Healing Touch - Lay


"Ouch..." Kai grimaced as he almost fell to the ground had Kyungsoo not caught him. The members looked at him with worry, while Kyungsoo murmured reassuring words to calm them. He slung his arm under Kai's shoulder and half-carried him backstage.


"You should get Yixing to check your waist, Jongin." Luhan suggested, frowning.


The other members nodded along; they were worried about Kai's condition and could not concentrate on the stage. The situation got to the point where Kai was holding his waist occasionally and almost slipped while performing.


"No...it's fine Luhan, the doctor would ask how it got healed so fast." Kai grimaced as Kyungsoo settled him down on a couch in their waiting room.


"You could just say 'it's a medical miracle!', or something like that." Baekhyun interjected.


"Yeah! It's not like they would know." Chanyeol supplied, playing the role of a supportive boyfriend. Baekhyun gave him a smile and Chanyeol beamed as he sat on the dressing table.


"I could reverse it for you." Tao said with his unique Korean accent.


"No, guys. Listen, it will be fine if I go to the doctor and got some painkillers." Kai said, effectively calming the ruckus that was about to happen. He did not want to make the members worry about his injury; they had a packed schedule as it is.


Sehun, who were mostly quiet at this point, spoke up. "Yixing hyung, did you even heal your injury back then?"


Lay smiled guiltily. "I took some painkillers."


"That's right, why didn't you heal it yourself?" Chanyeol looked surprised as he realized that important point.


"I did not want to raise suspicion, we don't have to dance so much anyway. I'm fine now, Kai is the one being injured, and we need to get him some rest." Lay said quickly, trying to get the members' attention back to Kai.


"The managers got the car ready. Kai, just don't overexert yourself for tomorrow's performance. No spinning or jumping on stage, I'm sure the fans will understand." Suho nodded at Kai, smiling like he usually did whenever they had a hard time. The members started moving out of their waiting room, with Kai supported by Kyungsoo.


Lay looked at Suho gratefully as they walked out. "Joonmyun, th-"


"Don't mention it." Suho patted Lay's back reassuringly, then went in front to check on Kai.


Lay watched him go, feeling a bit better as he thought about how Suho fit his leader role at times like this. Suho might not seem like a firm leader, but he had his own way of solving arguments and problems.


"Okay?" Kris appeared behind him, startling Lay out of his reverie.


"Okay." Lay nodded. This seemed to satisfy Kris as he shuffled to Tao's side, listening to whatever rant the youngest from Exo-M were saying to Sehun and Luhan.




Lay did not say it. But he had a reason for not healing his injuries back then. He would feel like he cheated somehow, while the other members got by with painkillers and quick therapies. Sometimes Lay thought that the members didn't need his healing powers, but they would say that it would tire him on their busy schedule, or how they did not want anyone to notice how the members recovered so quickly after injuries.


He once voiced his worries to Xiumin.


"Remember when Tao got injured after playing basketball with Kris? You healed him afterwards. It was before we start practicing for our comeback stage, so we had quite some time to rest. I know how tiring it is to use your powers Lay, so you don't have to force yourself." advised Xiumin.


Lay nodded halfheartedly as Xiumin went back to rearranging his drawers. Tao's power were tiring too, as it took more energy to use, just like his healing touch, but he still felt like he could do more for s.




Suho did not know what woke him up at first, but he heard the door to their room closed quietly and someone tiptoeing inside. He tried not to move and lay still on his side, listening.


"Chiu chiu chiu chiu..." Suho heard the soft whispers, and smiled. He imagined Lay moving his hands around Kai's waist the way he demonstrated it on some of the shows they attended.


After a while the whispers stopped, and he listened to Lay's footsteps as he opened and closed the door quietly on his way out. Suho waited for a few seconds, then got up and exited his room.


The kitchen light was on, and he walked in the direction, expecting to find the 'unicorn' there.


Lay sat in the kitchen nursing some energy drink he opened a while ago, closing his eyes and let out a little sigh.


"Can't sleep?" The voice startled him and he almost dropped his can, he opened his eyes to see the leader standing at the doorway, smiling like he knew something. Could it be that...


"Did you...?" Suho nodded, moving to sit across Lay with a look of understanding across his face.


Lay scratched the back of his right ear with his index finger, a usual habit of his when being nervous.


"I didn't heal all of it, just made it hurt less." Lay explained, looking at Suho worriedly. "Please don't tell the other members." He added after a bit of silence. Suho just stared at him intensely, making Lay squirmed a little under the intense stare.


"I understand." Lay released the breath he unknowingly held at Suho's answer, knowing that the leader would not push him for further explanations. He downed the rest of his beverage and followed the leader back to their respective rooms.


"Good night, Yixing." Suho whispered as they opened the doors simultaneously. The leader flashed a reassuring smile at Lay.


Lay smiled back as he turned to look at Suho before entering his room. His bed still felt warm, just like his heart. "Good night, Suho." He whispered as he closed his eyes to a peaceful slumber.




"I feel better today." Kai stated as he entered the living room while the members were getting ready for their next schedule. The members started murmuring their relief and patted him on the back while Kai stood there blushing a little.


"That's good." Suho replied. "But remember what I said yesterday."


"Yes, hyung." Kai bowed cheerfully.


Lay turned to face the window and smiled secretly, satisfied.


As long as I can lessen their pain.

For the kind hearted unicorn, Yixing.

Source of inspiration (x, y, z)

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Chapter 5: awesome~ daebak XD i love it.
xiumin~~ *v*
please update soon :D
MaknaeJongie #2
Chapter 4: So cute! I love it ^^
Hehe the cuteness of this story I cannot the feels :3
Thanks for writing~! 8)
riksantika #3
This story is very great! Not too cheesy for me. It reveals every unique side of how the members use and learn to control their power. I am incredibly touched with chapter 4. It seems like it is Lay himself who wrote it. Fantastic but not elastic. Hehe. Thank you for writing this. I hope I can see you update it soon. Very soon if it can be. Love your work so much ~
--babystar #4
Chapter 4: Yixing is so nice ;;
--babystar #5
Chapter 2: more fluff ; ~ ; this time from hunhan.asdfghjkl.sehunnie<3
--babystar #6
Chapter 1: Oh my god fluff. That is sweet!
Hookedonkpop #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^