Prologue: Legends of old

Voyage to The Immortal Springs

In the deepest, darkest waters of the Caribbean, where it remains in a state of everlasting serenity despite the chaos of the storms, lies a hidden island shrouded in a perpetual mist.

Whispers of an ancient temple built upon the Immortal Springs lay,

amidst the thickets of the island.

Many a sailor have met their demise voyaging to the island for it is said to be the home of the most beautiful and most feared creatures of the sea.

They say the voices of fair maidens drift along their currents as a thickening fog descends their vessel, and not before the shrill screams of dying seamen are they never seen again.

With more beauty than the fairest damsel and the voice of sweetest angels,

Yet the strength of ten thousand armies, and more speed than the fastest ship.

Have you, pray tell, been lured by the cunning maidens of the sea?



It had been one of the most ambitious sails we had ever made. Granted we were probably going to end up dying halfway through it, perhaps even before we made it a quarter of the way there. But we were young and headstrong, and more than anything we were willing to die for glory. The long and forlorn journey to the one thing that man has been forever in search of since the fall of humanity; eternal life. Legend has stated that the Immortal Springs would grant the drinker infinite years of life, but for a price; the dust from a sun sprite, the blood of a unicorn and a scale from the tail of the mighty Dragon of the Hidden Valley of Fire. The journey alone to find these three items was fraught with danger and ruthless competitors searching for the same.


However, if you had somehow managed to attain the three items without dying, the trek alone to the island was near impossible. Through Calypso’s rage and fury along the sea itself and the siren infested shipwrecks scattered along the shallow shelfs here and there. If you could make through the first two without getting eaten or killed or gaining too many casualties, then the final hurdle was certainly where you would meet your watery grave. No-one has ever seen the temple of the Immortal Springs, because no-one could ever get past the final obstacle standing before it, yet not a soul can attest to what it is that the last drawback was; no-one has ever returned from a voyage set for the Immortal Springs.


Not one.


So it was safe to say, that we, the crew of The Wandering Trident, were completely and utterly mad for even thinking that we could ever come back from a voyage this perilous alive. Then again, if we hadn’t survived, you wouldn’t be reading my story now would you?

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