Chapter 2

Kajima Yunho yah.


Shim Changmin of JYJC burst into tears onstage last night after hearing a fan's question, shocking fans worldwide and fellow artistes as well. Changmin, the youngest member of JYJC, had shed tears during the Q & A session in JYJC fanmeeting held at the stadium last night when fans questioned him about Jung Yunho's whereabouts, shocking fans and fellow members with the rare sight of his tears. Jung Yunho, the former leader of TVXQ which disbanded 5 years ago due to Changmin leaving SMent, has since eluded the entertainment world with rumours being that Changmin was the last person the former leader had contact with. Therefore, as we struggled to seek validation behind these circulating rumours and find the true reason behind Changmin's tears, we were, however, regretfully informed by the staff to patiently wait for the upcoming press release due to the overwhelming media response. So, what actually happened? What caused the "heartless" Shim Changmin to cry? After this session, we interviewed some.... 


"Are you still reading that crap, hyung?" asked Yoochun who was sitting next to Jaejoong, his eyes staring distastefully at the newspaper in his hyung's hands. 


"Ah, Yoochun-ah," Jaejoong greeted him as he sighed, "I'm just worried about what the press have published. You know that they like to spread false rumours about the situation." Jaejoong said, folding the newspaper in his hands, "I'm afraid they'll worsen the situation any further than it already is."


"Just don't care about it, hyung. Leave them be. No one hardly believes them these days." Yoochun replied, his voice taking a darker undertone, "But hyung, don't you think that the question the fan posed was actually valid?"


Sensing that Jaejoong was about to protest, Yoochun quickly continued, "I mean, aren't you also curious about what really happened back then? Don't you think it's puzzling? Why won't Changmin say anything about Yunho hyung to us?"


Jaejoong shrugged his shoulders, his worried eyes speaking volumes, "Molla, Yoochun-ah, but we have to wait until Changmin is ready to tell us. It's not good to force him. He is in a fragile state now." Jaejoong sighed. 


"But, when? When is he ready, hyung?" Yoochun insisted, "It's been a long time since that time and he has not said a word. Don't you think it's unhealthy for him t-" 




Both Jaejoong and Yoochun jumped.  


"What's that?" 


They questioned in sync, both already moving up the stairs as fast as their legs could take them. From the sound that was heard, one could deduce that something akin to glass or porcelain had broke and it did not help the fact in the least that both Junsu and Changmin were upstairs at the site of damage.


"Just go away, hyung. I want to be left alone!" 


Changmin's yelling could be heard as they neared the top of the stairs causing both Jaejoong and Yoochun to stop momentarily and look at each other in worry. 


"Changmin-ah, calm down. Take a deep breath okay? Let's have a talk. Don't keep it by yourself!" Junsu tried to coax Changmin and calm him down but his efforts were wasted and alas it was to no avail. 


"Just go, hyung. GET OUT!!" Changmin bellowed as he slammed the door right in front of Junsu and locked it, shutting Junsu out of his room and leaving him staring at the wooden door in shock.


"What's wrong, Junsu-ah?" asked Jaejoong immediately the moment he and Yoochun reached the second floor. "What's going on with the yelling?" 


"Hyung," Junsu begged, eyes watering with tears as he looked at Jaejoong, "Please help me. Minnie hasn't eaten anything since we got back from that fanmeeting last night. I tried to persuade him to eat, but he refused it. He even locked himself in his room and wouldn't open it no matter how many times I've knocked on the door! Thinking it would be a good idea, I used the spare key to enter his room, trying to at least get him to eat something. All I wanted to do was to pass him the breakfast I've personally prepared for him but I never expected that he will get angry and mad at me! He even threw away the breakfast I made for him!" Junsu pointed at the scattered toast and broken plate on the floor, his voice shrieking towards the end of his explanation.


"Let's go downstairs first, Junsu-ah." Jaejoong spoke reassuringly as he laid a hand on Junsu's shoulders to calm him down, "We'll talk about this there." 


At a loss, Junsu followed blankly as Jaejoong signaled Yoochun to hold and support him while the trio made their way down the stairs. After reaching back to the living room, they elapsed into silence as the three sat on the sofa, the tension evident in the air. Jaejoong was sitting next to Yoochun while Junsu was facing him on the opposite end. Heaving a huge sigh, Jaejoong reluctantly broke the silence, weariness evident in his tone.  


"So, tell me what happened in detail Junsu-ah," Jaejoong started the discussion, his countenance firm as he clenched his fists together, an ominous feeling washing over him as Junsu opened his mouth to speak. 


"After the fanmeeting, Changmin went straight to his room without saying anything. He haven't stepped a foot outside since then. I was so worried. I came to his room last night to check on him but all he did was to give me the cold shoulder." Junsu explained.


"Did he say anything to you?" asked Yoochun. 


"All he said was that if I didn't want him to chase me out from his room, I needed to stay silent. Then, after that, he slept. He looked so annoyed and sad at the same time even in his sleep he was frowning and tearing," answered Junsu whose pitch went up once more, "Also, if I'm not mistaken, he didn't even say anything when we were on the way home from the fanmeeting." 


Yoochun tapped his chin and tried to recall the details of their trip back home. Was their noisy maknae really that silent during their return trip? Yoochun frowned. Try as he might, he simply could not remember. They were dead tired at that time and those memories of the trip were foggy at its best.


Yoochun sighed, "Let's just leave him alone first. I'm sure Changmin just needs some time to calm himself down. He usually locks himself in when he's angry after all. Let's just wait for him to talk to us when he is ready. He is a sensible adult and knows what he has to do." 


Nodding their heads, Jaejoong and Junsu expressed their agreement.


"Yeah, Yoochun hyung." Junsu spoke, "After all that's the only thing we can do now. We can't do anything but to wait."


Hearing the resignation in Junsu's tone, Yoochun was about to smile at him in encouragement when all his thoughts came to a stop when they were disrupted by a high pitched scream that resonated loudly throughout the entire living room.


"AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH! !! AAAARRRGGGHHHH!" Changmin's voice was heard as he groaned and cursed, the screams not lessening in intensity. 


"Hyung," Junsu started to panic as his eyes darted upwards, the fear causing his voice to tremble, "We need to check on him right now." 


Without as much as a reply to Junsu, Yoochun stood up abruptly and ran up the stairs to Changmin's room, his brain not stopping to think even once. Closely followed by Jaejoong and Junsu, the trio reached their maknae's room at the same time as they stood there panting for breath, exchanging worried gazes with one another. 


Glancing towards the door, Jaejoong nodded as Yoochun began pounding onto the door frantically, his rhythm erratic and off.


"Changmin-ah, are you okay?" bellowed Yoochun as he stood outside the door knocking, his fists red and inflammed from the force he was exerting, "What's going on with you? Tell me so that I can help you!"


"Leave me alone, hyung!" Changmin screamed just as they heard the sound of glass breaking from the outside, "I don't want to see anyone right now!" 


"Changmin-ah! Are you okay? Open the door ne? Let hyung come in," Yoochun pestered, his voice turning hysterical from the noise he just heard, "Please. Hyung can help you."


"No. You don't understand a thing hyung! You don't know how this feels like! Just go and leave me alone!"


 "Changmin-ah, it's Jaejoong hyu-" 


"Just go away!" Changmin shouted, interrupting Jaejoong midway, "I don't need anyone right now."


"Changmin-ah, do you really have to do this? We are worried sick, Changmin-ah," Jaejoong continued pacifying, "Can't you let us in? Hyung can solve anything if it's for you!"


 "D-didn't you hear what I just s-said?", Changmin spoke as he struggled to keep his sobs at bay, "Just g-go aw-aay hyung! Leave me alone. Just leave me alone!" Changmin screamed the last part out as he slumped upon the door the tears running freely down his face. He was numb and dead tired of everything. He did not even have the will to resist anymore. Sighing, Changmin grabbed a fistful of his hair and clenched it tight, biting back the scream of frustration that was stuck in his throat. He knew his hyungs were curious about the past and only kept their questions at bay out of respect for him. He knew that and to be frank, it was not as though he wanted to keep it a secret. He did want to tell them. He just did not know how to start.


No. Changmin shook his head, laughing deprecatingly at himself. No. That was not true. He wished it was the case but even he knew that that was just self denial. How could he not know where to start? He knew exactly what to say and which words to use. He was simply afraid to do so. Deep down, he knew that the reason he had dragged this conversation till now was not because he did not know how to begin but because he was afraid that if he told his hyungs the truth, his hyungs would hate him for life.


"Changmin-ah, don't cry ne? You have us here, you can tell us anything. We can help you," Jaejoong edged closer to the door as he continued speaking, unaware of the inner turmoil in Changmin's heart and the dilemma he was going through, "Please believe in us hyungs." Jaejoong spoke as he placed his hand on the doorknob, turning it in one swift turn. Upon hearing the click sound, Jaejoong's face dulled. The sound had confirmed his doubts instantaneously. The door to Changmin's room was locked. 


"Changmin-ah, can you open the door?" asked Jaejoong as he tried to open the door again, refusing to believe that their maknae will shut them out so cruelly, "Changmin-ah, don't make us worried too much. Please open the door."


"Changmin ah," Junsu continued, calling out the maknae for the first time since they heard him scream, "Please open the door."


Abruptly, some shuffling was heard and the door creaked open, revealing a tired and messy Changmin with fresh blood streaming down his palm. 


"Aigoo, Changmin-ah," Junsu's eyes bulged out of their sockets upon seeing the blood stained hand of his maknae's, "What happened to you?" 


Crying, Changmin ignored Junsu's questions altogether, his eyes red and puffy from all the tears he was shedding. Sighing, Jaejoong took off his t-shirt and gently wrapped it around Changmin's hand, a frown in between his eyebrows as he assessed Changmin's injury.


"I'll take the first aid kit," Yoochun informed the rest as he went downstairs, having already caught the murderous look on Jaejoong's face, "I'll be back as soon as possible."


"Quickly come in hyung," Changmin spoke suddenly as he forcibly dragged Junsu inside his room whilst Jaejoong was distracted in directing Yoochun to the location of the first aid kit. Whirling around just in time to see Junsu enter Changmin's room, Jaejoong was about to follow behind when he was blocked by Changmin's hand whose owner was staring at him apologetically.


 "Just Junsu hyung only," Changmin spoke before closing the door, leaving Jaejoong standing outside the room alone. 


"Here is the first aid kit, hyung." Yoochun passed the box to Jaejoong the moment he reached within vicinity. "Let's faster get Changmin's hand taken care of so that he can-" Yoochun paused, finally sensing something amiss with the situation, "Hang on a moment. Where's Changmin and Junsu?"


Jaejoong chuckled, amused by Yoochun's laggy response.


"Junsu is inside Changmin's room now." Jaejoong explained, "Changmin was the one who pulled him in."


"Only Junsu?" 


Jaejoong nodded, "Changmin did not let me into his room and stopped me before I could do so. He only allowed Junsu to enter his room."


Yoochun frowned, noting the disappointment beneath Jaejoong's tone at Changmin's oddity.


Yoochun sighed, "Well, let's just go and leave them alone then."


Bellowing, Yoochun informed the pair that they were leaving the first aid kit outside just in case they needed it before Jaejoong put the box outside the room's doorstep and the pair left the place with questions weighing heavily on their minds. What happened to Changmin? Why had he only let Junsu come in? What was going on in here? The pair sighed simultaneously as they walked away, knowing that the only way for them to find out was through Junsu whom they had to wait patiently for his leave from Changmin's room.

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Aircond #1
Chapter 4: I know it has been a long time but I really hope that author nim update soon. Keep the faith :)
what happened to this fic? omg wait i'm in no position to ask that myself but still.... *nudge nudge wink*
HominYC #3
Chapter 5: changmin Was not worst than he's hyungs , All of them left TVXQ,and leave yunho only, changmin should not blame himself alone
it's been 5 years ,Do they really need five years to Remember yunho and to Care about him???
What about jeajoong, who claims himself as yunho halves!! After five years finally he remember that he love yunho!!
I hope that yunho is okay, and is not too late
happismile17 #4
Chapter 5: .............why? Why must I be reading these kinds of stories?! Such a good story. I have a few theories as to what Yunho is...I hope I am wrong. Update sooon!
In-completion #5
New reader here! Damn, you made me nervous and worried for yunho! >< update soon please! I want to know more!! Hope they can find yunho faster!
purewhite1981 #6
Chapter 5: i can't wait for the next chapt
please update soon
carissawhite #7
Chapter 5: ah, finally after a long time. and what with the bruises, who dare to beat uri leader. can you update sooner please? I want to know more.
galadura #8
Chapter 5: u always left us readers wanting for more.. bad amee <---- this is a compliment ;)
kireyyuki #9
Chapter 4: what happen...???? what happen...???? more update please....
as far as i know. changmin is the strongest member in dbsk.... what's the reason for him being so sad and frustration....????
what exactly happen with yunho.... ????
Chapter 4: please update soon..i'm so curious what happened to yunho..hope they will be five again..