






Junhong left the stash of flowers deep inside the fridge, to where he would return later. Jongup had gone into his room while Junhong said he’d stick around to throw the flowers away, in which he really didn’t.

He went upstairs to where his boyfriend was waiting in his bedroom.

“You hungry?” he asked, since he was getting a bit hungry too. Jongup nodded.

“I don’t want any flowers though,” he chuckled.

“Well you don’t need them...” Junhong murmured to himself, hoping the the older wouldn’t hear, which he did.


“Hm?” Junhong wanted to play dumb, wanting this to pass already.

“Never mind.”

Jongup and Junhong settled for eating instant ramen, since that’s what they always ate anyway. The older had a part of Junhong’s closet to himself, where he’d leave his clothes on one side, his lover’s on the other. He’d come every week, so there really was no need for him to take it back home.

He changed into a black wife beater and gray sweatpants, flashing his biceps to the guy who loved them most.

“Damn,” Junhong smirked.

“What?” Jongup laughed at the younger’s cocked eyebrow.

“Your arms look fantastic,” he replied.

“And they’re all yours, baby.” He walked closer to the younger who had just finished washing the dishes, wrapping his arms protectively around the younger, kissing him deeply. Junhong of course immediately responded.

After they broke apart, Junhong looked at the clock, realizing that it’s already 11 at night.

“We better head to bed before mom comes home. We only have so much time for ourselves.” he smiled, wrapping his arms around his lover.

“Come on then.” Jongup pulled apart slightly, and took his younger boyfriend’s hand in his and led the way up to the bedroom.

Right when they come in, Junhong turns around and closes the door, but Jongup noticed some stuff hanging from the side of Junhong’s backpack. Is it what he thinks it is?

He quickly rushed towards the object of suspicion, and s it. Junhong gasped and he watched Jongup man handle all of his, well, food.

“Why are there more flowers in here? I thought you promised to throw them away!” He practically yelled, scaring the younger male, yet again.

“I’m sorry! I just....” Junhong knew he shouldn’t be crying, but he was already starting to tear up. From how angry he had made the one he loved, and what the guys at school told him just the other day.

Jongup opened Junhong’s bedroom window, throwing the flowers out carelessly. He slams the window shut, making the other jump, yet again. He walked up in front of his boyfriend’s figure, noticing that there were tears dripping from the face looking downward.

He took the hiccuping male in his arms, walking him to bed, laying him down gently first before joining the bed with him.

“I’m so sorry,” Jongup apologized, thinking that was why the younger broke so quick, “I don’t think when I’m mad.”

“I-it’s not your fault,” Junhong said, his voice muffled as he snuggled up closer to his boyfriend’s protective figure.

“Then tell me,” Jongup sighed, “or do you just not trust me enough?”

Junhong looked up at this, his eyes red, puffy and letting a few more tears escape.

“Why would you even think that?”

“Well, you’re obviously not comfortable about telling me what the problem is. And don’t say there isn’t, because I’m pretty damn confident that there is. Now spill.”

He sniffed.

“Flowers are pretty, aren’t they?” Junhong lightened up a bit, looking back up at his boyfriend, smiling.

“Of course.”

“Is it true that if you consume pretty things, you’ll become pretty too?”

“There’s no proof of such a thing.” Jongup replies, only realizing that what other was asking started making sense.

“Is that why you ate flowers? Because you wanted to be pretty?”

Junhong nodded.

“That’s bull, Junhong!” Jongup told the other, stifling a laugh while smiling, “You’re better than pretty. You’re ing gorgeous.”

“N-no I’m not!” He started bawling again, taking Jongup by surprise.

“Did someone tell you otherwise?”

It was silent for a moment.


“H-Himchan and Daehyun told me t-to ‘stuff something pretty up my ’ because I looked like an ugly ogre that nobody would c-come to love...”

“That’s horrible! Why did you only tell me now? Something like this should be acted upon. That’s stupid!”

“It’s not stupid if it’s true...”

“Choi Junhong.” Jongup snapped.

“I will not just sit around and make you feel like you’re any less good looking than those buttfaces.”

“What are you talking about?” the younger sat up, clearly confused.

“They said you ‘looked like an ugly ogre that nobody would come to love’, right?”

Junhong hated hearing those words, but nodded anyway.

“What am I?”

Junhong shrugged.

“Your boyfriend. I’m someone who loves you to no end, no boundaries or conditions.”

He pecked Junhong’s forehead.

“You’re the only reason why I get up in the morning, and get ready to go to school just to see that beautiful face of yours every single day.”

He kissed Junhong’s temple, and he giggled at the ticklish feeling.

“When I’m stressed, I come and talk to you, and forget the reason why I did.”

He lightly brushes his lips on Junhong’s cheekbone, and leaves a pepper kiss on it.

“Whenever you wear your mask to school, I always feel a bit disappointed because I can’t see the smile on your lips when you laugh.”

Jongup finally leans in and steals Junhong’s lips into a kiss that made sure that everything Jongup had said was completely true.

“And best of all,” the older said as he parted from those pillowy lips, “you’re mine.”

Junhong starts crying again. He didn’t understand why his boyfriend had such a way with words, especially words that held a lot of love that he didn’t even know the older had for him. He was grateful.

“You’re not an ugly ogre, but you’re not pretty either,” Jongup whispered into his ear.

Junhong raised an eyebrow, “What's that supposed to mean?”

Jongup chuckled, “You aren’t an ugly ogre, you’re not pretty, but you’re perfectly gorgeous, inside and out. And that’s all I need, and nothing more.”

“Idiot,” Junhong laughed, punching Jongup playfully, “you scared me.”

The older smiled. “Flowers are nothing compared to your appearance, or my love for you. Nothing can explain what I feel towards you. So don’t feel so down. I’m right here, aren’t I?”

“Thank you, hyung.” Junhong sighed and wrapped his arms around Jongup’s neck, kissing every part of his face possible, landing on his lips lastly.

“I love you. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And I love you too.” Jongup wrapped his arms around Junhong’s waist, and the younger’s head dug into the other’s neck, seeking warmth.

“Goodnight, beautiful.”

Junhong smiled.



Here you go ^^
I hope you enjoyed it.

My writing skills still ,
so pardon my errors, if any.

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Chapter 2: Afjhfsdghjfg. I can't.
Chapter 2: This is....so...so...SWEEEEEEEETYYYYY absolutely beautiful!! OMOO~ ♥
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Chapter 2: Love it! >\\\< jongup is so sweet.. himjae are so mean.. junhong baby is not ugly.. come on.. he is so perfect ! Gorgeous, tall, cute... XD..wahh! My jonglo shipping heart.... XD