The Dense Angel and the Confused Deer.

Only Look At Me

"You're absolutely sure you're okay?" Sehun asked one last time, fiddling with his backpack strings.

"Yes Sehun. I'm fine." Luhan sighed, rubbing his temples. The maknae nodded and followed the others as they piled into the car. 

"BEACH TIME WOOOOOOOO!!!" Chanyeol cried, shoving past Sehun and Luhan, diving into the car and laughing like a maniac. 

"Chanyeol calm the down or you're walking." Kris hissed, climbing into the drivers seat, buckling himself and Tao in. 

Luhan closed the door, already able to tell that this beach trip would most likely end in disaster. 


He climbed the stairs to his room, ready for a nap, but it was interrupted by a guest, who was humming a tune as he folded clothes into the drawers.

"S-suho? What are you doing here?" The angel turned around with a frown,

"Oh..hyung. I thought you'd be going to the beach with the others.." 

"I um have allergies.." Luhan lied, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Suho narrowed his eyes, walking over to the elder and putting his hand to his forehead. "You're not sick again, are you?" 

"N-no. I just.." He sighed, "I didn't feel like going. I'm so exhausted." Suho chuckled at the pouting deer's response. 

"Yeah. I don't really like the beach. I burn to easily.." He pouted,

"I see." Luhan said, walking closer to the younger, who backed away, quickly grabbing the basket full of clothes. 

"I-I have to um...I have to go take c-care of this.." Suho stuttered, scampering out the door way. 

Luhan followed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let me help you, I've got nothing better to do." 

After staring up at the smiling doe for what seemed like hours, Suho nodded shyly, "A-alright. Thanks.."


"I can't believe you never learned how to properly fold clothes!" Suho chuckles, showing Luhan once more the correct way and watching him copy his movements. "Much better. Can you put these in Kyungsoo's drawers for me? I'll be in the laundry room starting a new wash."

Luhan nodded with an eager smile. He never saw Suho more relaxed than when he was cleaning and organizing. "Alright, no problem." He takes the clothes and hurries upstairs to Kyungsoo's room and places in them in their correct drawers.

I'm so happy I didn't come to the beach. I was hoping to be alone so I could sort my feelings out, but being alone with Suho, well that's even better.. Luhan smiled, blushing.  I hope we do this more often. I really like helping him. He does so much for us, it's only fair we give back. 

"Hyung?" An angelic voice shakes him out of his thoughts. "Hyung.." the voice grows closer. Luhan turns to face the worried man as he places a hand to his cheek. "Are you sure you're okay? Your face is bright red..." 

Luhan smiles, resisting the urge to kiss the younger's pouting lips. "I'm fine, Suho. You worry too much." 

"Oh, well. We have nothing else to do for now. Thanks for all your help." Suho grins thankfully. Luhan hugs him tightly, automatically regretting it, already imagining a flustered Suho pushing him away, shouting at him, calling him a creep. But, much to his enjoyment, the angel instead hugs back. 

Luhan doesn't know how long they stayed like this, but it definitely wasn't long enough. 

"HYOOOOONG!" An excited maknae shouts, "LU-HYUNG WE'RE HOME!" Suho quickly pushes Luhan away, his face flushed pink. 

"Y-you should go down there. With your boyfriend.." He mutters, looking at his shoes.

"Ah. Right. Boyfriend." Luhan nodded, trying to shake himself out of his daze, hurrying down stairs, but not without hearing a taunting whisper in his ear. 

"How long will you keep this up? You can't have both, Luhan. You need to choose. Do you even love Sehun anymore? Did you ever really have feelings to begin with?" Luhan shook his head, unsure if he was trying to shake the voice out of his mind, or if he was answering the question. Luhan looked down at Kai and Sehun wrestling on the couch. His wildness honestly annoyed Luhan so much. How much longer could he put up with this? 

It's just a phase, Luhan. You'll get over Suho soon., and then you can return to your happy life with Sehun. 

But no matter how much he tried to convince himself this was true, his mind would think back to that tight embrace. Suho's sweet scent of laundry detergent and mint, the warm and welcoming heat radiating off his pearl white skin. The way their bodies molded together perfectly. 

"Wait, Luhan!" A voice woke Luhan out of his lucid dream, much to his disappointment, but when he saw who the voice belonged to, he was giddy. 


"Um..the next wash just finished drying..want to help me put it away?" Suho stuttered, his face getting redder by the second. 

Poor boy is working himself so hard his face is red..

Luhan smiles brightly, "Of course."


"O-oh, sorry!" They apologized in unison, as they hands met, reaching for the same pair of pants. Suho bit his lip, his eyes not leaving the sight of their connected hands.


"A-ah! Sorry!" Luhan withdrew his hand that was trapping the youngers underneath. 

"I-it's fine.." Suho looked away bashfully.

"Ugh just already will you?" Chen teased, walking in the already cramped laundry room. 

"Chen, go away. I already put away your clothes." Luhan hissed.

"Aww, helping Suho put away the clothes? I'm sure he'll repay you tonight, just hope Sehun doesn't find out. You know how jealous he gets.."

Suho sighed angrily, throwing the half folded socks back on the dryer. "Chen, I've had enough of your constant trolling. I do NOT have feelings for Luhan in any sort of way you are suggesting. So just stop it!" 

"S-suho.." Luhan looked at him, his eyes wide.

"W-what? Is everything alright hyung? Are you sick?"

Luhan sighs, having enough with the blunt idiot. "Just go way. If you need me, I'll be in my room." 

Suho watches the deer shove past them, a tear running down his cheek. "Wait what did I do!? Did I-I say something wrong?" 

Chen shook his head, "Geez, hyung. I know you're not the most romantic and all, but wow. Pathetic." Suho doesn't give Chen the satisfaction of hitting or lecturing him, instead he hurries after the elder, desperately wanting to fix whatever he did was wrong.

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Chapter 9: This story was so cute!!
Chapter 9: i know this already late..
but,,could you please make a sequel for this story~~
Chapter 9: so..hunnie..what happened to him??
genius. pure genius
moodymuppet #5
Chapter 9: aww , Luhan and Suho are soooo sweet . :D

kkk, the er Kai , bad boy
frostedbaozi #7
Chapter 8: Please update soon author-nim! This is really great. :)
Chapter 8: Update pls ^^