Babysitting with Suho

Babysitting with Suho

     "Couldn't you have given me a little bit of a heads up?" Joonmyun, your boyfriend, insisted as you walked into his dorm, with a black diaper bag slinged over your shoulder, carrying your baby niece.

"I wanted to surprise you!" you giggled.

He looked at the child in your arms and lightened up, suddenly feeling a sense of comfort, "And that you did" he joked. You walked towards the couch to give your back some rest, as you sat down you scanned the dorm noticing no one was around. "Where is everyone?" you asked curiously. Suho smiled as he sat down next to you, "Well, seeing as today was my only day to spend with you I asked everyone to leave the dorm to just us for a while." Feeling a little guilty you looked up into Joonmyun's eyes, he understood the look and placed his arm around you, "I'm okay with this, now the whole dorm can be our playground!" He grabbed your niece and held her close, "Hello there~ aren't you cute?" he teased playfully. "She's so cute, what's her name?" "_____" you answered watching him as he caressed her face. Suddenly he looked at you and cheered, "We should go get icecream- or go to a park? No actually an amusement park!" You laughed at his indecisiveness and added, "I think we could just stay here, after all you did get everyone to leave" He looked away from the child and into your eyes, "You're right" he acknowleged, "I'm just so excited I just want to get to know her, I know I will be seeing her again!" She looked up at him smiling and dazed.

You two spent the day playing around and doing anything to pass the time, he even read her stories. At times when you two were taking care of her it would cross your mind that it feels as if you two were actually taking care of your own child and you would stare lovingly at Suho as he would sing to her and smile knowing that one day he would make a great father. He even volunteered to change her diaper when it needed to be changed and he would warm up her milk in her bottle whenever she would cry for it. Around 6PM you two decided to watch something kid friendly and all he had was Madagascar. In the middle of the movie Suho fell asleep with his head on your lap and your niece was dreaming away in your arms. You sat taking in the peaceful comforting moment this would be a great way to spend my future you thought to yourself looking over at the baby in your arms and at Suho's sleeping head resting on your lap.

The movie ended and suddenly your phone began to ring, the sound made Suho wake up in a giant jolt and he let out a stifled whine. The child in your arms, however, continued to be lost in a deep sleep. "Ah, could you hand me that?" you requested. Suho weakly grabbed your cellphone and handed it to you. It was your sister.

"Hello?" you answered

"Hey I'm coming to pick _____ up now!" your sister notified.

"Oh alright... I'm at Joonmyun oppa's house"

"Alright, I'll get there as fast as possible" 

You hung up. Suho looked at you, "Awww is it time for her to leave already?" he asked dejectedly. "Unfortunately, yes." you answered reaching over to ruffle his hair.

He held her until it was time for her to leave, and as he handed her over to your sister he chimed, 'it was nice meeting you!" and he waved at her as she left. 

"I'm so sad now" he whispered as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. You turned in his embrace to kiss him, after holding you in for a kiss he pulled back and muttered, "well, the dorm is still empty" and in one swift motion he picked you up off your feet and led you to his bedroom.

Now you wouldn't have to feel guilty.

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kpoplove_exo #1
Chapter 1: This was pretty short, and to be honest, I don't like short stories! But this was so incredibly cute! I can't even. Suho would be an amazing father, he really would.
Chapter 1: That was so cuuuuttteee~!!! (P.s. this was my request on your blog~ X3) I loved it ^^