The limit as x approaches infinity


A new variable enters Cho Kyuhyun's life and messes up all his calculations. 


This fanfiction was inspired by The Italian Job, The Big Bang Theory, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and John Green's Looking for Alaska. The first chapter is an edited repost of the version that was posted in my lj. Enjoy~♥

Warning: This will be relatively slow going. I recently decided to start writing again after a long hiatus and I'm very out of practice. Also, warning for ubiquitous attempts at math.


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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 3: Esto es genial... Por favor escritor digame que seguirá esta historia <3
HeatherTesla #2
Noooooo last chapter was published in 2013 :'c it's a great fic pleaseeee you should continue it! I will waiting for it! >w< pleaseeee update soon is soo interesting
Chapter 3: Ahahahah.. I've read all the chapters in one go.. I'll definitely say that Kyu was mesmerized by Wook the moment he met him.. Ahahahahha.. Poor Kyu.. All these stalking isn't about revenge but something else..
Chapter 3: Hahah this is too cute!! Way to be subtle Kyu... Lol food had him completely lost.. And omg do I love sassy Wook or what! This is so interesting!!
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 3: Loooll its funny and yet so cute.. Ur english is really good.. Anyway pls updateee
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 1: Kkkkk its very interesting *goes and read next chappie
Chapter 3: This is my first time commenting twice on a story...but I can't help it..
this story is just too good!!!
I love Ryeowook's sassy comments towards Kyuhyun XD
Your so good at incorporating humor into the story!
Chapter 1: This line had me laughing:
"It was as if someone had just taken his brain, shaken it and poured it into a martini glass"-such a good
metaphor XD
madkatters #9
Chapter 3: Hi!

I'm so glad you updated since I really enjoy this story! I love that despite feeling (slightly) endangered, Ryeowook already knows how to handle Kyuhyun. He's such a kid.

Thanks for updating! Can't wait for the next one.