Chapter Once




Yuèjiāo, now currently known as Yoonji, knocked on the old, rickety apartment door. She held her breath and hoped for the best. The building that she was in was run down with most of the paint almost completely stripped, faded or vandalised. Yet Yooji couldn't complain, her parents would never expect her to be hiding in this kind of place.


A young man swung the door open. The pretty girl in front of his doorstep caught him by surprise, though it wasn't due to her attractive figure. He knew who she was at once. She was far too well dressed to belong anywhere near his place.

The male raised an eyebrow. "You actually came," he muttered. Awkward silence followed as he spaced out for a while,  he was also hesitant to open the door any wider. Ever so slowly, the door began to open as he gave out a long sigh.


Yoonji grinned widely and thanked him under her breath, as she was huffing from the work of dragging her huge, heavy suitcase all over town. She burst the over-packaged-like parcel through the small door frame. How rude of the male host to not give her a hand with her luggage. But Yoonji shook off the slight dissatisfaction and tried to be friendly to the boy.


She parked her suitcase in the lounge room as she wasn't sure where else to place her belongings, and skipped over to her korean tutor's younger brother.

"I'm Yoonji-inmida!" she announced excitedly.

The male rolled his eyes at her over exaggeration and quietly whispered something about an idiot, which was too quiet for Yoonji to catch.


"I'm sorry?" she asked when she didn't hear what he had said.

"Sehun,"  and with just that mention of his name, he walked into a bedroom and shut the door. A click was heard just a second later.


Yoonji was left standing there, in the middle of the lounge room, frozen. A while later, her senses kicked back in and she spotted another vacant bedroom opposite Sehun's. She walked around the tiny apartment and found that there was no other bedroom. Her new room has been decided. So she then closed herself into her new room as well, along with her things.


Though she was a little sadden that her new flat mate was kind of unpleasant, she was too lost in her bubble of happiness because she was finally away from the drama back at home. She lazily plopped on the bed and her exhaustion took over freely.




A Few Days ago:


"Everyone, would you please raise your glasses as I hereby announce this important news.  All that is here, presently, I would like to share the most important piece of information of the night. My beautiful daughter, Li Yuèjiāo shall be married to a very suitable, young man,” the man took a long pause before grinning widely, proudly. “Wu Yifan, " he finished and toasted to the people.  Everyone smiled and cheered. The news of an engagement and a future wedding would certainly be rather exciting. Just not to Li Yuèjiāo, the one being engaged. She had no idea of the arrangement. No clue, up until the moment her father had said it.



She didn't want it. She hated it. Why, oh, why did this ordeal have to happen for her? Wu Yifan, who was right beside YuèJiáo, stood, as so did she. He smiled at everyone, bowing. As so did she. She simply mimicked her fiancée’s actions. Yifan then turned to YueJiāo. He looked just as confused through his fake smile. His smile disappeared when his dark eyes landed on Yuejiao. An icy, hateful glare was sent her way, right through her iris.  She gulped and turned away from his intimidating eyes. The man she's supposed to be married to obviously did not obtain any warm feelings to the girl, none whatsoever. If anything, their marriage would turn into a dying nightmare. Yuejiao couldn’t imagine what her life would be like. Although she did have a faint idea. Wufan seemed like a bossy man who would want her to be out of his way as much as possible. Their marriage would definitely be very unhealthy. Just the thought of the future her parents had secretly organised for her was horrid. But what could be done? The situation was out of her control.


After the ceremony, Yuejiao searched for her dad. She needed answers. Marriage? Yuejiao hadn't had a single warning about it. Just out of the blue, it was decided. A decision she had no say in. Yuejiao felt broken, ignored and just like a doll, she was being thrown away by her parents.

There was no good, proper explanation apart from, “This is what we raised you up for.” Yuejiao drowned in her tears when she got home. Even though it was time for her Korean tuition, she seriously wasn’t up to it. Instead, Joohyun watched her student cry endlessly. Joohyun lent Yuejiao her shoulder and gave her comfort, seeing how Yuejiao was in no state to study her favourite language. They were great friends indeed. Yuejiao considers Joohyun to be her closest and most trusted friend.


The two then spent the hour talking, about how Yuejiao would want to escape. Somewhere in Korea, as that country was Joohyun’s home country. Joohyun was always reminiscing her country during the lessons, therefore making Yuejiao more curious and interested in visiting the place.


“Joohyunnie, I want to take a holiday there now,” Yuejiao proclaimed, and rushed out of the bedroom, dry-eyed, to book her ticket to South Korea.


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Chapter 1: the main character is her and tao? :/
well it's rare to see :D
but that's fine & interesting :D
Please update!! You could probably get more subbies if you do. It's a really interesting plot line :)
Seems Interesting! keep writing author-nim!! Would you mind checking out my fanfic? sorry for advertising :DD