Clocks Never Lie


Ivory’s POV

            As soon as Sigan and I left school we headed to the clock he said he had to fix. Walking with Sigan was always calming to my soul, he didn’t talk but if he did it was to ask about how I was. Sigan seemed to always speak only when necessary when doing anything but he did know how to have fun. Most people who didn’t know him didn’t know that he knew how to have fun, what most people said was that the way he acted was suited for him being the angel of time. When people said stuff that usually Cheon-Sa, Sasin, or I would say something but Sigan would tell us not to.

            “Sigan what is wrong with the clock?” I asked after some time.

            “It doesn’t beat on heaven’s time.” Sigan answered simply like I should know what that was.

            “What?” I questioned but then regretted it.

            “Heaven’s time is different from anywhere else’s time. If the human time wasn’t linked to heavens angels couldn’t do what they do and humans would slowly be corrupted. Though some angels believe having heavens time linked with humans makes heaven impure but that is wrong. Heaven needs to be connected to the human world or angels that need to be believed in would die. Thus humans are important to most angels’ survival and vice-versa. Without guardian angels many people would die but yet the guardian angels’ power comes from the people’s belief. While angels of death guide souls to where they need to be thus keeping spirits from returning to bodies but if people did not believe angel of deaths would be seen or into the places the human spirits go.” Sigan responded but paused with what he was saying giving me time to speak.

            “Sigan you can stop now I don’t need lesson and honestly it is kind of confusing.” I stated.

            “Oh mianhae it is just I get carried away.” Sigan said looking down sheepishly.

            “It is fine. How much longer?” I attempted to make him feel better.

            “We are here.” Sigan answered by question.

            “But where is the clock?” I asked confused.

            “The other side.” Sigan answered then grabbed my hand. “Don’t let go.” He stated/commanded.

            “Wae?” I asked but it got lost as he dragged me through the building but it felt more like we stepped into an express elevator that went up 500 floors.

            We reached the other side and I collapsed onto the floor trying not to spill my guts on the floor. Sigan turned around and saw me on the floor breathing in air slowly.

            “Mianhae I forgot to warn you the first time is always the hardest.” Sigan apologized kneeling next to me and rubbing my back soothingly.

            “Ani it is fine I should have known it would be different.” I said finally recovering.

            “On the return trip we will just use the roof and jump.” Sigan stated and walked to the clock that was set in a place on the wall but it was backwards to us.

            “I have never been in a clock tower before.” I said in awe at all the gears.

            “Really?” Sigan asked almost like he couldn’t believe it.

            “Yeah.” I answered and touched a random gear.

            “Wow. Hmm something is strange this time.” Sigan stated looking at the clock face.

            “What?” I questioned coming to stand beside him.

            “Usually the clock over time gets off of heaven’s time but this time it was pushed off it forcefully.” Sigan responded peering at the clock a quizzical look on his face.

            “What could’ve caused it?” I asked coming closer to him.

            Sigan froze all of a sudden almost like something grabbed his soul and took it away from his body leaving him only a shell of himself. His body dropped to the floor his eyes wide open but no light in them that shows a spirit was in. ‘So the way I described him is right” I thought in my mind. I sat down next to him and put his head in my lap knowing not to disturb him from whatever had caused this. I started to get uncomfortable with his eyes open the way they were so I closed them carefully.

            I sat back on my hands waiting for his eyes to open. All of a sudden his eyes snapped open and I was met with eyes that looked like clocks. I freaked out at that and tried to talk to him but he didn’t say anything back. His eyes closed again and then he blinked them open a few times. When he stopped blinking and opened his eye up fully they were the normal blue that could capture any girls’ heart.

            “Thank angels you are alright.” I exclaimed and smiled at him.

            Sigan just stared at me like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing or what he saw. He got up and went to fixing the clock not even smiling back at me like he would if he didn’t know what to say. I pouted quite upset that he was ignoring me. With a sigh I got up and went to where he was with his hand on the clock.

            “Sigan what is wrong?” I asked stopping behind him.

            Once again he ignored me and continued just looking at the clock with his hand on it, I was starting to get angry. I took a step back and tried to think of a way to make him say something. I got an idea right away.

            “Sigan tell me what is wrong or I will leap off the roof without my wings out.” I stated.

            Sigan slowly turned around and faced me his eyes almost empty, cold not like they should be.

            “How could you?” Sigan asked.

            “What?” I responded confused.

            “How could you bring someone back to life?” Sigan explained.

            “What are you talking about?” I stuttered trying to lie.

            “Ivory clocks know everything and they will never lie so answer my question now!” Sigan exclaimed and I could see a strange look to his eyes.

            “I don’t know Sigan! All I know is I didn’t want him to die so I fulfilled his wish and kissed him then one of my tears fell into his mouth.” I shouted matching his tone.

            “Ivory people shouldn’t be brought to life.” Sigan said softly.

            “You think I don’t know that well I do but something about him made me unable to let go of him, to let him go!” I exclaimed and collapsed onto the floor sobbing at how confused I was over one boy.



AN: Sorry for taking so long. Any way I hoped you like it and the image used is how I picture Sigan's eyes when he snaps open his eyes but without the mascara. I hope to hear from you my readers I am beginning to feel like no one is reading so comment. 

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Chapter 16: I will give u a gift! hehehe
ingustroll #2
Chapter 6: ohㅡmyㅡGod!!!!
this story is awesome >_____<
good job author-ssi

hm... i think they should make a drama out of this ^_^
yuki-girl #3
Chapter 13: I was happy because you updated... then i finished reading it :(
Chapter 12: Ooh, interesting story! Good job, author-nim :D
Chapter 8: cute and bubbly story. :) i will wait for the next update
Chapter 7: Awesome... That's the only way to describe this story!
yuki-girl #7
Chapter 5: hehe im right this is interesting keep up the good work and update soon ^^
yuki-girl #8
Chapter 1: Wow this will be seriously interesting update soon
Please do check out my new fan-fiction, Hey Beautiful starring Kim Suho, Jessica Jung, Choi Sulli, Choi Minho, Lee Donghae.