I Love You

Only Look At Me

"So, you're telling me that you assume that just because Suho is taking care of Luhan it means he loves him. Yeah alright, whatever you say." Kris says, standing up to leave, motioning for his panda to do the same. "Come on Tao, I've heard enough of this nonsense."

"Well, gege..I think he has a point.." Tao muttered, bashfully looking away, "I mean it's one thing for him to take care of Lu-ge, since he's our leader and all, but, well, I mean, he even slept with him.." he trailed off. Chen nodded,

"Yeah and you should see the internal awkwardness on Suho's face, it's pretty hilarious. Sometimes I wonder while Luhan is complaining about Sehun's childishness, he's just going to jump on him and they'll start this hot, passionate make out session." Chen gave the three his infamous Cheshire smirk. 

"Does Luhan really complain about Sehun?" Chanyeol asks, looking up from his coffee. 

"Yep, I mean, I don't blame him." 

Tao nods, "Yeah, when you're in trouble, your boyfriend should be there every step of the way." 

"So, it's safe to say you all agree?" Chen looks up at Kris, who is still skeptical of all of this.

"This isn't some wild and crazy scheme to get in Sehun's pants, is it.." Kris narrowed his eyes at the singer who gasped, his face obviously flustered and hurt at the idea.

"Kris, if I wanted to get in Sehun's pants, you know very well I would have just said so." The troll pouted. It was true, he would have. 

"Alright fine, we'll help. But this better not start a lot of drama, we have promotions soon." 

It was at that moment, the four of them agreed to make SuHan cannon.


"Hey grandpa, how's the deer doin'?" Chen greeted as Suho shuffled into the kitchen with an aura of depression and regret around him. 

"Nnnngh." He muttered, he trudged over to the locked cabinet and took out a bottle of soju. The four looked at him surprised.

"Uh, Suho..it's like nine in the morning." Chanyeol said, instantly worried for the elder. He responded with an inhumane growling and gurgling noise. 

"Geez..he seems really depressed, maybe some teasing will cheer him up!" Chen smirked, sauntering over to the melancholy boy.

"Uh," Kris interjected, "I doubt the last thing he needs is a trolling." Chen wrapped an arm around the groaning mess' shoulder who reacted by taking a long sip from the freshly opened bottle of alcohol. 

"What's wrong, buddy? C'mon you can tell us!"

"Don't. Touch. Me." Suho glared daggers at grinning troll, pushing him off and storming back upstairs with the bottle in his hand. 

"Huh..I'm kinda worried about him.." Chen pouted, "I'm gonna make sure he doesn't get alcohol poisoning. We all know grandpa can't handle his liquor well." The other three nodded, knowing all too well 


"Uh..hyung? You alright?" Chen asked, reluctantly stepping into the pitch dark room.

"Lulu..wai chu do dish to meeeee~" A voice whined. Chen flipped on the lights to see Suho rolling around on the floor stark and completely wasted.

"Um, I know you're not the strongest drinker, but..wow."  He helped the drunk mess to his bed and covered him only for the blankets to be kicked off. Chen glared, unphased by the view, having showered with Suho multiple times. "Suho, come on go to sleep before you embarrass yourself anymore."

"Cheeeeeeeeen Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen." Suho whined. "Where hash mai shleepeh deeeeer goooooone?" He crawled out of the bed and ran on all fours out the door into the hall only to tumble down the conveniently located stairs. 

"Woah, Suho, are you alright?!" Sehun shouts, running to the knocked out boy.

"WHAT THE WHY IS HE ?!" Kai cries.

"I think he's unconscious.." Luhan pouts, slinging his arm over his shoulder, "I'll put him in his room."

"Do you need help, babe?" Sehun asks with a hopeful smile.

"I'm fine, return to your movie." Luhan answers, trudging up the stairs and laying Suho in his bed. 

"Mmmmph..Lu-hyung?" Suho stretches his arms out, making a grabbing motion. Luhan chuckles, walking over to the drowsy angel,

"Yes, Suho?" He hugs him, despite the fact he's still completely .

"Shleep wi me." Unsure, he looks back downstairs. Horror films were never really his thing, besides, Suho's going to need someone to nurse his headache tomorrow..

"Of course." He says, sliding into the bed and holding the distraught leader tightly as he falls asleep in his arms, but not without murmuring something that continued to disturb him throughout the night and the next morning.

"I love chu, my Lulu.."


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Chapter 9: This story was so cute!!
Chapter 9: i know this already late..
but,,could you please make a sequel for this story~~
Chapter 9: so..hunnie..what happened to him??
genius. pure genius
moodymuppet #5
Chapter 9: aww , Luhan and Suho are soooo sweet . :D

kkk, the er Kai , bad boy
frostedbaozi #7
Chapter 8: Please update soon author-nim! This is really great. :)
Chapter 8: Update pls ^^