the living room wall. There are old pictures strewn about it and I let my fingers graze over the one of my adoptive parents. I sigh sadly as I pick it up to have a better look at their faces which will always be etched into my memory. Dark hair, brown eyes and tan skin. They always looked like siblings to me but they loved each other more than anything. I was happy that they could have adopted me after my biological parents were killed.

“They look sweet,” Daehyun whispers behind me as he looks over the photograph.

I nod, “They really were…”

“You look different than them… You’re much paler and have light eyes,” he points out awkwardly.

I smirk a bit to myself.

“They adopted me after my real parents were killed.”

I look at him and he has a melancholic expression on his face, “I’m sorry…”

I shrug a bit, “It’s okay, a lot of people lost their parents that day.”

I glance down at the photograph one more time before placing it back in its spot.

“Let’s go upstairs,” I tell him cheerfully while grabbing his hand and pulling him up the slim set of steps. My father’s office is to the right once we hit the landing and there is a bathroom straight across from it. The only thing we had in VIXX was collected rain water since there were no reservoirs to be found nearby. I walk into it and test the tap quickly and see cool water fall from it. There's not really any pressure to it but I smile as the cool liquid touches my hands.

I turn it off and instead of drying my hands flick the water at Daehyun’s unsuspecting face. He looks a bit shocked before tickling my sides. I swat at them a bit and give him a challenging expression as I leave the washroom. He follows me down the hallway where I find my parents room, still untouched; a small mat lying on the ground with a sheet and two pillows.

He grabs my sides again tickling me and I laugh loudly, my body too weak to fight back.

“Daehyun! Please –“I choke out between giggles, “Stop – I can’t!” I laugh.

He gives in as I push at his hands and he smiles at me while I give him a funny look.

I glance at the bed and realize we would have to share it. I never had a bed room because I always slept on the floor with a sheet in my Dad’s office and felt that would be uncomfortable for either of us.

I glance at him as he yawns while cracking his knuckles. There had to be some way I could thank him for today… I really needed to think about my parents for what they did, and I really wanted to see my home again.

“Let’s just stay here for the night since we’re both tired,” he suggests innocently. I nod in agreement while he looks to the mat on the floor and I have an idea… It’s strange but I feel like it’s necessary.

Before he moves I perk up on my toes and plant my lips against his soft cheek.  He freezes and I stand there for a moment with my eyes closed, enjoying the way his skin feels under my lips. When I plant my feet fully on the ground I look to his read his expression.

His eyes are wide and his cheeks are tinged pink. His lips are parted again and I watch as he stares at the wall for a few more moments and then smiles warmly. He doesn’t say anything so I fill the silence.

“Thank-you… For today,” I whisper.

He nods and watches me as I sit on the bed. He doesn’t move towards me so I look at him with a strange expression, “You know, I don’t bite, plus the sheets not that warm.”

He nods again taking the spot on the other side of me as I pull the sheet over both of us. I rest my head on the pillow when I instinctively feel him wrap his arm around my waist as he pulls my back against his chest. I blush and my eyes flutter close as I feel his breath on my neck. He’s quick to fall asleep and so am I. The only problem is that I have an odd face pop into my mind as I drift into slumber, one with red hair.

Why hello my lovely readers!

I just needed to put in an authors note to mention some future plans that are going on that are improtant for you guys.

Just so you know, I'll be updating with maybe one or two more chapters until the 21 where I won't be posting anything until after the 27 due to KCON! Yaaay! If i can manage to get them all done I will post one while I am away :) 

I also need to mention that the theme has been pretty innocent up until now and there are going to be some mature chapters coming up in the future... aka there will be some here and there. The way it will be worked though, for those of you who don't want to read it (who wouldn't want to though ;P) it will be an optional chapter. So if you don't want to you can skip over it and still have all the information needed to move on in th story. I feel it's necessary for certain relationship developments and yada yada but I would like to point that out to you guys! 

I hope everyone is enjoying the story thus far!! Thanks for all the support and response too :3


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Chapter 27: That got out of hand lol

The conversation with Daehyun is going to be awwwwwwwwwwwwkwaaaaaaard.
Chapter 25: Ahhhh haha it was them xD
I can't look at Hyuk the same anymore ;-;
Yooooo and also after Voodoo Doll.. All the members have been ing up my bias list.. but that mv did things.. before it was definite.. but now it's like.. 1.) Leo 2.) Everyone else :/
Chapter 24: 3 chapters in one go, but I'm so exhausted that I can't really think of much to say. D:
Holy , she was tied up. That is.. I.. wow that's a favorite of mine. Damn. I'm still freaking out, that was amazing lol especially with Leo. And darlingggggg how cuuuuuuute :D
;-; That was kinda sad. I don't like "Taekwoonie" (lol) being unhappy.
Chapter 21: I'm honestly glad N made her feel bad >.< Leo and Hongbin are so mean for not giving her pants though xD Haha I'm not really sure about what else to say
Chapter 20: NOPE. NOPE NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. NUH UH. I'm surprised I finished that all in one go lol that was perfect. P.E.R.F.E.C.T. And I hate you because of it.

But really I don't. Holy crap. My head is a bunch of nonsense right now.
NatalieeKwon #6
Chapter 20: Just... ugh... Jung Taekwoon.
Chapter 19: i don't.. i can't.. i.. my brain.. i'll come back once i've calmed down lol
Chapter 18: UGGGHGHGHHGHHHGHH.. ;-; That was intense. I can only imagine where it will go from here lol I hope Leo and Ravi don't hurt him too much
Chapter 17: Yooooooo, the link isn't clickable haha
Chapter 16: Of course her dream would have her connected to both of them. Is this a sign that she'll end up with both? ....Because I would definitely be satisfied with that :p lol

That was sad :( Seeing him vulnerable like that hurts my heart ;-;