
That place...

Sorry for the erros and typos, english is not my first language, please be patient and comment : D


Hyukjae woke up feeling a headache, he took a look on his surrounds and noticed that he was in a cell, which was badly illuminated,  he was in a mattress in the floor with a plain blanket. So when the penny dropped he stood up desperate, cuz’ he didn’t even know how and why he was there.

“Heeeeelp!!” – he started screaming for help and so a fat and ugly guy showed in front of the cell.

“Where am I!?” Take me out!” – he asked desperately. The guy just arched his eyebrow and then laughed malevolently.

“Poor brat, barely know why he is here.” – sneered Hyukjae and then left.

“Wait!! Take me out from here!!” -  Hyukjae screamed and then felt tears come to his eyes, and the headache coming back, bringing some memories to him. Memories from men breaking into his house when he was in the living room watching TV with his parents.

They started saying something about “debts” and “time to pay” and then they broke stuff and dragged his parent to a van, whilst he was struggling for being free, but he felt a knock on his head and darkness welcomed him.


Now should have been 2 hours that he was waiting for news or anything that could indicate him what the hell was happening, he was lying in the mistress staring at the ceiling when he heard the sound of keys and something opening, Hyukjae sat up and saw a tall boy and apparently from his age entering the cell with a dish of food and a water bottle in hands.

“Hi.” – he said squatting after he closed the cell door.

He was a brunette, had messy hair and dark eyes, which showed sadness.

Hyukjae wanted to ask thousand and one question in that moment, “Where am I? Who are you? Where are my parents? When will I leave here? What are you doing here?”  but there were so many questions he wanted to make that words failed him.

“You are too thin, eat it.” – said the brunette giving him the dish and the water bottle.

“W-what is h-happening?” – stammered Hyukjae in a mere whisper that led him to tears again. The brunette’s expression was of sympathy, and then he said.

“Eat first that I’ll explain you after.”

Hyukjae wasn’t hungry at the moment, but he resolved eat because he didn’t know when he would eat again and he wanted to know what was happening.

When he finished eating Hyukjae sighed and looked to the brunette in front of him, waiting him to say something.

“Well, I am KyuHyun.” – said the brunette giving a small smile and extending his hand, which Hyukjae accept. “I am Hyukjae” – he responded.

“You are here for the same reason as me. Our parents re in debt with Heechul.” – said KyuHyun making Hyukae arch a eyebrow.

“Heechul works in the underground, he traffic drugs and lend money to desperate people…” – said KyuHyun melancholy. “The problem is to pay the money back,  and when they don’t pay back…well, I think you noticed what happens. He also broke into my house and brought me here.”

It was too much information to Hyukjae, but he was trying to assimilate the talk.

“Just like my parents, you are in a cell. Heechul use my parents to force me to work for him, until he feels like the debt is paid. And with you is the opposite, he uses you here locked so that your parents obey him.”

Hyukjae widened his eyes when he heard what KyuHyun said, his parents probably are out there suffering whilst he is here, locked and helplessly.

“Hey hey don’t cry…” – said KyuHyun in a low voice wiping the tear from the redhead, that barely noticed that was crying again.

“A-are my p-parents fine?” – asked Hyukjae whilst sobbing.

KyuHyun wanted to say to the boy that everything would be fine, that nothing bad would happen, but he felt a knot on his throat, cuz’ he knew it too well what happens there, however seeing the redhead he simply didn’t had the courage to tell him what kind of situation his parents probably are.

“Shhh, calm down.” – KyuHyun kept whispering to the boy, even though they are completely strangers KyuHyun felt the necessity to protect the redhead.

 “Heey bantling! Heechul wants to see you!!” – shouted the same guy from before.

Hyukjae got scared and looked up abruptly, just to receive caress in his hair.
“Don’t worry, it’s me who he wants to see.” – said the brunette before he stood up and took the dish and the empty bottle, “see ya Hyukjae-sshi” – said him and left the cell and locked it.

Hukjae felt a bigger emptiness when KyuHyun left him alone, the room (cell) that was small now looked huge, dark and cold. He laid down on the mattress again and cried to sleep.


It had been one week since that day, Hyukjae never saw KyuHyun again, who’d brought him food was the fat and ugly guy. He spent the day thinking how his parents were and when they’d be able to be free. “If I only knew that they needed help I’d have got another job…” thought Hyukjae sighing.

He heard the door being unlocked, and thinking that it was just the guy bringing food he continued sitting with his legs on his chest and head hanged down.

“Well well what do we have here?” – he heard a unknown voice and lifted his head immediately to see a thin man who looked like a woman, smirking to him. Hyukjae was scared and shrunk himself in the wall.

“Own he is scared~ I’d like to do something with you, however I’ll fulfill with my part of the “deal” and won’t harm you” – said him still smirking.

“W-who are you?” – asked Hyukjae carefully.

“I am Kim HeeChul.” – said the man.

Hyukjae widened his eyes and felt more scared, but when a certain figure entered the cell he got a little calm.

“Heechul-sshi.” – said KyuHyun sternly making Heechul look with bored eyes to KyuHyun.

“Ok ok...– said Heechul sighing, he was going to left the cell when Hyukjae stopped him.

“W-wait! When will I and my parent be able to get out from here?”

Heechul smirked again and said “If you have luck, 2 years from now on.” And then he left leaving Hyukjae terrified in his place.

“Two years!?”  he thought and started crying, thinking about the horrible place that he was and how his parent are.

“Hey..don’t cry..” – said a beautiful voice in a whisper and Hyukjae lifted his gaze to see KyuHyun squatted in front of him, wiping his tears.

“How long are you here?” – asked Hyukjae in a weak voice. KyuHyun sighed and dropped his gaze and answered “2 years and 4 months” making Hyukjae cry even harder.

KyuHyun didn’t know what to do to make calm the boy that now started sobbing, and even thought he didn’t know why, he definitely didn’t like to see the redhead suffer like that.

He sat by his side and started making caress in his soft hair, but startled when a bit when Hyukjae putted his face in his chest and cried gripping his shirt. He felt a bit uneasy in the beginning but then he took him in his arms to calm him.

A little later KyuHyun noticed that he stopped crying, so he looked at the boy and saw that he was sleeping, so carefully he putted the boy back in the mattress and covered him, he was ready to leave when felt someone grabbing his wrist. 

“Don’t leave me alone…” – said Hyukjae a bit awake.

KyuHyun sat next to the mattress and caressed his hair whilst singing a lullaby, when he thought the the boy was in deep sleep, he left.


Since then KyuHyun always brought food to Hyukjae and made him company, and before going to sleep he’d drop by Hyukjae’s cell to take a look on the boy to see if he was fine. And it kept on for more 2 months with them both seeing each other every day.

“Hello Hyuk”  - said KyuHyun smiling a bit whilst entering the cell.

“Hey Kyu!” – Hyukjae exclaimed happy.

KyuHyun gave him the food and sat together in the mattress.

“I saw your parents today..” – started KyuHyun, Hyukjae stopped eating and gaze at him with hopeful eyes. “Don’t worry, they are fine.” –KyuHyun smiled.

Hyukjae sighed relieved and smiled, gums and all when knowing that his parents are fine, and he really trusted KyuHyun.

“Hey~ you have beautiful smile, you should smile more” – said KyuHyun smiling, making Hyukjae blush.

“Don’t look at my smile, it is ugly” – he said with head hanged down.

“No it isn’t, it is the most beautiful smile I ever saw.” – answered KyuHyun sincerely, Hyukjae blushed even more.


When Hyunjae finished eating he noticed that KyuHyun was way too quiet, and staring to the wall, in deep thoughts, so he poked his cheek.

“Hyukjae, how would you….nothing, forget it.” – KyuHyun gave up in asking what he had in mind, but he knew it that one hour or another he’d have to tell the redhead.

“Tell me!” – Hyukjae asked. KyuHyun sighed and then gathered courage to ask.

“How would you react if I tell you that my dept is paid and I will be released tomorrow?”

Hyukjae widened his eyes and froze. “Kyu is going to leave me?” he felt his eyes warm up, but he hold the tears. “Don’t be egoist Hyukjae,  he finally will be free, you have to demonstrate that you are happy for him.”

“I-I am h-happy for you Kyu..” – said him in a small and shaking voice. KyuHyun looked with sympathy to him.

“Would you fell lonely?” – asked him carefully.

“Yes, please don’t abandon me”. Thought Hyukjae however he forced himself to say “I’ll be f-fine Kyu, don’t w-worry about me.” – said him trying to smile, but failed in doing so.

KyuHyun sighed and said. “You are a bad liar, you are crying.” And so Hyukjae bursted into tears. KyuHyun hugged him tightly and tried to soothe him.

“Shhh, I’m not going anywhere. I just..wanted to know if you’d be okay in case this happens.” – lied KyuHyun and then he thought. “And now, what do I do?”


Hyukjae thought that KyuHyun was really going to leave him in the day after, but when the said guy showed up in his cell he didn’t hold himself and runt to hug him and even crying again, but laughed a bit when KyuHyun called him a “cry-baby”.

It passed 4 months since that day.


Hyukjae smiled hearing the door being unlocked.

“Kyuuu! You are late!” – whined Hyukae pouting.

KyuHyun laughed and answered.

“Sorry, I had some task from HeeChul to resolve.”


“Why? Did you miss me?” – teased KyuHyun.

“O-of course not!” – said rapidly Hyukae blushing – “Is just that I am hungry!” – he said puffing his cheeks.

“Yeah yeah..” – said KyuHyun smirking.

“Yah! Its true.”

KyuHyun sat together with Hyukjae, that started eating his dish given by KyuHyun.

They chatted a bit when Hyukjae resolved to ask.

“Kyu, are you okay? You look pale and tired.” – he said worried.

“Yes I am okay Hyuk, don’t worry” – KyuHyun said smiling a bit.

“Are you sure HeeChul isn’t giving you too many tasks?” – insisted Hyukjae

“I’m fine, really.” – he said ruffling Hyukjae’s hair.


“Hey are here about 2 years and 10 months…shouldn’t you be free by now?” – asked Hyukjae suspicious and sadly.

“A-actually no, because my parents debt is too much.” – said KyuHyun.

“Oh..okay…” – Hyukjae noticed that KyuHyun was tense but opted for not asking anymore.


3 months later.

KyuHyun dropped by to check on Hyukjae before going to sleep, however seeing the redhead melancholy he decided to make him company.

“Why are you sad?” – he asked worry.

“I…miss my parents so much..” – said Hyukjae and then continued – “ I hope they are not suffering, and I really wanted to see them.”

“Shhh, when you least expect it you all will be at home gathered like a happy family again”  - said KyuHyun wiping a tear that escaped Hyukjae’s eye.

They both then locked gazes and stared deeply at each other, they leaned themselves until their lips touched in a sweet and delicate kiss.

When they separated neither of them knew how to react, and there was a awkward tension.

KyuHyun couldn’t stand it and pinned Hyukjae in the mattress. “K-kyu?” – asked Hyukjae.

KyuHyun started tickling Hyukjae, that bursted in laughter, making KyuHyun smile hearing his beautiful laughter.

“S-stooop it!” – Hyukjae said whilst laughing. And then KyuHyun stopped, but kept on top of the now panting redhead. They both still smiling.

“Had I ever said how your smile is beautiful?” – asked KyuHyun.

“Y-yeah..” – said Hyukjae smiling wider.

“And how you are beautiful?” – KyuHyun asked.

“E-excuse me?” – Hyukjae asked blushing. His question was answered when KyuHyun leaned down to kiss him again.

“I…I love you Hyukjae” – said KyuHyun smiling, although he was afraid of rejection.

“I love you too KyuHyunnie” – declared Hyukjae lovingly.


3 months had passed since the day that they declared their love towards each other, and their encounters became more than just talking, cause they exchanged sweet words and lovely kisses.

“Hyukkie, I have something to tell you” – said KyuHyun, that was laid down with Hyukjae in his arms, resting his face in Kyu’s chest.

“Hmm?” – hummed Hyukjae.

“I..should have being free since months ago.” – KyuHyun dropped the bomb, making Hyukjae widen his eyes.

“What do you mean Kyu?”

“Remember that day when I asked you how you’d react if I was set free?”


“How would you react if I tell you that my dept is paid and I will be released tomorrow?”

Hyukjae widened his eyes and froze. “Kyu is going to leave me?” he felt his eyes warm up, but he hold the tears. “Don’t be egoist Hyukjae,  he finally will be free, you have to demonstrate that you are happy for him.”

“I-I am h-happy for you Kyu..” – said him in a small and shaking voice. KyuHyun looked with sympathy to him.

“Would you fell lonely?” – asked him carefully.

“Yes, please don’t abandon me”. Thought Hyukjae however he forced himself to say “I’ll be f-fine Kyu, don’t w-worry about me.” – said him trying to smile, but failed in doing so.

KyuHyun sighed and said. “You are a bad liar, you are crying.” And so Hyukjae bursted into tears. KyuHyun hugged him tightly and tried to soothe him.

“Shhh, I’m not going anywhere. I just..wanted to know if you’d be okay in case this happens.” – lied KyuHyun and then he thought. “And now, what do I do?”


“Y-yes I remember..” – answered Hyukjae.

“So, I in reality should have been freed in the day after that.” – when Hyukjar heard it he sat up and looked at KyuHyun with widened eyes. “A-and why didn’t you g-go?” – asked Hyukjae fearing knowing the answer.

“In that day I made a deal with HeeChul, my parents would be free like it was agreed, however I’d keep working for him to help your parents to pay the debt earlier.”

“W-why did you do this?”

“In that time despite we barely know each other I already had special feeling towards you, I didn’t know why but I knew that I had to help you.”

“You gave up on your freedom…for me?” – asked Hyukjae weeping, he was feeling guilty.

“Yes. And I don’t regret doing it in any way.” – said KyuHyun determinate and Hyukjae looked up to him astonished. “Don’t ever feel guilty Hyukkie, it was my decision..”

“Pabo!” – said Hyukjae crying.

“I know. I am a pabo in love” – responded KyuHyun.

“Y-you could..” – Hyukjae couldn’t finish his sentence because of too much crying.

“Shhh I know, but I am happy that I had the chance of being with you.” – he said smiling.

“And w-why are you telling me this now?” – questioned Hyukjae.

“I haven’t told you this before cuz’ I didn’t want you to feel guilty and neither make me go away. And also..because we will be set free today.”

Hyukjae widened his eyes and locked gaze with KyuHyun.

“I’m serious, today I, you and your parents will be able to go home finally”  - he said smiling, and Hyukjae bursted into tears again and KyuHyun took him in his arms.

“Shh my cry-baby..”




“Hyukjae, KyuHyun! Come eat breakfast!” – shouted Hyukjae’s mother after knocking on the door.

“Argh, we are coming omma!” – said Hyukjae still asleep.

When he was getting out from bed he felt the arms around his waist tighten their grip.

“Yah Kyu, let’s eat breakfast.” – he said trying to push his boyfriend.

“No Hyukkie, I prefer to cuddle with you here.” – said KyuHyun barely opening his eyes.

“I am hungry~” – said Hyukjae pouting. KyuHyun kissed the pout away.

“Stay here~” – whined KyuHyun.

“Aish okay..” – Hyukjae gave up and snuggled in his boyfriend chest, who gave him a kiss in the forehead and smiled.

“Don’t forget that your parents are coming here for lunch.” – said Hyukjae with already closed eyes.

“Yeahh, I know.” – said KyuHyun closing his eyes again and thinking about the velvet box that he putted in his jacket pocket especially for today.




I appreciate comments~ I hope you liked it


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Chapter 1: wahhh.. hyukiee is such a cry baby..
woww. love the way write you
truly have an amazing skills..
*thumbs up*
keep it up..

kyuhyuk love...
Chapter 1: It was beautiful! :D I loved every part.
From the beginning where Kyu was so nice to Hyuk and then how beautiful it was when Kyu stayed back just for Hyuk. I loved their first kiss and even the ending is beautifully written! <3 it leaves is to imagine the proposal and beautiful wedding :D

Truly wonderful! Thanks for the awesome fic!!!
niajae0411 #3
Chapter 1: awww... So kyu gonna ask hyukkie to marry him eh? Sequelllllllllllllllll.... Hehehhe
Chapter 1: Woah ,, ur so so talented !!!! I like ur style of writing !!! Although it is one-shot , the story line is going smoothly ! Aww , hyuk is always a cry-baby >< ! Kyuuu~ he's so sweet helping hyuk's parent to settle their debt n ignoring his freedom ! This story is too cute ! Well , i'm glad heechul stick to his deal ! Anyways , i like this story of urs !
ChoLeeKH #5
Chapter 1: kyu love hyuk so much^_^
it's sweet`~~~~
heyitstheduff #6
Chapter 1: I love the story~ it's so sweet :') even tho it's a one-shot, but the storyline isn't too fast~ I want more of your stories~ thank you for the story :D
Chapter 1: Another story from this couple please... :D
Chapter 1: what a nice kyu!
but im still curious what kind of work they did for heechul since he did illegal thing.
anyway it ended nicely. thank you for sharing :)
Chapter 1: omo omo what a lovely story to start my day with....kyuuuu i never thought that u are such a sweet guy glad that they are together till the end...thank kyu for writing this...and i demand u to write more kyuhyuk story neeee...^^
heyitstheduff #10
Seems interesting!^^ looking forward for the chapters :D I think I'm hooked with this story already~ kkkk~^^
