We Are One! EXO Oneshots

"Baekchan!" A little boy heard his name being called by his father.The 4 year old ran towards the man and hugged him.Baekhyun carried his son up to his chest and kissed his forehead.Baekhyun then strapped him into his car and got in into the driver's seat.

"Daddy?" The boy wringed his hands nervously.For a four year old Baekchan was already a very bright child.He looked towards his son and smiled at the boys cuteness.Byun Baekchan is a carbon copy of his father,Byun Baekhyun.

"Yeah son?" He asked. The boy looked up towards his father with his wide eyes.

"Why don't I have a mommy like Chansunnie?" He asked. Baekhyun his lip nervously.How could he tell the truth to his son that his mother didn't want to be with him or Baekhyun? He couldn't tell a 4 year old that.

"Um,Baekchan,your mum is not here with us.She's watching you from up there." He lied.Baekchan nodded knowing that his daddy was getting upset.His father always got upset when anyone asked his father about his mother.He did not like his daddy being sad.Baekhyun cursed himself for not being able to provide a stable family for his only treasure.

"Are you excited,Baekchannie?" He asked his quiet son.His sons whole demeanor changed and he started jumping excitedly in his seat.

"Yes daddy! I wanna make new friends!" He said.Today was the first day,Baekchan was going to start kindergaten today.Baekhyun smiled but was a bit worried as well.He wasn't that popular when he was younger but he hoped his beautiful son would fare better.

Once he parked his car, he went over to his son's side and held his hand as they walked towards the classroom for his son's first day.A lady greeted both of them.

"Hello! Who is this little cutie?" The elderly lady bent down to Baekchan's height.Baekchan smiled at her and shook her hand.

"My name is Baekchan and I'm four this year!" He held up four fingers.The elderly lady smiled and patted his head.

"Well what a smart little boy we have here! I'm Mrs.Jang.I'm the principal of this kindergarten." She shook Baekhyun's hand and smiled at him encouragingly. "You must be Mr.Byun.I recognize Baekchan's file." 

"Oh wow,yes I am.Thank you so much for accepting Baekchan here.Its a very good kindergarten." He bowed. "And please call me Baekhyun."

"Well,I make a duty to know all the student's here.I will take care of him here.No worries,Baekhyun-sshi." She smiled and led them towards Baekchan's class. "Is he worried?" She asked Baekhyun silently.

"Well,I think he's excited...I think I'm the one who is nervous about this." Baekhyun laughed nervously. She clapped his back like a mother and smiled.

"Don't worry.Baekchan will be in good hands here.My granddaughther will be his class teacher and she's a sweetheart." She smiled at the thought of her dear granddaughter who inspired to be a teacher to these young kids since she was 10.Now,she is.

Once,they reached the classroom door,Mrs.Jang walked in with Baekhyun and Baekchan behind her.There were already many little kids with their mothers.Baekhyun bit his lip noticing that only the mothers came for the first day of their children's life.Baekchan tugged his hand and smiled a toothy grin at him which made him smile as well.He walked over to one of the vacant seats at the front and made sure his son was seated properly.

Mrs.Jang stood at the front of the class and called everyone's attention.Baekhyun looked up and spotted a very beautiful woman standing next to her.She had long wavy hair with an adorable headband on.She had on very minimal make up which Baekhyun liked.Her round eyes and beautiful lips.Then he looked down noticing her wearing a sweater and long skirt.She was adorable and beautiful.She was Baekchan's teacher.

"So,we prefer if the parent's do take part in their children's activities here.Encourage them." Mrs.Jang finished. "This is this classroom's teacher.Ms.Jang." There were murmurs around the room. "Yes,she's my granddaughter and I'm very confident your children are in good hands." She smiled.

Slowly one by one,the parents went up to Ms.Jang and introduced themselves and their child before leaving their children.Baekhyun decided to be last.Once it was his turn,Baekchan held his hand and skipped towards the teacher dragging his father.

"Hi!" Baekchan exclaimed. "My name is Byun Baekchan and this is my daddy,Baekhyun!" Ms.Jang smiled.

"Hello sweetie!" She bent down to his level and reach out her hands for a hug.Baekchan shyly hugged her back. "Aw,you're so adorable.I'm Ms.Hye Ri.Dont call me Ms.Jang okay?" She teased.Baekchan nodded.Ms.Hye Ri stood up and greeted Baekhyun with a bow. "Dont worry Mr.Byun,ill take care of Baekchan."

"Please call me Baekhyun.Ill entrust him in your care." He bowed.He bent down to Baekchan's height and gave him a hug.

"Rock your first day little Byun Baek." He kissed his son's forehead,bowed and left but not before looking back once.

Baekchan waved at his father's retreating figure.He looked up to see Ms.Hye Ri looking at his father too.

"Miss Hye Ri?" He called out. 

"Oh sorry,Baekchan! I spaced out a bit." She smiled down at him. "Shall we join the class?" She asked reaching out her hand.Baekchan grabbed her hand and smiled up at her.

Baekhyun felt worried the whole time he was at work.Chanyeol finally snapped his fingers at Baekhyun's face jolting him out of his thoughts.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Chanyeol grinned.

"I'm worried about Baekchan."

"Aigoo,Baekhyun,he's smarter than you.The boy will be fine!" Chanyeol told him.Baekhyun hoped he was right.When it was time to leave,Baekhyun raced to his car to pick his son up from kindergarten.

He rushed to the classroom and searched for his son.He spotted Baekchan with his teacher and went to hug his son.

"Byun Baekchan!" He hugged his son tight. "How was school?" He asked.

"It was good daddy!" Baekchan smiled happily at him. Baekhyun looked at Ms.Hye Ri and noticed her face was looking a bit off.

"What's wrong?" He whispered to her when Baekchan went to say goodbye to new friends he made.

"Um,can we talk for a while?" She asked softly.Baekhyun nodded and she led them outside the classroom. "I really don't want to pry,but um..I read Baekchan's file as well.You didn't list someone as his mother." Baekhyun looked shocked that she was asking this.

Looking at his facial expression,Hye Ri backtracked herself. "I'm really sorry if I'm prying its just that today,Baekchan was asked to introduce himself and he talked about you and his grandparents and his 11 uncles and their children but he never mentioned his mother.Then,when another child asked about his mom,he became silent and I was really worried." She started talking really fast.

"Teacher!" Baekhyun said stopping her. "You were talking really fast." He smiled at her sheepish expression.

"I'm sorry if I'm prying,Baekhyun-sshi." She said finally.Baekhyun couldn't stop his smile.This beautiful woman in front of him was worried about him and his son.It kind of touched him that a total stranger cared.It was usually his parents,brother and his best friends.

"You're not.You're his teacher.You should know.Um..Baekchan's mother left us the moment he was born.So,she's not a present figure in our lives." He said finally.

"I'm so sorry." Hye Ri felt sad all of a sudden for the beautiful little boy that captured her heart in a couple of hours.She was lucky enough to have her parents both supporting her.

"Don't be.It was her choice." He said finally.

"Baekchan is a really bright boy and he made some friends very quickly." She said making Baekhyun smile again.

"Thank you." At that moment,Baekchan ran out of class and smiled at both of them.

"Daddy! Are we going home? I have to draw!" Baekchan said happily.Baekhyun nodded and held his son's hand. "Bye,Ms.Hye Ri!" He exclaimed waving at her happily.Hye Ri smiled and waved at him and bowed to Baekhyun.

On the way,Baekchan told Baekhyun about his first day happily.

"Daddy.I really weally like Ms.Hye Ri.She's so nice and pwetty! She helped me do my A,B,C's and she draws!" He exclaimed. "What about you daddy?" Baekchan asked sneakily.Baekhyun looked at his son's wide eyes which looked hopeful.

"Daddy likes her too." Baekchan clapped his hands at his father's statement.Maybe just maybe he thought in his little mind,His daddy will be happy.

Daddy Baekhyun! For all you Baek lovers out there! :D

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Thanks to some lovely subbies!








LightOfHopeForLove (Lovely name!)

ocriyana (Love your Kris DP!)





With Love,


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i_love_exo_xoxo #1
Chapter 21: In this one shot are we the mother or the teacher..?
Bella2298 #2
Chapter 1: Wow, I made a cameo, thanks aha :)
Chapter 41: hi~
so umm.. I just wandering around my subscription list then I found this story. I read this again and authornim can you continue this story? :)
I just dont want it to end like this.. :)
Hirnfresser #4
Chapter 45: Author-nim your stories are amazing! Don't worry this chapter wasn't disappointing at all! ^w^ And I can totally understand why she stopped him from going further! I would probably do that too xD Can't wait for the next chapter!! Please update soon :3 Btw I'm from Germany >u<
Chapter 29: omg its daebak!!!! u are an awesome author!!! but i hope for her to break up with luhan actually.. (yeah im evil i know :p) im sorry i cant read the chapters left bcoz i have to study. and im from malaysia too!! ayoo waddup~(okay thats rude emm..nice to meet you?) peacenowar authornim!! (^w^)/
Chapter 29: omg its daebak!!!! u are an awesome author!!! but i hope for her to break up with luhan actually.. (yeah im evil i know :p) im sorry i cant read the chapters left bcoz i have to study. and im from malaysia too!! ayoo waddup~(okay thats rude emm..nice to meet you?) peacenowar authornim!! (^w^)/
Chapter 37: *nosebleed*
Chapter 45: Wow~ I'm really like your ff.please update soon!
Chapter 45: It was really good. Btw, I'm from Malaysia ;)