We Are One! EXO Oneshots

Zia walked into the class and spotted Tao laughing off with his friends.She pursed her lips looked the other way and sat down on one of the chairs near the front.

"Hey Tao,your girlfriend is here." Sehun whispered to him.Tao turned around and saw Zia.Tao walked to the seat next to Zia and sat down.

"Hi baby." Tao said brushing his hand against her hair.Zia glared at him but didn't respond to his greeting.Tao knew he was in deep because he didn't turn up yesterday at her house for their date.He wondered how the hell he was going to get himself back in her good books. "Zia babyyyyy." Tao whined trying to be cute.

"Stop Tao,dont try to act cute to get out of this.I'm really angry!" Zia said through her teeth. "You could have called or told me...but no! I had to wait at my house,with SOMEONE'S favourite dinner ready but the jerk didn't come." Tao grabbed her hands and shook them.

"Babyyyy.I'm really sorry! How about today,you come over to the house and Ill make you dinner.We can watch a movie! Your choice.You know those romantic comedies? Ill do it!" Tao begged her and made bbuing bbuing faces hoping his girlfriend would accept.Zia looked over at Tao's face and bit her lip.This man knew what would make her always say yes to him. "Pleaseeee?" Tao used his aegyo on her more.

'Fine fine! But you have to do A LOT, to make me forgive you Zi Tao." Tao nodded happily and hugged Zia.He was about to kiss her but she stopped him. "Only when I forgive you,you will get ALL OF THIS." She pointed towards her lips making Tao groan.He had to make her forgive him.

After school,Tao had decided to go grocery shopping with Kris,Sehun and Kai.Lay and Luhan would go get him some rented DVD's all romantic comedies.Chanyeol,Baekhyun,Xiumin,Chen,Suho and D.O would clean their house.With 12 guys living together,the house was basically a bachelor pad.Video games and underwear everywhere.He was not going to let his girlfriend see the real dump that the boys lived in.

Kris drove Tao,Kai and Sehun to the big grocery shop with a list from D.O on what to buy to make a perfect dinner. Though the moment they went to the grocery shop, it was chaos.Sehun and Kai kept taking all junk food like cakes and chips.Tao however couldn't decide which brand would be perfect for Zia.Its the first time he would attempt to cook for her.

"Ge, which one should we get?" He looked at his older brother and then looked at the selections that they had.

"The cheapest." Kris shrugged.

"GE!" Tao exclaimed. "Its for my girlfriend!" He glared slightly at Kris. "You need a girlfriend,weirdo."

"Sorry! Fine fine,Ill call D.O and ask him." He put it on speaker.Tao and Kris waited for the answer which took quite a long time.D.O answered in a state of panic. "D.O whats going on there?"

"Um,hyung.Chanyeol and Baekhyun..they played a prank on Suho hyung.And now he's chasing them around." D.O explainedd quickly.

"YAH! STOP BOTH OF YOU!" They heard Suho exclaim over the phone.

"Oh no.My dates ruined!" Tao said to Kris with a whine.

"HYUNG HYUNG!" Sehun and Kai ran up to them.They showed him a bag filled with candy. "Can we get this please please?" Sehun begged with Kai.The phone was still on and they all heard arguing over the phone.

"D.O?" Kris said.

"Yes hyung?" D.O answered quickly.

"Pass the phone to Suho.NOW." He heard scuffling and then Suho's voice answered. "You listen to me,if by the time I come home with these 3 and the house is not up to Zia's standards,each one of you is going to get your kicked.I am not going to let you ruin this for Tao.Because if you do,I'm the one he whines to.You get me?" He growled down the phone.Even Sehun,Kai and Tao shrank away from him as each word came out. He put down the phone and turned to look at the younger ones. "What?"

"You're scary hyung." Kai said.

"Let's just do this." Kris went around with the boys behind him and finally they got all the ingredients.They drove home,but all of them became shocked noticing Zia's car right in front of the house.Tao's eyes widened and he quickly ran in to see Zia helping the guys clean the mess.

"BAOBEI! What are you doing?" Tao asked as he took the broom out of Zia's hand.He glared at Baekhyun who quickly ran behind Chanyeol.

"What's it look like? I'm helping them clean." She took the broom away from him and picked up the trash.

"But why? And why are you here so early?" 

"Why you don't like me here?" Zia put her hands on her hips. They both heard "OOPPS" from the other guys.

"No.I love you here! Its just you don't have to do this! I was supposed to make you food and pamper you!" Tao pouted as he sat down.Kris quickly ushered the rest of the boys away to give them time alone.Zia sat down next to Tao and poked him in the ribs.He yelped and looked at her with low eyes.

"You're such a big baby." He looked down at his hands and sighed. "But you're my big handsome baby Zi Tao.I came over because I wanted to cook with you.I honestly didn't want to die of food poisoning." Zia lied playfully.

"I wouldn't have done that to you!" Tao said not getting her joke. 

"TAO! I was kidding.Goodness." She ran her hands through his hair and he finally looked at her.

"I don't want to be a bad boyfriend.These guys deserve my wushu on them." Tao said punching the air.

"Tao,you're not a bad boyfriend.You never were.I already forgave you for last night." She kissed his cheek.

"You did?" She nodded. 

"So now,let me cook for you and the guys while you guys attempt to clean the mess up.Then,we will watch a movie okay?So go grab the groceries you just bought.Yah! BAEKHYUN AND CHANYEOL! Help TAO!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol ran out to the door quickly not wanting to suffer Zia's wrath.Zia grinned at Tao who smiled back.

Whilst the guys cleaned up,D.O and Lay helped Zia in the kitchen.Once in a while,Tao would go into the kitchen.He would give Zia a back hug and a kiss.He also helped out a bit before being shooed away by D.O. In about an hour,both sides were done.

"GUYS,FOOD!" Lay yelled.All the boys sat together at the table and Zia sat next to Tao.

"Thank you for the food Zia." All the boys chorused together.

"No problem guys!Hope you like it." 

"If they don't Ill kick their butts.Wushu style.With the stick." Tao made sure each guy at the table saw his expression.It was a real threat.

"We know she would hit us first." Chen said.All the guys stared at him wondering why he would announce it. With his mouth full,he said "What?"

"Disgusting." Xiumin shook his head.Then,everyone started complimenting the food causing Zia to smile.

"Thank you baby." Tao said and leaned in to kiss her.Unfortunately,they were stopped by the guys going 'ewww', 'get a room'. Tao glared at them.

"Get a girlfriend." He replied.

"I WILL." Sehun replied.Everyone turned to look at him shocked.

"I would honestly like to see you try." Kai replied haughtily. Then,both of them started arguing which caused a chain reaction.Everyone started arguing with each other.Suho had Baekhyun's head in his hold while Chanyeol attempted to save Baekhyun but was stopped by D.O.Kris tried to stop Kai and Sehun with Lay's help.Luhan had taken to Sehun's side and was not helping at all.Xiumin and Chen just continued eating without caring about what was going on around them. Tao and Zia looked at each and shook their heads.

"You can't live with them....." Zia said.

"But I can't live without them." Tao finished her sentence with a laugh.They continued eating tuning the fight out,which eventually died down.

They all ended up spending the rest of the evening watching Carrie.Zia had to laugh watching all these 12 boys reaction to this movie.It was absolutely priceless.

"Having a good time?" Tao asked.She nodded and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Then my work here is done." Tao whispered kissing her head.

YAY~ :) Only D.O 3 left and then the start of ROUND 4.

Wow...so fast!

Do comment! :) 120 SUBBIES! COMMENT PLEASE. <3


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i_love_exo_xoxo #1
Chapter 21: In this one shot are we the mother or the teacher..?
Bella2298 #2
Chapter 1: Wow, I made a cameo, thanks aha :)
Chapter 41: hi~
so umm.. I just wandering around my subscription list then I found this story. I read this again and authornim can you continue this story? :)
I just dont want it to end like this.. :)
Hirnfresser #4
Chapter 45: Author-nim your stories are amazing! Don't worry this chapter wasn't disappointing at all! ^w^ And I can totally understand why she stopped him from going further! I would probably do that too xD Can't wait for the next chapter!! Please update soon :3 Btw I'm from Germany >u<
Chapter 29: omg its daebak!!!! u are an awesome author!!! but i hope for her to break up with luhan actually.. (yeah im evil i know :p) im sorry i cant read the chapters left bcoz i have to study. and im from malaysia too!! ayoo waddup~(okay thats rude emm..nice to meet you?) peacenowar authornim!! (^w^)/
Chapter 29: omg its daebak!!!! u are an awesome author!!! but i hope for her to break up with luhan actually.. (yeah im evil i know :p) im sorry i cant read the chapters left bcoz i have to study. and im from malaysia too!! ayoo waddup~(okay thats rude emm..nice to meet you?) peacenowar authornim!! (^w^)/
Chapter 37: *nosebleed*
Chapter 45: Wow~ I'm really like your ff.please update soon!
Chapter 45: It was really good. Btw, I'm from Malaysia ;)