Finally Telling


Ren’s POV

            I wanted really badly to go shopping with the rest of NU’EST but I had a full schedule today and thus couldn’t. I had decided that after I got home I would ask Aron Hyung about that Ivory thing and hopefully get an answer I will like. Though when I would get home right now was a mystery to me. I was doing the last thing on my schedule which was a photo-shoot when the power switched off. The backup lights kicked on but we still needed to have power so everything could be done and rescheduling couldn’t happen so I had to wait till they had it fixed. I was getting bored already and it had only been 30 minutes since the problem started.

            “Ren how about you contact the guys and tell them you will me late.” Manger Hyung said coming up to me.

            “But Manger Hyung I really need to ask Aron Hyung something what if he falls asleep before we get back.” I whined pouting a little.

            “Then ask him over the phone.” Manger Hyung stated and left me to the phone call.

             With a sigh I pulled out my phone and began looking for Aron Hyung’s number, contemplating on whether to ask him the question over the phone or in person. Once finding his number I pressed the call button and waited for him to pick up.

            “Yeboseyo.” Aron’s voice answered through the phone.

            “Aron Hyung I will be late today.” I told him.

            “Okay is that all I want to get back to this really good book.” Aron stated.

            “Um… no I would like to ask you a question.” I said slowly.

            “Okay what is the question?” Aron said and I could tell I had his full attention.

            “What does Ivory mean?” I asked him.

            “Well ivory isn’t really a word with a meaning it is a piece of jewelry made up of elephant, walrus, or narwhal tusks.” Aron answered.

            “Oh I don’t think they were talking about jewelry though.” I said out loud.

            “What are you talking about?” Aron questioned confused.

            “Well I heard someone say Ivory and I wanted to know what it meant.” I answered shyly.

            “If someone said it it could be a name.” Aron stated.

            “Yeah I think so too but I just wanted to ask in case I was wrong.” I said.

            “Okay. Are we done?” Aron asked and I could tell his attention was back on his book.

            “Yeah. Bye.” I said.   

            “Bye.” Aron said and then hung up.

            I put the phone down and began to look around hoping perhaps the power went back on but it wasn’t. With a sigh I walked towards the snack table to get something to eat. Once I reached there I realized that something was different about my clothes. The clothes I was wearing weren’t the ones for the photo-shoot but a pretty dress and heels. I almost screamed but I knew if I told anyone they would look at me weird so I just waited for it to disappear.

            “Ren the power is running but no one knows how long it will run for so we need to do the photo-shoot fast.” Manger Hyung told me.

            “Okay.” I said and walked back to be in front of the cameras.

            After about thirty minutes of taking photos the flashes stopped and everyone groaned.

            “God damn it.” The photographer shouted.

            “We could always do it tomorrow since it seems the electricity isn’t going to cooperate.” I suggested but instead of them agreeing I earned a glare.

            “I am leaving tomorrow and I want to take photos of the next big thing, NU’EST especially you with your girly appearance.” The photographer stated causing me to sigh.

            People always wanted to take my photos since I was something new to the scene with my girly looks and how I did some girly stuff like paint my nails. If girls could paint their nails I didn’t see why guys couldn’t I mean guys put make-up on all the time but nail polish is wrong. I walked to the nearest chair and sank down in to it with a sigh nothing seemed to be going right for me. I looked up and saw the bright sun instead of the roof, I sighed if this kept going on I would commit myself.

            “Ren you don’t just have to sit there if it was Baekho he would be doing something.” Manger said coming up to me.

            “I know but I don’t want to do anything.” I stated and turned away from him.

            I don’t want to seem like an ice prince but sometimes it happens and I can’t stop it from happening. With a sigh I got back up and headed towards the bathroom. Once there I looked into the mirror and sighed once again. I didn’t like looking like a girl sometimes I wished I looked like Baekho with the muscles and stuff not some girly wimp who died the other day because he couldn’t protect himself. I lifted up my shirt to check again for bruises or something for proof the other day happened but found nothing there. I let the shirt fall back into place, washed my hands and left with another sigh.

            “If you keep sighing you will start shrinking.” A familiar voice said from outside the bathroom door.

            “Aron Hyung!” I exclaimed.

            “Yeah who did you think it was?” Aron asked.        

            “Sorry I didn’t think you would be here.” I responded looking down.

            “Do want to tell me why you have been sighing?” Aron questioned.

            “You wouldn’t believe me if I did.” I stated with another sigh.

            “Try me.” Aron said with a smile.

            “Okay follow me.” I said and led him somewhere secluded.

            “Ren if this is about your uality-” Aron said but I caught him off.

            “No it isn’t trust me I like girls and that won’t change.” I exclaimed making an X with my hands.

            “Then why are we somewhere far away from people?” Aron questioned.

            “Because if anyone else heard what I am about to tell you they would commit me to an asylum.” I answered.

            “Okay well tell me.” Aron said and sat down on the floor.

            I followed suit and sat down beginning to explain. “Two days ago when I was going to get snacks I got lost and ended up in an alley with no exit. Before I could leave this group of guys recognized me and wanted my money. I said all the wrong things and they took the money by force then beat me up because I was lying when I wasn’t. They beat me to death and just left without helping me or anything. Then something amazing happened this girl with mousy/ginger hair and the most beautiful blue eyes came. It’s fun because I fell in love while I was dying, the luck that I have. Anyway I could feel myself slipping away and she asked if I had any regrets, I said yes and told her. After that she kissed me fulfilling my regrets and there was this white light I don’t know if it was from the kiss or death. The last thing I saw before it went dark was one of her tears went into my mouth.”

            Aron just stared at me without saying a thing while I was explaining.

            “Is there anything else?” Aron asked once he snapped out of his daze.

            “Yes sometimes I am in almost a different world. Like the other night when I was shoveling food in my mouth it was because it tasted like something else.” I answered.

            “Well you should know this is very incredible and if you told anyone else about this they would commit you but I have seen the strange before so I know that what you said could happen.” Aron stated, placed a hand on my shoulder looking into my eyes and I could see he did believe me.  



~Hi sorry it took so long I had half of it done a few days ago but just never got back to it till today. Anyway someone finally knows and this where the story begins to match the character profiles and things begin to slowly fall in to place. I am also sorry with the false update things that pop up even if an author just spell checked I was spell checking and such. I hope you enjoy the chapter!! 

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Chapter 16: I will give u a gift! hehehe
ingustroll #2
Chapter 6: ohㅡmyㅡGod!!!!
this story is awesome >_____<
good job author-ssi

hm... i think they should make a drama out of this ^_^
yuki-girl #3
Chapter 13: I was happy because you updated... then i finished reading it :(
Chapter 12: Ooh, interesting story! Good job, author-nim :D
Chapter 8: cute and bubbly story. :) i will wait for the next update
Chapter 7: Awesome... That's the only way to describe this story!
yuki-girl #7
Chapter 5: hehe im right this is interesting keep up the good work and update soon ^^
yuki-girl #8
Chapter 1: Wow this will be seriously interesting update soon
Please do check out my new fan-fiction, Hey Beautiful starring Kim Suho, Jessica Jung, Choi Sulli, Choi Minho, Lee Donghae.