

Alice shuddered at the sound of a door slamming.

“Is that the end?”

“I hate you, I don’t want to see you ever again!!”
The words of her girlfriend….her ex-girlfriend, echoed in her head.

Yes, putting her on second place was wrong, she never denied it. But she didn’t want it to end that way. She could change, she could fix everything.
But Ara just slammed the door behind her, something she never did, although they had fought a lot before. Shouting at her that she hates her – Ara seemed more serious than ever.

Alice wanted to follow her, but something had paralyzed her body and she was unable to move an inch. Instead she collapsed on the floor, bursting out in tears, screaming inarticulate words. She was too loud – like some part of her was trying everything for Ara to hear her pain and come back. But it was over. Every part of her knew it and that made her shouts even louder and cries even harder.
The images of that beautiful girl that was her – they were dancing in her head. They were so happy and then she ruined everything… It hit her again. She was the reason why Ara left.
She grabbed a glass of water from a nearby table and threw it on the floor, falling onto the broken glass pieces, which caused her wounds all over her body. Her blood mixed with the water that was spilled on the floor.

She fell asleep from exhaustion.

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