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Imperfect Sanity

“We’ve expected better from you.” Kyung Mi sighed, muttering incoherent words under her breath, as the words from her parents replayed in her head.


“Stupid Science. Stupid brain. How hard is it to remember all of those things?” she scolded herself, kicking rocks along the road. And the answer to her question was ‘very hard’. The girl hated to admit it, but it was extremely difficult to remember anything  and she couldn’t help but be mad at herself for that reason.



Park Kyung Mi was the type who would never settle for a 90 in anything - much less lower than it. But yet in the latest science test, she had gotten a 84%. And her parents were, well, not too happy about it



Nearby, she could spot a neighborhood park and decided she needed some fresh air to relax as well as clear her mind. Upon stepping foot onto the grass, she felt herself beginning to relax a bit as her eyes began to take in nature’s scenery. It’s a waste really, how people don’t have the time to spend here anymore, considering how there seemed to only be around 5 people here.



But yet once again she had to ask herself, when was the last time she had been out here? A long time. The girl failed to notice she had been too caught up studying that she forgot to give herself some time to relax and enjoy life.



Tilting her head, she noticed a figure sitting on the grass while leaning against the tree. A familiar patch of blonde and pink hair stood out on the top of his head and the girl knew right away who it could be.




Afraid that he could be sleeping, she carefully made slow steps towards him before taking a seat next to Yongguk who seemed to be oblivious of her presence. Not wanting to wake him up by talking, Kyung Mi found herself just staring at his peaceful face when sleeping.



Unconsciously, her eyes began to trace his defined features and she couldn’t but think with the sun shining on his face like this - he resembled an angel more than ever. Deciding she should just head off to avoid waking up him up - along with looking like some kind of creeper - she stood up and brushed the dirt off of her skirt. About to walk away, Kyung Mi stopped when she felt something pulling at the hem of her cardigan.



Surprised she turned around to see Yongguk there, keeping her from going. His eyes were still closed as a soft smile spread across his face. Not knowing why, she obliged to his command, taking a seat next to him once again, leaning her back against the tree as well.



Gnawing her bottom lip, she stole another glance at him, heart somehow able to feel at ease just by looking at his blissful face. There was an occasional soft wind blowing across, ruffling his hair along with the leaves on the tree and Yongguk’s smile still remained there, looking as if this was one of life’s most blissful moment and he was doing all he could to enjoy it.



He didn’t seem to be wanting to strike up a conversation so Kyung Mi just sat there, staring at him from the corner of her eye, taking in as much of this picturesque scene as she could.



“It’s not nice to just stare at someone like that you know.” Kyung Mi was taken aback as Yongguk sudden spoke a slightly smug look on his face as she turned red with embarrassment. The male’s eyes didn’t open at all, and she wasn’t expecting herself to be caught so easily.



The two sat there, a comfortable silence taking over again. Kyung Mi didn’t know why. Just sitting here with him was enough to make her feel at ease and relaxed.



“You look down.” Yongguk suddenly said, opening one eye to look at her. “What’s wrong?” His statement took the girl back once again as she gave him a bewildered look.



How did he know? Kyung Mi wasn’t the type to let other people know her feelings easily, not to mention she’s only known Yongguk for a couple days. And second of all, he barely knew her. She’ll admit, they’re not strangers anymore, but they weren’t close enough as friends for him to actually be expected to care.



“Just feeling down because of a lecture from my parents. I got an 84% on my science test.” Kyung Mi sighed, ripping out small bits of grass from the ground.



“Isn’t that passing? Pretty good if you ask me.” Yongguk stated as a matter of fact as the lass heaved another sigh.



“They don’t accept anything lower than a 90. It’s too low for a person trying to become a doctor.” For a split moment, the girl caught Yongguk’s mouth about to say something before he closed it and thought for a moment.



“You’re becoming a doctor?” he questioned, earning a nod from the girl. “Let me guess. Your parents say that job has the money and brings pride to your familiar right?”



Kyung Mi nodded slowly, amazed at how he grasped everything so easily. Yongguk was a truly mysterious guy. She could never seem to figure out what he was thinking but yet, the male seemed to be able to understand and piece everything together with so little to work from.



“Your parents should know knowledge isn’t everything.” Kyung Mi raised an eyebrow at the latter.



“Yes it is. Without knowledge, where would you go in life?”



And his reply seemed to have brought her way of thinking to a whole new different world. “Anywhere. Because you have imagination with you.” Yongguk looked at her surprised face and chuckled. “Humans all have a familiar nature - the sense of desire. The desire for perfection, for knowledge, for winning. But..you know. They’re all wrong.” He looked at her, seeing how focussed she was on his words. “You’re wrong. Knowledge isn’t everything. In this life, imagination is half the battle. And sanity is well - imperfect in this world. Why work so hard for the knowledge you desire when you’re already born with such a limitless imagination? Why do people still strive for perfection when they repeatedly admit themselves that imperfection is beauty?”



Kyung Mi sat there, completely awestruck by what he had said, by just him.



Another wave of a comfortable silence enveloped the two again, but this time, each seemed to be lost in their own thoughts.



“You truly don’t want to become a doctor, do you?”



Kyung Mi’s eyes widened slightly. “What makes you say that?”



“Your eyes.” Yongguk stated as-a-matter-of-fact. “I don’t see it. The look of passion when you talk about becoming a doctor. I see more of..longing and regret, almost as if you had lost a dream.”



“I have..” she mumbled, eyes staring off to the distance. “It might sound like a foolish dream honestly, but that was what made my life worth living everyday. I would spend countless hours a day singing in my room. Anything would do but there would not be a day gone by without me singing. I would dream of standing in front of an audience and singing my heart out, the applause at the end filling my eardrums and I would finally be able to think to myself, ‘I’m home’. ” A sad smile spread across her lips as the girl felt that familiar sense of lost build up in her. “But I threw that dream away. My parents had set me to up to be a doctor. They thought that the arts was useless. Singing, dancing, acting - all of that is useless in life.” Kyung Mi finished, feeling a tear wanting to escape her eyes but quickly wiped it away before it came into view.



“I think your dream was worth fighting for. In fact, every dream is worth fighting for.” Yongguk said, looking at Kyung Mi seriously. “Why did you give it up?”



“But my parents had already..” she trailed off, glancing at Yongguk who seemed to understand exactly what she was trying to say.



“You know, sometimes, it’s okay to be a bit rebellious.” He grinned at her. “If you don’t speak up, how are they going to know what you want? Just thinking about it. If you are going to listen to your parents without fighting back, you’ll regret it later. Trust me. 20 more years down the road, you’ll thinking about it again and regret that you never fought for your real dream, but instead, spent your life fulfilling someone else’s dream.”



Yongguk stretched, looking like he had just woken up from a nap, pushing himself off from the tree to get onto his feet. “Say.” He turned around, giving the girl a warm smile. “Can you go somewhere with me?”



The girl gave him a doubtful look before standing up herself. “Where?”



He grinned, taking a step forward, increasing the distance between them before before turning back to meet her gaze. “I don’t know. But, I know exactly what we’re going to do.”



Kyung Mi titled her head. “What are we doing?” Feeling a strong grip around her wrist, she looked up to meet with Yongguk’s playful smile and the girl bit back a smile trying to crawl onto her face.  



“Letting loose and being insane. Because, being sane is too boring.”



Author's note : ... i personally think this is one of those more interesting chapters. even though nothing much happened and it's mostly dialgoues, i enjoyed writing this. i hope you guys are starting to get the message i'm trying to convey in the story ^^

comment and let me kno what you think! i love communicating with my readers but i cant when you guys don't say anything ; n ; happy reading!

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Chapter 6: the inspiration - i . want . to . be . insane . TT
Chapter 4: haha glaring and glaring . i would do that to guk too if he did that to me x"D
i wish i could be insane like him TT.TT
wouldn't life be way more awesome haha .
Chapter 3: be insane and have fun sounds fun i want to do that ; ;
and i like this chapter :D
How long do you get for the extended deadline?
Chapter 2: yongguk is so down to earth orz .
and yongguk is such an adorable dork in the story ; ;
and hooray for meeting again haha
Chapter 1: it isn't very cliche tbh but oh well . i thought the man she bumped into was guk i guess i was wrong haha xD and the milk part asdfghjkl okay idk am i weird i find it funny . :3
and i hope they meet again .-.
Wow, I really liked the first chapter!!
It was really good!! =D
Update soon, please >U<